Hello! Yes, I am WAY late posting this. I’d promised a new contest before the end of 2023, but Santa gave me a very unwanted present of getting sick over the holidays. At first, I thought it was just a cold, but the insomnia and near non-stop migraines on top of the regular hack-cough-sneeze symptoms told me it was likely covid. I finally turned the corner on Wednesday, when I at last slept through the night. As I told a friend, I now understand the little girl from that older horror movie, THE RING. It’s not that she was evil. It’s just that she was TIRED. Seven days of not getting any sleep made me almost supernaturally grumpy, too. If you would have told me a good night sleep lay on the other end of a tv set if I just managed to break the laws of psychics by climbing through it…well, I wouldn’t have done what SHE did, but I wouldn’t have been a barrel of laughs, either.

Insomnia Jeaniene in action! Lol.
Anyway, enough of complaining about being sick, right? Let’s get to what I promised you nearly two weeks ago–another contest! We’ll call this one the Happy 2024 Contest because I’m certainly hoping for a good New Year. Let’s kick it off right with some giveaways. They are…
Prize 1: THREE WINNERS will receive any book of their choice from my backlist. This part of the contest is open to international readers. If you’re a US resident and you win, you can pick either a paperback* or an ebook. If you’re an international reader and you win, you can pick any paperback of your choice from my backlist via WORDERY, which ships to over 100 countries.
Prize 2: ONE WINNER will receive a $25 Amazon egift card. Due to egift card restrictions, this part of the contest is open to US readers only.
To enter for your chance to win, please follow the rules below.
1. Send an email to jfrostcontest AT gmail DOT com (obviously replace the “AT” with an “@” and the “DOT” with a “.” in your email.)
2. Make sure to include your name, the email address you want to be contacted at if you win (if it’s not the email you’re sending your entry from) AND YOUR COUNTRY so I know which prize you’re eligible for.
3. You can only enter ONCE. Duplicate entries will be deleted.
4. Contest starts NOW and ends Friday, January 12th at 11:59pm Eastern time. Winners will be announced on my blog the next day and contacted via their contest entry email.
Good luck, and again, Happy New Year!
*As long as the book is still available in paperback. A couple of my older books have gone out of print and are only available in ebook.
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