Hi all! Yes, been a while since I’ve blogged. That’s because writing on BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE has been going well. It will probably release early spring 2023, so in the next couple months, I’ll have a cover, preorder links, excerpts and more for you.
But, before that, let’s get to what I can give you NOW. First up is WICKED ALL NIGHT‘s release on Chapters Interactive Stories. As many of you know, Chapters does a “choose your own adventure” game version of books. You can download the Chapters game App for your phone at one of these links:
Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mars.avgchapters
Apple (iPhone, iPad) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/chapters-interactive-stories/id1277029359

Next up is online appearances. The first is Tuesday, August 23rd at 1pm Eastern time on Sexy PNR Reads (full link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/darkdesiresreaders) I’ll be answering your questions PLUS giving away books and other prizes, so come join me if you can!
Can’t make that? The next online appearance is the following Monday, August 29th at 1pm Eastern time on Queen KF Breene’s Book Court (full link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/690386334350607 ) Once again, I will be taking your questions, chatting, and giving away books and prizes (hey, mama told me you never show up anywhere empty-handed! Lol.)
That’s great, but does this mean you’re done with in-person appearances?
No! On February 23rd – 26th, I’ll be at Coastal Magic Con in Daytona Beach, Florida, along with dozens of other authors and a bunch of book-loving folks. For the full author lineup, go here, and for more details on the convention, click the image below.

But Jeaniene, I want something now!
I hear you! From now until September 5th, you can get the audio edition of FIRST DROP OF CRIMSON for only $3.99 as a Chirp special! You can’t even get a cup of coffee for less than four bucks, and we’re talking an entire audio book with over 10 hours of entertainment here! Click the image below, or go here to get the deal (full link: https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/first-drop-of-crimson-by-jeaniene-frost?email=frostlight1%40yahoo.com&nmad=1&promotion_id=53123&source=authorfollows )

