A huge thank-you, readers, because THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE hit #51 on the USA Today bestseller list, and #8 on the Wall Street Journal Ebook Fiction bestseller list!

This was a self-published book, so it wasn’t on the shelves in any book stores, plus I didn’t hire a publicist or marketing team, and I only bought two ad slots. To say I had no expectation of it hitting any bestseller lists is putting it mildly. In fact, I’m going to tell some of the backstory behind this book below, but to wrap up this part…wow. Just WOW. Readers, you showed up for this book, and you showed up BIG. I love you all!
Now, ever since I announced THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE, I’ve been asked the same question:
Will you be doing the second Night Huntress book from Bones’s point of view?
The answer is YES, I will be retelling ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE from Bones’s point of view!
I’m so excited to do this, but let’s face it, I’m probably not prepared to see Chapter 32 through Bones’s eyes. I might have to write that chapter while drunk to kill my inhibitions, lol. Still, I’m diving in because Bones has been pestering me to write more of his story, yet ultimately it was you, readers, who made it possible. Here’s why, and warning: you should skip the below if you don’t want a bunch of TMI about me, the publishing world, and other behind-the-scenes stuff.
Still here? Then settle in and get comfy.
Many of you know that I started writing Bones’s point of view just for fun, and posted the first two chapters on my blog in the fall of 2019. I loved writing those chapters so much that I wrote a couple more, and then a couple more, and a couple more. In six weeks, I had 30k words on Bones’s story when I was supposed to be writing Ian and Veritas’s book. Since I was so far into it, I asked my publisher if I could swap out Bones’s book for Ian’s. (Yes, I was still going to write the third Night Rebel book, but I would have preferred to write Bones’s first and finish Ian and Veritas’s story afterward.)
The answer was no. So, I started writing WICKED ALL NIGHT, and posted those 30k words of Bones’s story as a free serial on my blog. I finished WICKED ALL NIGHT in May of 2020, right when the realities of the pandemic were really setting in. Then, in August of 2020, I lost my beloved dog of 16+ years, and that hit me harder than I am still willing to admit. So, grief, lockdown, horror at the pandemic, and fear of getting Covid ended up freezing me, creatively speaking. I couldn’t write. I could barely concentrate enough to read, and I certainly wasn’t going to talk about it in public because (1) people had lost entire families to this pandemic, not to mention jobs, homes, and more, so my writing/reading loss seemed very small by comparison, and (2) I was so terrified the loss would be permanent that I couldn’t bear to speak of it to anyone except my husband and close friends.
Fast forward to early 2021. I’d agreed to be part of an anthology with fellow authors Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong, and now, I had to write my novella when I didn’t even know if I could. It took over a month of stops-and-starts in March just to get the first chapter down. Then, it probably took the entire month of April to get to chapter three, but…being back with Cat, Bones, and the gang started thawing my creative ice. I was able to finish the story in the nick of time at the beginning of June to make the publication deadline. It might have only been a 25k word novella, but it was also proof that I could still do the job I loved, so my relief was immeasurable.
I moved out of state over the summer, to a place that required more fixing up than we’d realized when we bought it, so it wasn’t until August of 2021 that I started thinking, what next? On a whim, I pulled up the unfinished Bones pov and started reading it. Then, I started tweaking what I’d written, and then, I started writing more. It felt like Bones had been waiting for me this whole time, and all I wanted to do was keep writing his side of the story. So, I called my agent and said, paraphrase, “This is what I’m doing next. See if anyone wants to buy it.”
I’ll sum up the next two months of submissions with one word: No.
I can’t blame the publishers. Paranormal romances are hardly tearing up the charts these days, and this technically wasn’t a new story. It was a retelling of a 15-year-old book that I hadn’t done a new novel on in 8 years (no, they don’t count novellas), plus I’d had the first 25% of it available to read on my website for free for 2 years. I mean, this book had so much baggage, it needed its own luggage cart.
Logic said that I should pass on it, too, especially since I got offers to write something else. But, writing this book felt like hanging out with very missed, very dear friends. It made me happy, and if the pandemic’s taught us anything, it’s that life can be short, so if you get the chance to do what you makes you happy, take it.
I took it, and told my husband, “We might be breaking the piggy bank because it’s going to take me months to finish this book, and then, it’s going to cost several thousand dollars to have it professionally edited, copyedited, proofread, and audio recorded, and we might not make the cost back since I don’t know if readers even want this.” He might have been thinking, “Fuuuuuuck….” but he just smiled and said that writing Bones’s story was a great idea. (Wonder why I’ve dedicated so many books to him? Wonder no more.)
