First, thanks so much to everyone who came out to the WICKED ALL NIGHT online release party last Tuesday! It was SO much fun getting to chat with you. Even if it was only hanging out in a virtual forum, it still felt like a little slice of normal, and I can’t tell you how much I’ve needed a slice of normal after these past twelve months. I hope that you enjoyed it, too. Big thanks again to Ilona Andrews for hosting the release party on her forum!
I promised to pick winners from among those of you who came to the chat, and I am here to make good on that promise. As usual, winners were picked by random selection. So, without further ado, the 5 winners of a signed copy of WICKED ALL NIGHT are:
Susan Kim, Mistie Maskil, Sharona McKee, Brenda Pence, and Angela Nguyen. Congrats to all of you!
Next up are the winners of the two $25 Amazon egift cards. They are:
Ashley Occenad and Penny Brant. Congrats to you both!
Finally, the grand prize winner of a $50 Amazon egift card is…
Marilyn Keating. Congrats, Marilyn!
All winners, please email me at frostlight1 AT yahoo DOT com (you know what to do with the AT being @ and the DOT being .) In your email, please include the email address that you used to register to join the chat for identity verification purposes.
To everyone else, I’m sorry you didn’t win, but once again, I loved hanging out with you, and thank you for making the release celebration of WICKED ALL NIGHT such a fun event–and my apologies again for my language. What can I say? Being locked inside for a year has done BAD things to my profanity filter, lol.
Even if you couldn’t make the live event, I WILL be posting the video on my blog in the future, so you’ll get to join in that way. You’ll also get to virtually meet my new husky puppy, Leia, who burst into my closed–yes, CLOSED–office twice to demand attention during the interview. Funny: I’d said early on in the chat that my new dog could open doors. I think some of you thought I was exaggerating, but Leia proved me right! If you missed it, this happened during the “spoiler” part of the chat at the end. Guess Leia had had enough of being locked out by then, heh.
Once again, congrats to the winners, and to everyone else, I leave you with a picture of our intrepid, door-opening canine. See, she’s an Ian fan, too ;).

Do you have a date for when you’ll post the video? I’m sooooo excited!!! I loved Wicked All Night so much!
Do you think you’ll ever write another Night Prince book?
Congrats to all the winners!
I really enjoyed the release party & the book. Thank you for doing it. I hope both you & IA continue the practice when the pandemic is over. I never live close enough to attend in-person events.
Congrats to all the winners! I really enjoyed the release party. So much good information and insight! It was fun watching the interaction between you and Ilona, she is a kind soul. Looking forward to more of these!
I finished the new book yesterday evening.. wow.. !!
have a nice day 😉
a big hug from Italy
Ciao, Silvia