Hi again! I’m back with the winners of last week’s Holiday Giveaway, Part 1. My apologies for not posting this on Saturday like I originally intended. Actually, that’s sort of a lie. I’m not sorry because I spent all day Saturday reading Ilona Andrews‘ newest novel, and WOW. I wish I could tell you more, but “WOW” is all I’m allowed to say because its title, characters, and plot are still a secret. But believe me, you’d have blown off writing a blog post for this book if YOU had the chance to read it, too! So…#SorryNotSorry
That aside, let’s get right to the contest winners. There were four of them, and we’ll start by the prizes. The THREE WINNERS who won any book of their choice from my backlist are…
Hayley F., Amber S., and Tricia D.
And, the ONE WINNER of a $25 Amazon egift card is…
Melissa B
Congratulations, winners! I have already replied to your contest entries with instructions on what to do next to get your prizes, so be sure to check your emails.
As for everyone else, you will have more chances to win coming up. Later this month, in fact, there will be another contest on my blog, so be sure to check back. And, if you’re already subscribed to my newsletter, you’ve got another chance coming your way on top of that, too.

You and ModR from Ilona’s blog get privileges because you are BFF and she is “wrangler of the Book Devouring Horde”. Very exciting times coming! 📚📚📚