Hi again! Thanks to everyone who participated in the “Name that book” contest for the second Bones point-of-view novel. Wow, your titles were so creative! If I wrote a hundred Night Huntress books, I wouldn’t run out of titles that I liked. But, as they say, there can be only one, and this person happened to pick the same title that I’d also had in my head (kismet!) Without further ado, the winning title is…
BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE, suggested by Kat on May 9th at 12:47 pm
Congrats, Kat! I’ve emailed you at the address logged in when you entered your suggestion, so check your inbox for details on how to claim the first part of your prize. Carly, I’m sorry. You also suggested BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE, but your suggestion came in at 1:38pm, so Kat’s comment counted first.
I wish I could give everyone prizes for their great suggestions, but sadly, I can’t. I CAN share the video of the live chat with me and both halves of the writing duo, Ilona Andrews, if you missed it Friday night. Expect lots of laughter, some friendly trash talk, some innuendo, some reminiscing, some profanity, and my voice getting very high when I’m animated about a topic. Thanks again to Ashland Public Library in MA for hosting this chat, and to Blue Willow Bookshop for providing signed copies of our books on their bookstore event page. In addition to the video, below are some of the books we talked about in the chat, including the covers that we prank photo-shopped of each other’s books.
I’m more excited for the second book coz Ian. And I wanna know what Bones is thinking about him.🤩
Love IA so much. Looking forward to Ruby fever. (Gordon is the Tom Holland of House Andrews Book Universe.)
Absolutely 🤗 for Bones.
I hope we get another book focused on Kira and Mencheres. I miss hearing his not-so-modern way of thinking and speaking 😅. Plus, I’d love to know how Kira’s Enforcer training is going.