That’s it for now, but I have more cool stuff coming, promise, so I’ll see you all soon!
Hey Jeaniene,
i wanted to ask you if your previously released books (A Grave Girls Getaway and The Other Half of the Grave) will be translated. I am German and a big fan, so i don’t know whether i should wait for the german version or just buy the original. 🤷🏻♀️🥰
Thank you 💞
Just yesterday I was listening to “The Other Half of the Grave” on audiobook, and I thought to myself, “It would be so cool if she did the entire series from Bones’ point of view!” Then I got this email from you saying that you’re doing “Both Feet in the Grave”!!! I’m flabbergasted and overjoyed! You are breaking boundaries! I don’t know if any author has ever done this before. You, Kelly Armstrong, Kim Harrison, Patricia Briggs, and Diana Rowland are my top 5 favorite authors! All of you have built HUGE worlds. Some have built more than one world, and some, like you, have built a huge world and overlapped characters.
Patricia Briggs has two worlds that intertwine and balances them perfectly.
Kim Harrison has risen again with her “Hollows” world. Be still my beating heart I am so glad she’s back!! I’m a redhead so I’m a huge fan of the redhead novels. She hadn’t written anything for the “Hollows” series since 2014 and she picked it up this year without missing a beat.
Diana Rowland may only have six books in her “My Life as a White Trash Zombie” series but I keep hoping she writes some more. They are gold! Especially on audiobooks because the narrator will blow your mind.
Kelly Armstrong has “The Women of the Otherworld” series, “The Men of the Otherworld” series and she has young adult books that tie into those adult novels so you can read all of them as they intertwine…..but it’s NOTHING like what you’re doing. Her characters are put in different scenarios. We know the characters, we love them, but they are just on another adventure. Just like you, her continuity is spot on!! No questions go unanswered, and everything is accounted for. Whether it’s in her novels, graphic novels, or novellas, the answers, or backstories are there. She could probably continue writing well into the future but sadly it sounds like she’s done with it. However, as much as I love Kelly Armstrong, (she got me into this genre with “Bitten” in 2002, on a back Shelf in a hole-in-the-wall bookstore, couldn’t put it down, not that I didn’t read creepy books when I was a teenager I was totally a “Fear Street”, and Christopher Pike fan, but I digress) NONE of that holds a candle to what you’re doing. What you’re doing is amazing!!
I’m sure everybody has felt this way. You’re reading a book, loving the book, you don’t want the book to end, but you don’t want to stop reading it. You try so that you can savor the ride a little longer, but you just can’t stop reading, next thing you know…… it’s over, but the wanting more doesn’t go away, at least not for a while, not for me anyways. I still want more. Now you’re giving it!! Readers now have the opportunity to continue the ride rather than re-reading it just so they can have a little more of that world. Although, I have already re-read the series three maybe four times now. NOW I get to read it as if it’s brand new and I can’t tell you what an amazing gift that is to your fans. You’ve broken the mold, smashed a wall, gotten crazy! What you’ve done is unprecedented, at least as far as I know. There could be other authors out there, different genres that have done it, but I don’t know about them, nor have I read them, so as far as I’m concerned you’re a pioneer. I think the closest I’ve come is when I read “Elvis and me” by Priscilla Presley and then “Priscilla, Elvis, and Me” by Priscilla’s ex-boyfriend, after Elvis lol. Not really a comparison but as I said I think that’s the closest I’ve come.
I’m ecstatic at the idea of you doing the entire series from Bones’ point of view, if that is what you’re planning, and I DO hope that is what you’re planning. It’s the most incredible idea in writing that I have ever come across. I’ve always said that you can put characters from books into any adventure, any story, any world really, as long as that character stays true to form. Stays true to when we fell in love with the character. You know your books so well that it feels like I’m reading a brand new book, but completely familiar. Like I said before, the story is continuing. I’ll probably read it another three or four times as well, OR I can get real crazy and I can read Cats’ point of view and then switch to Bones’ point of view in each book, or vice versa!! The possibilities are bloody endless LOL. The only thing I can’t do is wait for the next one to come out lol. But, lack of instant gratification builds character, right? Otherwise, I would probably blow through the entire series again in no time flat. So…. I suppose it’s a good thing….sigh
Now, about the dude that’s narrating the audiobook, Mr. Will M. Watt. Got to say he’s pretty good, but, having read the books in the literary form and then listened to them on audiobook quite a few more times, while I was working, I got pretty used to Tavia Gilbert’s version of Bones. Even in the prequel, before, he went to Ohio, that was from his point of view and she did a marvelous job. It’s rather comical really because it took me a while to get used to her voice as Bones, now when I listen to Will, Tavias’ voice rings in my ears. She could have done the whole series and I don’t, think anybody would have complained. She’s remarkably talented, I’ve listened to a lot of audiobooks and I think she’s quite possibly the most talented at coming up with different voices for the characters, but, I respect your wishes. It’s just going to be strange hearing the other characters sound different, but they will still be our beloved characters, and I am still grateful that you’re doing this. Thank you.
Oh, I wanted to mention something that I thought you might want to know, in case you didn’t. After I finished quite a few Supernatural stories I Googled “What other Supernatural authors have a series that are good books to read?” Yours was number one on the list. Thanks again for being awesome!
Just a thought: If you are able to read them in English I would advice you to read them in Englisch because, from my personal experience, the German translation is very good, yes, but some subtleties are still missing. I read both (German and English) and I still find the English version better. It’s really great. 🙂 Also, you don’t have to wait until it is translated, that’s also a plus. 🙂
(I also did not like the German titles very much because they sound so melodramatic or soppy and not as good or cool as the English ones but that’s of course a personal assessment.)
Are the online appearances going to be posted somewhere later on, so people who couldn’t make it can watch them?
Hi Jeaniene,
I just wanted to ask if you were planning to write more of the Night Huntress series in Bones’ point of view. I love knowing what each main characters are feeling and doing when they are not together. Also the narrator Will M. Watt was perfect. I never could imagine a male voice speaking as Bones the way Tania Gilbert did but you knocked it out the park with him. Thank you for the great books and narrators.
I also loved how the narrator Will M. Watt interpreted Bones! It was just perfect!
If there was, however, one thing that I could change about the book, it would be having it written in first person, as was the case with all books from Cat’s perspective. It would just make the reader’s connection with Bones so much stronger and would allow an even deeper look into his thoughts and emotions. I really hope that the second book will be in first person! And I can’t wait to read it! Finding out that Jeanine will continue telling Bones’ story is truly the best surprise I could have hoped for! 😊