Fast forward to this past Wednesday, when I awaited my first week’s sales numbers. These would show me whether or not I’d make a big mistake, financially speaking. Creatively, it had been a wonderful gift to write THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE, but I couldn’t afford to give myself such a lavish gift again if the book had bombed. That’s why I didn’t answer all the times I was asked if I’d be writing more Bones pov. I also didn’t want readers to feel like I was pressuring them into buying THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE by saying “No second book unless this one does well!” so…I just ignored the “More?” question until I knew if I could write more.
Thanks to your support, readers, the answer is yes. You showed up for Bones, and now, I get to bring him back to you with his side of the next book in the series. I’m so excited because I love seeing Cat, their friends, their enemies, and everything else in the Night Huntress world through Bones’s eyes. It’s truly been a joy, and I hope it’s brought you joy, too.
I don’t have a release date or title yet since I hadn’t allowed myself to start writing it until I found out how this book did, but now, believe me, I’ll get cracking! Also, I do NOT have plans to redo the entire series from Bones’s point of view. Only the second book at this time (hey, Vlad is screaming at all this attention Bones is getting, lol.) So, I’ll have more updates on that soon, and once again, thank you! You’re the best!

I am about 35% through The Other Half of the Grave audio version and loving it SO SO MUCH!!!
This is definitely “SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!” amazing news!!!! These characters, their stories and the world you’ve created truly are something special and it is thrilling news that we have book from Bones’s POV to look forward to!!!! Congratulations Jeaniene – you ROCK!!!
Thank you so much!
It’s nice that there will be another part. But my heart is still counting on the announcement that there will be a book about Katie. How much I’d love to see Bones react when she introduces her boyfriend to him, lol.
But still, I would love to read Part Two about Bones. After all, we have no idea what happened to him while Cat was being hidden by Don. I look forward for some new informations about book <3
I am a reader who absolutely loves books, the feel, the smell and texture but when I was browsing Jeaniene Frost’s website, I came across the ebook version of Bone’s pov. I swore I wouldn’t buy it, although I have every book written by Jeaniene. I think I lasted all of 5 minutes before I bought the book for my eReader. I loved this version as much, if not more, than the original. Please keep up the good work, your loyal fans are grateful for any story written…thank you. Sarah
I have just read the chapter where Cat and Bones go to see Francesca. 😂 It always cracks me up and it is such a gift to know Bones POV. These characters really come to life and make me long for people/Vampire like them to really exist in the world. I believe I own all your books to date and can’t wait for more. They always bring a smile to my face. You are a true talent. Thank you. An Australian fan!
Will you be writing a series for Gretchen and Maximus? I’m a big fan of Vlad and Layla’s story line and all the supporting characters.
Maybe one day. I definitely have story ideas with Gretchen and Maximus.
A story about Gretchen and Maximus would be amazing!!! I’m definitely hoping inspiration kicks in for that one!
I need more Bones POV! Pretty Pretty please!
But if you want to placate with Vlad books that’s ok also 🤩🥰
I just want to say I fell in love with this book series. Everything about it is so yummy good. But I especially like hearing it from Bones point of view. Please if you find it in your heart you got to do the complete series.. or please the book where he dies . Im dying to know how he felt about his new powers
I’m sooooooo stoked!!! I am here for that 2nd Bones POV book. Literally as soon as it’s available for preorder I’m ordering it. I’m so glad that this book and this world you’ve created helped you during a super rough time. Looking forward to what comes next!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy that you decide to write about Bones POV. I always wonder what Bones thought about Cat when he saw her the first time when he teach her how to fight and everything. I really enjoy reading the book I couldn’t stop 😏😏😏😏. And for the 2nd Bones POV. Am all for it 🎉🎊
Great news! The next Bones PoV will be ordered as soon as possible, as usual.
I have one question, though: What does Vlad have to say about this latest development? Do I smell smoke? 😉
Lol, yes, you DEFINITELY smell smoke!
Fantastic news!!!! I really enjoyed being inside Bones’ head and I really wished I would get to read OFITG from his point of veiw. ❤❤
I adore Bones and crew. You write it we will buy it. Looking fwrd to what ever you choose to write.
Be safe. Sending peace, love, and light. K 💞😚
Thank you!
Loved this book so much!! And more of Bones’ POV? Yes, please!!
Also the backstory on Ted. Bones may walk on both sides of the law, but he rescued Ted and Rodney, when they were young, from situations that would have destroyed them. He may be a ruthless Master vampire, but one with a sense of compassion towards the lost and vulnerable. The best heroes are the complicated ones!
