A few days ago, a reader reached out to ask if I was still writing because there was nothing on my website about future releases. First, sorry about that! Normally, I do a better job at updating my website with future book information. I haven’t this time because some details are still being ironed out, so I can’t share them yet, but the short answer is:
YES, I am still writing.
I can’t imagine not writing, in fact. Sure, if I won the Powerball, I’d probably take a couple years off, but even then, I don’t imagine that I’d stop. It’s part of me, much like my foul language and twisted sense of humor ;).
So, more books are coming, and yes, they will be more vampire books. If everything goes well, I might even have two releases for you next year instead of one. Until then, I’m sorry that I can’t yet say who the books will be about, or when they’ll come out, so please don’t ask because I don’t want to be rude and ignore the question. I promise that I’ll share the information when I can.
Until then, let me share a funny new paranormal show that I’ve been enjoying: SURREAL ESTATE. It’s about a realtor that specialized in selling–and dealing with–haunted houses. There’s even a pyrokinetic character in the mix, though Vlad would disapprove since she doesn’t use her powers much, which he would consider a waste. Still, if you’re looking for something quirky, supernatural, and funny to watch, I highly recommend it. You can find it on the SyFy channel.

Sorry to bother you, I just wanted to bring something to your attention. I have been checking your website every couple of weeks for the last 6 months and I was starting to get really worried because I hadn´t seen an update for a while. So I was very happliy suprised when I saw you had posted something recently. Until just now the most recent blog update I had been able to see was from March 10th and I wasn´t able to see any of the things you posted in between then and now (ie none of the posts about hex on the beach or anything from this summer was visable for me until just now). I don´t know if this was an issue on my end or yours but I just wanted to let your know. Thank you so much for the update
A reader
I’m on my second pass thru your Night world, and it’s even better this time! I just finished Vlad, and can’t wait to jump into Ian and Veritas (they’re my absolute favorite). I wanted to ask, because I can’t stop wondering, is there ever going to be an update on how Vlad, Leila, and his step son are doing? I can imagine some hilarious familial moments filled with Vlad almost starting things on fire! I’d love an update on them and Vlad’s relationship with Mencheres! Hope you’re well, can’t wait to read Grave’s Girl Getaway.
Best wishes,