It appears that our youngest furry child, the Husky, has separation anxiety combined with “new place” anxiety, OR she facies herself as a very opinionated interior decorator. Why do I say that? Well, hubby and I rented an AirBnb last week when we trekked down to Florida to attend my father’s funeral, and THIS is the sight that greeted us after we returned from said funeral. See if you can spot what Leila was busying herself with while we were away *eyeroll*.

Note that we’d only been gone for four hours, plus Leila had been with our other dog, Loki, the entire time. I think the neighbors could hear my scream when we pulled up and I saw what she’d done. Luckily for us, Leia didn’t destroy anything else in the house, and replacing the blinds only cost us $100, plus–of course– many apologies to the AirBnb owner. Oh, and the furry little varmint also ate one of my shoes. Look how she has it tucked under her other toys with her paw over it as if saying “Mine now!”

And here is the very good boy who did NOT eat any blinds or shoes while we were away, sleeping peacefully because he knows he’s the best little house guest, yes he is, yes he is!

Sigh. I don’t think we’ll get invited back to stay at that AirBnb, but at least that was the only blip on last week, which was difficult enough. Thanks again to everyone for their kind words. They were very appreciated.
Hello. I just reread your first two novels, and checked out your author site. I enjoy everything about your books: the storylines, the pacing, the characters, and dialogue. You’re a talented writer!
I’m sorry you’re dealing with the loss of your dad. It’s a gut punch, even when you’re braced for it. My dad, who died right before covid became a news item, had similar health issues, and you wonder how they managed to go through so much and still have a positive outlook. Would your dad be amused to appear in one of your novels?
Your fur babies are beautiful. Dogs and cats are greatly influenced by our energy and emotions, and I imagine Leila was discombobulated by the new surroundings and the strong emotions you were radiating. I might even say she knew something was wrong, and was trying her best to get to you to protect you. The blinds were just in her way! In case that sounds silly, I had two rescued dogs, now in spirit, who would have chewed through a door to get to me; they did actually chew through wallboard. Our fur babies are just as attached to us as we are to them.
I agree that my being upset played a hand in Leia’s behavior because we’ve traveled with her before, many times, and she never damaged anything.
What kind comments, I agree with you that the puppies were picking up on the feelings of the day. My pets have always reacted to my moods and that Leila would have been nervous and needing to get to her human does not seem out surprising.