Yes, Bones definitely relates to the lost, vulnerable, and those society has deemed worthless because he used to be all three.
Yes! This is great news. Looking forward to Bones’ next book. I started rereading the entire series again because I realized how much I missed these characters.
Thank you, and hope you enjoy the re-read!
I have just read the chapter where Cat and Bones go to see Francesca. 😂 It always cracks me up and it is such a gift to know Bones POV. These characters really come to life and make me long for people/Vampire like them to really exist in the world. I believe I own all your books to date and can’t wait for more. They always bring a smile to my face. You are a true talent. Thank you. An Australian fan!
This is my favorite series! I pre-ordered The Other Half Of The Grave, as always I loved the book and found my way here looking to see if there will be another. I am very excited to see the next is now in the works. Thank you for this series, I own digital copies of them all!
I am so excited to hear we are getting more Bones! I love this series and I can’t wait!
You are an automatic purchase for me no matter what you write. That said…yes please more Bones
Thanks, and it’s on its way!
I absolutely LOVED seeing Bones’ side of the story. Please do the whole series!!! I’d buy them all, lol….this was an amazing, refreshing way to retell a story I love and make me understand the characters I fell in love with even more. Thank you for taking a leap on Bones! So excited for book 2…
To say that I am excited about this would be a vast understatement. I read this news in a coffee shop and was unable to stop myself from spazzing out and punching the air (I did manage to hold in what would likely have been a very inhuman sound). Thankfully, only one of the owners and one of the employees, both of whom I know, were in at the time so I didn’t freak anyone out too much! Then I proceeded to start crying when I finally started reading the rest of the blog. As both a writer and reader who’s experienced those freezes, I can relate on such a deep level and I am SO glad you had your husband and friends to get you through it. I’m *terrified* of losing my love for either. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I would no longer be the same person at all. I’m so so happy that you had such a great time writing this book, I know I ADORED reading it, and that it did so well. I shall be watching for news. Thank you so much, for everything.
I’m also going to add that this reminds me a lot of a song by BTS called “Black Swan”. The whole song is about the “first death” that creatives can experience if they loose their passion for their creative pursuits and stuff and in the song they talk about their own fears of losing that passion for creating music and performing. And as a writer, I’ve been terrified to lose my love of writing because it’s such a huge part of my life and has meant so much to me and helped me through so much. Anyway, that was it!
Yes, the freezes are terrifying. Glad you got past yours, too!
I finished The Other Half of the Grave and came straight here to find out if there would be more from his POV. I will ALWAYS want more Cat and Bones! I also want more Ian and Veritas! Love these series so much ♥️
Thanks, and yay!
YES!! Thank you very much, that totally made my day 😍 I‘m listening to your audio books at least once or twice a year, can’t wait to read/listen to more of them 🥰 especially Bones‘ POV! (And if funding were an issue, I would have gladly donated some money to fund these books, they give me so much back!) Thank you Jeanine! ❤️
Aww, too kind!
I just finished listening to the audio version of The Other Half of the Grave, and there are just So. Many. Emotions! This was everything I hoped for and so much more, and I couldn’t have loved it more . . . and, now knowing that book 2 of Bones’ POV is coming, I couldn’t be happier.
Also, can I just say that after listening to “the maple syrup scene”, I have every confidence in your ability to write Chapter 32 from Bones’ perspective and I cannot wait to listen to it!!!!
Thank you so much for giving your readers this gift, Jeaniene!! It is amazing and you are amazing for doing it, especially with the sacrifices it involved.
So glad you enjoyed the new narrator, and thanks!
I agree, the narrator was perfect! I’m so glad there will be another book. I began searching for the answer to that question as soon as I finished The Other Half of The Grave!!
I am SO GLAD to hear you’re writing more books from Bones’ POV (and the narrator you have for him on Audible- perfection)! He and Tavia are chef’s kiss! I will buy any Bones POV book- I’m also a huge fan of Outtakes From the Grave and honestly wish you had stuck with your first instincts. I think they were spot-on and made more logical sense! I also don’t think all romance books have to follow the same romance laws! Please write exactly how you want to write- you’re such an amazing writer. You don’t need to follow anyone else’s tropes! You’ve created such amazing worlds and characters and given so many much-needed book escapism! Please keep writing!
Thanks for the kind words!
Squee!!! I’m so glad you’ll be writing more from Bones’s POV! Hahaha! Have fun with Ch32 and however you need to prep to get in the zone for that! LMAO! I’m sorry you had to take on publishing this one on your own, but making the list is fantastic news!! It proves how many of your readers LOVE the Night Huntress universe you’ve created…especially Cat and Bones in my case.
