As the subject line says, head’s up! Because TOMORROW, Friday the 11th, I’m finally revealing the cover for THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE. I’m so happy with how it turned out, I’m giving away prizes along with the reveal, so be sure not to miss either tomorrow!
Now, for the inevitable, “Is THIS how you picture Bones?” question:
Not really, because no one on tv, movies, or in real life looks like Bones does to me in my head. So, trying to find a cover model that matched how Bones looked was pretty pointless, especially since how Bones looks to me might be very different than how Bones looks to you, and that’s cool! One of the best things about reading is that it’s such an immersive experience that it allows us to personalize characters in a way that makes their physical descriptions more like “guidelines” than actual rules (to quote Captain Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean.) So, when looking at images and models for the cover of THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE, I was more interested in the vibe that a picture gave me, versus in whether or not it matched how I see Bones in my head.
That’s why I’m so happy with how the cover turned out because to me, it has the spooky, sexy, and badass “Ready or not, here I come” attitude that personifies Bones, especially in this story when he is so determined to win Cat even though she hates vampires.
I hope you love the cover as much as I do, and I’ll see you tomorrow when I finally get to show it off :).
Bones is one of the yummiest (hopefully this is a word lol) character in the book universe and he changes a bit in my mind whenever I read a new book with him in it. Same for Cat.
I’m so excited to see how you have been picturing bones all the wonderful years. I know how my minds eye sees him.
PLEASE ALSO POST MORE OUTTAKES!! I loved to read outttakes from the grave and read it so many times. You have many book after that so theres hope to once get more of the outtakes from other books such as vlad and ian but also more from cat and bones 😍😍😍