This post is late because I came back from DragonCon with a small cold, but I’m better now, and wow, did I have an amazing time! As mentioned before, this was my first DragonCon, but it won’t be my last because I had SO much fun. This was a huge event (think the tally was 70k+ people) but it still managed to have a warm, friendly feel that many huge cons lack simply because there’s too much going on. And there was a ton of things going on, make no mistake, with panels and events running late into the night, but I could’ve spent hours simply sitting in a corner watching all the incredible cosplay. Here’s just a few random snapshots that I took while walking to and from my panels, but anywhere you turned in the five official hotels, not to mention walking down the street, there were people–and groups!–in cosplay. I loved it sooooooooo much.

There was also a parade on Saturday, and since it was right before my panels, I got a chance to watch a lot of it. Here’s just one clip of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from GHOSTBUSTERS going by. If you look closely, you can see the actors in the Ghostbusters gear in front of the truck.
And here’s just one clip of…something that was happening on Thursday night. I don’t know what it was, but everyone looked like they were having fun!
I also got the chance to meet some awesome people, like Lee and Kimber, who heard I was a DragonCon newbie and kindly took me under their wings to show me where to go, how to get there, etc. I am directionally challenged, to put a nice phrase on it, so these ladies were godsends!

I also got to chat with readers both after the panels and during the signings, and I can’t tell you how much I love that. 99% of my time, I’m alone at my keyboard with my characters, but the 1% of the time at conventions or signings, I can talk with people who know the characters and worlds as much as I do. It’s absolutely magical!

And look, it’s Jennifer from Coastal Magic Con, where I’ll be next February!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see me at DragonCon. Big thanks also to the entire DragonCon staff for such an incredible event, to The Missing Volume book store for carrying my books and hosting a signing, and to Carol Malcolm, who runs the urban fantasy track, and who made room for me on the panels. Hope to see you all again very soon!
I’m so glad you had a blast!! I was fortunate enough to catch a panel or two. I’ve been attending DragonCon for 15 years and each year I find something new and exciting.