Thanks, and yes, readers totally came through!
My husband and I just finished the audio book and are so excited for the next installment that I have convinced him to relisten to the whole series with me. I am so glad you chose write the story from Bone’s perspective it showcases what a great writer you are. Keep up the good work!
OMG! Thank you for writing this book and for doing the next one! How much do I love Kat and Bones? So much that I haven’t actually been able to read the last book in the original series because that would mean that it is truly over! Also I would love, Love, LOVE to see the Night Prince books from Vlad’s POV. Being inside his mind while falling in love with Leila would be super interesting. Thanks so much for doing what you do.
I am so excited that you are going to do the second book as well.
I am listening to the book end enjoing it very much and I like the narrator.
Thank you for writing Bone’s POV and for the 2nd Bones POV book.
I am so excited that you are going to do the second book as well.
I am listening to the book end enjoing it very much and I like the narrator.
Thank you for writing Bone’s POV.
I absolutely LOVED seeing Bones’ side of the story. Please do the whole series!!! I’d buy them all, lol….this was an amazing, refreshing way to retell a story I love and make me understand the characters I fell in love with even more. Thank you for taking a leap on Bones! So excited for book 2…
Congratulations on your success. I am glad the book is doing well, as it should! It is a great one! I am listening to the audiobook version and I like the narrator.
All I can now think about is Vlad’s POV. He is my favorite. My favorite line ever in a book was when Cat woke up and started feeding on him…”What was that?” in Tavia Gillbert’s amazing accent she does. [Please don’t hate me if I got the line wrong….it’s been a few years.] ❤️
I’m obsessed! I’ve read the series multiple times. It never gets old. You hit it out of the park with Bones!! So excited for the second one!! Thank you so much for this!
It’s nice that there will be another part. But my heart is still counting on the announcement that there will be a book about Katie. How much I’d love to see Bones react when she introduces her boyfriend to him, lol.
But still, I would love to read Part Two about Bones. After all, we have no idea what happened to him while Cat was being hidden by Don. I look forward for some new informations about book <3
Ohhhhh eemmmmm geeeee!!! I’m almost done with Bones book and I’m so excited that you are going to do the second book as well. My mom found your series in the Salvation Army and it was books 3 and 4 though we didn’t know it at the time. Your series was one of the first I bought on my kindle. Your books are some that I look forward to the most. BDB is my other fav series and I love both series equally. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of Cat, Bones, Vlad and the rest of the crew. My mom passed unexpectedly in Nov 2018. She never got to finish Ian and Veritas’ series. She was in the middle of reading the 1st book when she passed so it definitely holds a special place for me. She would have loved Bones book and I imagine she’s laughing when I laugh at something he says or does lol!
I’m so sorry for your loss, Samantha. I love how you picture her laughing along with you at Bones. You never know! 🙂
I enjoyed Bone’s POV more than Cat’s I think. Lol. I just reread each book and have a question I can’t find any answer posted. Since Max was from Ian’s line, why was Justina considered Gregor’s property since it is clear she belonged to Max/ Ian when she conceived Cat? Blood, sex and conception of Cat should have trumped Gregor’s claim by 16 years. If I missed the answer then I’m sorry for the repeat.
Hi Kimberly, Max never “claimed” Justina as his property, but when Bones married Cat, her mother kinda came along as part of the package since vampires hold marriage to be a stronger bond that lineage or property. Plus, Max was in a dungeon when that whole business with Gregor went down, so even if he wanted to object, no one would’ve listened. Thanks!
We need Ashael’s story told!! It would be so intriguing to learn about how toilsome it must be living as a half-breed demon. Maybe even a love interest (idk why, but Annette popped into my head at this).
OMG, I’m so excited to listen to the 2nd book in bones POV…. but I’m defiantly a die heart Ian fangirl! Their story has so much going for it and ahh Ashael needs his story told too!
I bought all your books on audio after having PRK surgery, and they kept me entertained for quite some time haha. I literally listened to all your books on audio in less than 2 weeks, thank-you for getting me through that! I would not recommend PRK- but it was worth it in the end!
Sorry the surgery was rough, Nikki, but glad it all worked out in the end!
I was so thrilled when the first three chapters of audio version of The Other Half of the Grave was released on Soundcloud. I listened to them in repeat over and over until April 26th release date. I love the narrator and the book so much. Thank you for your wonderful world of the Night Huntress. Can’t wait for the second book in Bones’ POV.
omg!!!!! i have always loved Bones and i just fell even more in love with him. I cant wait to read anything else that will come out concerning Bones’ pov. thank you
Thank you for writing this! I love male POVs for my favorite books, and this was *so* good. I plan to reread both versions in tandem – so satisfying to have a few little things explained that way. Excited for #2!! Fingers crossed for Vlad, as well!
