I had such a great time at Coastal Magic Con last weekend! As I mentioned in my last post, this was the first convention I’ve been to since 2020, and it was wonderful to see everyone again. I also added some books to my TBR pile, such as WHITE TRASH WARLOCK by David R Slayton. David kept cracking me up on the panel we were on, and when I read his tagline of “You can’t pick your family, but maybe you can exorcise them,” I had to get his book. Likewise, I got THE SHADOW PROJECT by Cecilia Dominic after Cecelia was my seat mate at the signing. When I heard that her book had a teleporting kitten and a baby-sitting gargoyle, I hit “buy!” on my Kindle immediately. Why didn’t I just buy the paperback next to me, you ask? I was SO overpacked at that point that I already had to send my sister home with some of my luggage. Note to self: Drive instead of fly next time so that I can bring back more books!
Speaking of my sister, she videoed some of the panels I was on. Here’s a small snippet from the “Bite Me!” panel talking about–you guessed it–vampires. Also on the panel were authors Kait Ballenger, Jailaa West, and Violet Howe, who all sounded lovely and articulate while I have a squeaky voice, and I can lose my train of thought mid-sentence. Yes, this is how I am in real life, too. Pity my friends and family, people!
And here’s me next to the pretty cover for BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE before the signing:

But enough about me, let’s get to the snippet that I mentioned in the subject line. It’s only six weeks until BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE releases, so I’m going to be ramping up the snippets. Expect some quote banners and some contests, too, so be sure to check back for more free reading and prizes. Until then, let’s start with the below snippet. I’ve long had readers ask me, “What did Bones think when he first smelled Cat’s scent on Randy?” Well *grins* here’s your answer.
BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE. Copyright, Jeaniene Frost. All rights reserved.
Bones’s mobile rang with an unfamiliar number. Not unusual. His people changed their phones frequently, and he had several of them working on finding Don’s secret base of operations. He might now know who the man was, but he hadn’t located him. Yet.
“Have to take this,” Bones said in polite dismissal, ignoring the lingering smile the bartender gave him. “Hallo?”
“Crispin.” Charles’s uppercrust tone managed to convey a mountain’s weight of disappointment into the single word. His aristocratic ancestors would be so proud. “Now, at least, I know you’re still alive. Pity I had to trick you by ringing you from a different number to acquire that knowledge.”
“Don’t be dramatic,” Bones said. “It’s only been a few months since we’ve last spoken.”
“A year,” Charles instantly replied.
Bones sighed. Probably true. “Apologies, but silence better serves our friendship than fighting, which was where this conversation is doubtless headed. Besides, I’m sure Annette gave you a full report about me after you sent her to me in April.”
Charles didn’t bother denying it. All he said was, “I’m in the States now. Just arrived three days ago.”
“Enjoy your visit,” Bones said coolly.
Charles made an exasperated sound. “Are you really intending not to see me?”
He wasn’t playing this game. “If you persist in chiding me like a child for my choices, no, I don’t intend to see you.”
A huff. “I hardly think expressing my legitimate concerns-”
“And there it is,” Bones cut him off. “Goodbye, mate.”
“Crispin, you are being unreasonable-”
Bones’s temper snapped. “My search has only cost me four years when you changed your fiancé’s murderers into vampires so you could torture them for the last century and a half!”
His voice was louder than it should have been. The bartender’s head whipped around. Blast it, now he’d have to mesmerize her into forgetting that she’d heard that.
Charles sucked in an audible breath, and he didn’t need to breathe. Regret pierced Bones. Charles might be acting like an ass, but he still shouldn’t have brought up Giselda’s murder.
“I’m sorry,” Bones said. “That was uncalled for. It’s also why silence is better between us now. I’m too raw and you’re too convinced that you’re right, so we only end up wounding each other. When things change, I’ll welcome seeing you again.”
A pause, and then Charles said in a quiet tone, “What if they don’t change? What if you never find her, Crispin?”
“I will,” Bones said, catching sight of Randy as he entered the bar. “Now, I have to go. My friend just arrived.”
“Glad to hear you still have those,” Charles said when a familiar honey-and-cream scent suddenly seared Bones’s senses. Good Christ, that was Cat’s scent! Thick, heady, and coming right toward him.
“Hey, Cris,” Randy said, bringing that scent even closer.
Bloody fucking hell, Randy was covered in it!
Bones flew to him, not caring that Randy backed up in shock. Then, Bones grabbed him and inhaled, taking in even more of the intoxicating aroma coming from Randy’s clothes.
“Where is she?” Bones demanded.
“Where’s who?” Randy sputtered. “And, wow, that hurts!”
He’d forgotten to check his strength. Bones released Randy, and he dropped a foot and stumbled back.
Bones caught him, slamming ice over his seething emotions. Either Randy knew far more about Cat than he was letting on, or he was as clueless as his expression indicated. Either way, Bones had to tread carefully. Randy couldn’t be mesmerized.
He laughed even though he was screaming inside. “Sorry, mate. Got here early and drank more than my fair share of whisky, I’m afraid. Even made me think I smelled an old friend on you, but now, I realize that I was wrong.”
“Oh.” Randy appeared mollified, but he winced as he rubbed his arms. “I didn’t know that you, uh, could get drunk.”
He couldn’t on anything that a human bar served, but Randy’s ignorance of vampires was to Bones’s advantage now.
Bones threw a hundred-dollar bill on the countertop and affected a sheepish expression. “Yeah, enough whisky will do even my kind dirty. In fact, why don’t we go to your place instead of staying here? Don’t think I should drink more.”
“Sure,” Randy said without hesitation. “Denise is getting dinner with a friend after her fitting, so we’ll have the house to ourselves. I know a great place that delivers, too.”
“Smashing,” Bones said before adding, “Who’s this friend?”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet! As a reminder, you can preorder BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE from: #Ad Amazon,* B&N, Apple Books, Libro, and Kobo.
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Can’t wait for the whole thing!! Thanks for the tasty morsel
Not long now!
Awesome thanks I cant wait for the book. Also, I bought white trash warlock a while back so maybe its time I read it. Since it was able to catch your eye.
I have been a fan of Yours since I 1st read halfway to the grave years ago. Keep up the awesomeness!
Noooooooooooooo I need the rest NOWWW 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Omg!! I absolutely CANNOT WAIT until APRIL!!! I Will PAY extra… please 🙏🏻