As promised, here is the latest SHADES OF WICKED snippet. In case you missed the other ones, they are HERE and HERE. Each snippet is in linear order … [Read more...] about New SHADES OF WICKED snippet!
October appearance, updates, excerpt head’s up and more
Hi again! This post is going to be a potpourri of topics, so apologies in advance for jumping all over the place. Let's get started with appearances! … [Read more...] about October appearance, updates, excerpt head’s up and more
Yes, the blog has been silent lately. Sorry about that, but I had a good reason. Last night, I typed my two favorite words in the world: The … [Read more...] about Finished!
Appearance change, flattered and funny
This post is going to skip around a bunch. I'll start off with the appearance change. Unfortunately, I will not be attending Shameless Con in Orlando … [Read more...] about Appearance change, flattered and funny
Exhaustion, expectations and finding balance
I originally wrote this as a long Tweet thread a couple days ago, and I got so much feedback from other writers says they’ve struggled with … [Read more...] about Exhaustion, expectations and finding balance
Family update and new Shades of Wicked excerpt
Things haven’t been less hectic on the personal front, but at least they’re less worrisome at the moment. The weekend before last, instead of going to … [Read more...] about Family update and new Shades of Wicked excerpt
Apollycon cancellation
Hi, all. I was supposed to be at Apollycon this weekend, but I have to cancel. Yes, this is very last minute and I want to apologize to the readers … [Read more...] about Apollycon cancellation
Rollercoaster week
Note: None of this post is publishing related. Skip if you only want book news or professional updates. I can't believe it's already Friday, and … [Read more...] about Rollercoaster week