It's the final month of deadline so I don't have a lot going on except work, and who wants to hear me ramble about that? In lieu of shop talk, here's … [Read more...] about Once Burned snippet
Video snippets from C2E2
Just got these from my publisher so I wanted to share them. If you weren't able to make it to the "We're No Angels" panel at C2E2 earlier this month … [Read more...] about Video snippets from C2E2
Breaking my own rule
As regular blog readers know, I usually don’t re-link reviews to my books. Reason being is that I’m fortunate enough to have lots of reviews on my … [Read more...] about Breaking my own rule
RT recap, Day 3
Okay, on to Saturday, the third day of the RT convention. Among other things, that was also the RT Giant Book Fair day. I can’t remember what made me … [Read more...] about RT recap, Day 3
RT recap, days 1 and 2
Got in last night from RT after a stormy drive back to NC. Because it would be twelve hours total driving, I broke the trip into two days. Very glad … [Read more...] about RT recap, days 1 and 2
Romantic Times and C2E2 appearances
I'm on the road again! This week/weekend, you can find me at the following places in Chicago, IL. Romantic Times convention: Thursday, April … [Read more...] about Romantic Times and C2E2 appearances
Ebook news
News: I'm very excited to announce that the digital versions (ebooks) of my backlist novels will now cost $5.99. That represents a 25% discount from … [Read more...] about Ebook news
Arc winners from reviewer/blogger contest!
Wow, thanks so much for your enthusiasm with the blogger/reviewer contest! When I posted it, I thought I might get twenty, maybe thirty entries. … [Read more...] about Arc winners from reviewer/blogger contest!