I’m SO close to finishing the new book I mentioned in my What’s Next post. That’s why I haven’t updated my blog recently. Apologies for that! I’m really trying to stick the landing in this novel, which of course means that I’m also second-guessing myself. Don’t worry, this is Situation Normal. I think most* writers have a case of imposter syndrome, either regularly or at least occasionally.
*I say most because I’m sure somewhere out there, there’s a writer who never lacks for confidence. Whoever you are, unknown scribe, I both envy and salute you!
This envy is probably why I laughed so hard at my little dog, Loki, this morning. HE certainly doesn’t suffer from a lack of confidence. In fact, as I finish this book, God grant me even half the mental swagger of Loki, whose old, arthritic, half-blind, mostly-deaf furry self STILL tried to start a fight with a SAINT BERNARD on his morning walk because the other dog simply looked at him 😀
Here is Loki in his proud aftermath, with my hand next to him for scale:

Note: No dogs were hurt or even nipped during this encounter. In fact, the Saint Bernard all but laughed at Loki, who kept lunging against his leash at him while sh!t-talking him in doggie-lingo with all his furious barking. Still, as Bones would say, admirable courage.
Don’t underestimate even an elderly, small dog. Years ago, our neighbors had a retriever type dog and his sidekick, who was about half his size. They were both friendly dogs who liked to ‘visit’ with my dad, who was always a dog person. Our elderly (and jealous) Peekapoo, who had never been fond of other animals, saw the interlopers in her territory, with her human, and was not happy. She hit the back screen door (which happened to be unlatched) full force, and proceeded to chase the intruders (both about twice her size or bigger) all the way back to their own yard. She then trotted joyfully back home, with a grin on her face, to celebrate her victory with a long drink of water, and a good nap. She was a fearless little dog, and to be honest, could be quite scary when mad. Really miss that dog.
Aww! What a fierce, tiny cutie!