Sorry for the delay posting these. My migraines have been acting up, which is probably new release nerves combined with the up-and-down weather swings (it’s hot! it’s cold! it’s hot again! now cold again!) But, here’s another batch containing some of my favorite quotes from THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE set against pretty graphics. Enjoy, and check back on Monday when I’ll have the playlist that I listened to while writing the book, plus other goodies!

Love the quotes! This series is one of my favorites and getting to hear Bones’ side of the story is icing on the cake.
I think some of us difficult women needed these quotes before the book drop. I’ve always felt this way about my husband and always have a difficult time accepting/believing/honoring the fact that he feels this way about me. Although, I’m more a danger to flat surfaces and my ankles than any information holding sods! Thanks for bringing this to us.
I will always be grateful for finding One Foot in the Grave at Walmart and falling in love with your stories and characters. They have been more inspirational than you know and continue to comfort me.
I can’t wait to see what you post as we count down!
Until next time,
L. Ray
Thanks so much for the kind words, L. Ray!