I’m soooo happy you’re doing a book 2 from Bone’s point of view!
It’ll be so interesting to see how he copes without Cat and then how he feels when he sees her all over again… My heart is already hurting a little, imagining it, lol. It’s all I’ve wanted to read since finishing ‘The Other Half of the Grave.’
I’m so excited! I eagerly await more news :’)
(I noticed your little comment about Vlad and that is literally my next want after Bone’s 2nd book. LOVE Bones & LOVE Vlad)
I’m so I’m excited by the prospect of a book or two from Vlad’s point of view, especially since he seems hard to read in the earlier books, so it would be exciting to see what he actually felt and what he actually thought.
Good luck and happy writing!
Loved reading the first Bones POV book. It prompted me on a re-read of the whole series. Onto a re-read of Night Prince now…
Thank you for writing and gifting us with your creativity! I’ve enjoyed all your novels in the Night Huntress/Prince/Rebel World. 🙂
The other Half of the Grave was much needed for me! It put Bones’s actions into perspective and turned this from a great love story into and epic love story ❤️ Thank you so very much for providing the Night Huntress and related books.
BTW – how you turned Ian and Veritas from my least favorite supporting characters to my absolute favorites is nothing short of brilliant.
Thank you !!!Thank you!!! I loved hearing Bone’s POV and YOU muST use the same guy to do the voice. It was AWESOME. This is my favorite series and I have ALL THE BOoks and listen to them all the time. I can’t wait for the next one. I have been here from the beginning and I know we all will always show up for you and buy anything you write. Thank you again for doing this… excuse my writing I got so excited reading about Book 2 ❤️❤️😄
Thank you !!!Thank you!!! I loved hearing Bone’s POV and YOU muST use the same guy to do the voice. It was AWESOME. This is my favorite series and I have ALL THE BOoks and listen to them all the time. I can’t wait for the next one. I have been here from the beginning and I know we all will always show up for you and buy anything you write. Thank you again for doing this… excuse my writing I got so excited reading about Book 2 ❤️❤️😄
Yes, definitely use the same male narrator. His voice was very Bones and very sexy.
I hated reading when I was younger I was slow and not the best reader! But my friend kept showing me parts of this book called halfway to the grave and I loved it so I got it from the library and…. LOVED it ( except for the end I did not know at the time it would be a series). Now I wait and snap up all the books as soon as I can. I love these books. I was so excited about bones point of view. The story I love frome a new p.o.v.
YESS!!! and I did not disappoint.
Both feet in the grave was amazing. And I can hardly wait to read whatever is next!
I just finished reading both the books in Bones’ POV and I sure hope you plan to do more in the future. I also would love to follow Katie as she grows up. The Night Huntress books were what really started getting me into reading and are by far my favorite. You are an amazing author!
Thank you! I would like to write something about Kate in the future, so that’s a “probably” but not yet a definite.
I am praying and hoping for a complete re-telling of Night Huntress from Bones’s story.
I am here for it and need them all. XD
Now that the 2 books have been out for a while, are they doing aswell as you hoped?
I know I am personally responsible for at least a couple hundred reads 😂
Any chance you’d do the rest of the series from Bones POV?
I would love to read the 4th book from his POV!!!! 😍
I absolutely love this series and have read it many times. I read the Bones pov on your website and I couldn’t wait for me. I just finished the second book and loooooved it. I kept wishing we would get an entire series from Bones pov but I understand that is not in the works.
Curious, did your husband help you write the sex scenes? I always wondered what it felt for a guy and those scenes gave me an insight into that. Also loved seeing the vulnerable side of Bones we don’t get from Cat’s pov.
Thank you for these books.
Hi from argentina! I love your books and I love Bones, I hope we get some new books ❤️
Thank you!
I just finished wicked all night. Absolutely loooved it! I hope there will be more. Every book is great to settle down with. Keep up with the great stories!
Please write faster, you’re one of my favourite authors! I keep starting other novels but nothing can compare to you!! I’d love to read a book about Gretchen and Maximus!! Night Prince series is my absolute favourite, I have read it many times over!! I’d love to read more about Vlad and Leila too! You’re amazing, please don’t ever quit writing!!
I, too, am eagerly awaiting Gretchen and Maximus’s story!
I also really NEED Bone’s POV for the Greogor storyline. I mean, during this time he thought Cat slept with Vlad for goodness sake! The thought of reading his POV is thrilling to me.