Hi again! I’m so excited to be attending my second Dragon Con next week in Atlanta, GA. My schedule is now final, so if you’re also attending (and it’s SO much fun!) I hope you’ll stop by one of these events:
Friday, August 30th
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: Melding the Real & the Magical: World-Building in UF
Description: Our panel of authors will discuss both the challenges and advantages associated with adding the supernatural to their creations that take place in a recognizable world.
Panelists: Gordon Andrews, Ilona Andrews, Anne Schlea, Darin Kennedy, Jeaniene Frost, Carol Malcolm(M)
Time: 2:30 pm
Location: Regency VI-VII Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: NYT Bestselling Authors Tell All
Description: These bestselling authors will share all their secrets about the writing life–how successful authors really live, work, & play.
Panelists: Nancy Knight(M), Jim Butcher, Sherrilyn Kenyon, David Weber, Jeaniene Frost, Delilah S Dawson
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Amerismart Building 2 (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: Signing
Description: Signing at The Missing Volume book store, at the end of the row, booth numbers 1201,1203,1300,1302. See below about the special tote bag giveaway!
Saturday, August 31st
Time: Sat 11:30 am
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: The Perfect Blend: Essential Ingredients of UF
Description: Urban Fantasy contains an intriguing mix of components, that variety often proving the basis of the genre’s appeal. Our panel of authors explore which ingredients they employ, and discuss which they feel to be essential to the genre. *There will be a signing session immediately following the panel.
Panelists: Ilona & Gordon Andrews, Richard Kadrey, James J. Butcher, Jeaniene Frost, Carol Malcolm(M)
Time: Sat 01:00 pm
Location: Overlook Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: Signing.
Group signing features all the authors from the The Perfect Blend panel: Jeaniene Frost, James J. Butcher, Richard Kadrey, Ilona & Gordon Andrews
Time: Sat 10:00 pm
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: Violence in Urban Fantasy
Description: The level of violence in Urban Fantasy varies, sometimes even between books in the same series. Our authors discuss the use of violence in their work & what lines they may be unwilling to cross for the sake of their stories. (Mature Audiences Only)
Panelists: Richard Kadrey, Ilona and Gordon Andrews, Wesley Chu, Jeaniene Frost, Carol Malcolm(M)
Sunday, September 1st
Time: Sun 01:00 pm
Location: Embassy G Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Title: 15-Minute Mentor Session
Description: A chance for budding authors to talk one-on-one with a successful industry professional about business, promotion, the writing process, & career advice. Mentors available for slots: Jeaniene Frost, Drew Hayes, Sebastien de Castell, Anne Sowards
Sign up in advance at the Writer’s Track to reserve your mentor space! (Embassy E/F). If the slots are full, try waiting when this event starts at 1pm. Slots can open up last minute.

And now, many of you know that I am BFFs with Ilona Andrews, who will also be at Dragon Con. We teamed up to create over 200 special, customized tote bags, stuffed with at least one free copy of either of our books. These tote bags will be given away (one per customer and while supplies last!) to anyone who buys EITHER a book of mine OR an Ilona Andrews book from The Missing Volume book seller at Dragon Con. Books will be available to buy during our signings, as well as at The Missing Volume’s booths throughout the convention (Amerismart Building 2, booth numbers 1201,1203,1300,1302)
Again, this is while supplies last, so grab your free custom tote with your purchase before they’re gone!
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