At last, I have my schedule for signings to celebrate Once Burned's release. If you're in any of these areas and you have some time, I'd love to meet … [Read more...] about June & July appearances
Eternal Kiss of Darkness special ebook edition and contest!
To celebrate the upcoming release of Once Burned, from now though June 25th, my publisher is offering a special ebook edition of Eternal Kiss of … [Read more...] about Eternal Kiss of Darkness special ebook edition and contest!
Once Burned contest
I've promised another contest to win an early copy of Once Burned and I'm ready to deliver! So if you're interested, head on over to Vampire Book Club … [Read more...] about Once Burned contest
Once Burned snippet
It's the final month of deadline so I don't have a lot going on except work, and who wants to hear me ramble about that? In lieu of shop talk, here's … [Read more...] about Once Burned snippet
Video snippets from C2E2
Just got these from my publisher so I wanted to share them. If you weren't able to make it to the "We're No Angels" panel at C2E2 earlier this month … [Read more...] about Video snippets from C2E2
Breaking my own rule
As regular blog readers know, I usually don’t re-link reviews to my books. Reason being is that I’m fortunate enough to have lots of reviews on my … [Read more...] about Breaking my own rule
RT recap, Day 3
Okay, on to Saturday, the third day of the RT convention. Among other things, that was also the RT Giant Book Fair day. I can’t remember what made me … [Read more...] about RT recap, Day 3
RT recap, days 1 and 2
Got in last night from RT after a stormy drive back to NC. Because it would be twelve hours total driving, I broke the trip into two days. Very glad … [Read more...] about RT recap, days 1 and 2