Lots of you have been asking me for a snippet from WICKED ALL NIGHT, the third Night Rebel book featuring Ian and Veritas. I’ve held off because (1) scenes could change during edits, (2) SO much of what I’d post would be spoiler-y, and I don’t want to spoil you on things, plus (3) I don’t know what would make a good snippet because I’m not quite finished writing it yet, so I’m too close to it to be objective.
However, writing the below made me giggle, so I thought I’d share it with you. First, though, a warning: in my current, stressed-out state, what makes me giggle is usually snarky, dirty, or a bit twisted. In this case, it’s all three because in the below scene snippet, Cat from the Night Huntress series is about to get a load of Ian’s piercing, and no, she isn’t ready :).
Usual disclaimer about pre-published snippets: This could change during edits, as mentioned. Also, since is is pre-revisions and pre-edits, it’s possibly full of grammar and/or spelling mistakes because I need an editor for a reason, people. That said, if your sense of humor is also lowbrow and circling near the gutter, enjoy!
WICKED ALL NIGHT, copyright Jeaniene Frost
Two hard knocks on the door woke me. I hadn’t intended to fall asleep after Ian made good on his promise to fuck me into a state of temporary muteness, but I had. Then again, I’d done a lot of things I hadn’t intended to do over the past two days. What was that saying about making the gods laugh? All you had to do was tell them your plans?
“Sod off, whoever you are,” Ian said without opening his eyes.
The door burst open in a shower of wood, revealing Cat.
Ian cursed as he leapt up from the bed. “Really, Reaper? Kicking the door in? This isn’t even your house.”
“I know, but this news is important and I drew the short straw, so I’m here and Spade isn’t,” Cat replied, looking anywhere except at Ian. “Figured it was the best time to interrupt since the horses finally quit stomping up their stalls from all the racket. Unless that banging around was you two and not the horses? Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”
I got out of bed, too. Now Cat was almost staring at the ceiling to avoid looking at our nakedness. How silly.
“We don’t have anything you haven’t seen before,” I said before adding dryly, “even if I am Death’s direct descendant.”
“It’s not you,” Cat said, her strained tone proving that, if she were human, she’d be blushing. “It’s his, um…you know.”
“You barged in for a reason, so spare us your Puritan modesty and get to it,” Ian said impatiently. “Besides, you must have seen a cock piercing before, and if you haven’t, Crispin owes you an apology for being such an unimaginative lover.”
“Fine, let’s get this over with,” Cat muttered, and dropped her gaze below Ian’s waist.
“Wow,” she said after a stunned moment. “Really jammed that thing right in there, didn’t you?” Then, her head tilted to the side. “Is that one single bar straight through the tip? Or are there two different piercings on either side-?”
“Focus, Reaper,” Ian interrupted.
“Right,” Cat said, shaking her head as if to clear it. “What did I come in here for again? Oh, yeah. We’re all in deep shit.”
You can pre-order WICKED ALL NIGHT from #Ad Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.
lso, if you haven’t read any books in the Night Rebel series yet, the first one, SHADES OF WICKED, is one sale for only $2.99 in ebook from now until May 31st. Gets yours: #Ad) Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo or your favorite ebook retailer.

I am actually rolling around my bed unable to stop laughing right now
Lol…that was funny, but now I want….no, need more!
Love it!!!! Friggin love me some Ian!!!! Just finished Wicked Bite!!!! Loved it!! Can’t wait for more. Luv always fangirl Kat v.💋💋💕
HAY CARAMBA!!!!! That was really funny 😆 😆😆😆😆😆😆
I’m a big fan of all the characters.
Now I want to know. One bar or…?
Oh I’m far too cruel but I think *Crispin* (said in Annette’s purr) should take a piercing for a test drive for a day or two. After all,he’d done his tongue and nipples for a job. Surely he’d do even more for his Kitten. 😏😏😏😏
Thank you so much for sharing this. It made me laugh and definitely brightened my day. Love Ian, and a flustered Cat is always hilarious amidst all the jaded older vampires.
Lol thanks for this
I miss Spade lol and love when Ian says “really Reaper”
This is hilarious because she is the big bad reaper to most but still innocent enough to be embarrassed by the Ian’s piercing. I love what she asks him, a perfect example of their relationship. 😂
I can’t wait until I can read the book!!!!!
Love it!
Omfg, that is great! This is why I love your work because you share my wicked and twisted sense of humour which gets sprinkled in among all the action and drama – the kind of thing I strive for in my own writing. Can’t wait.
That’s funny can’t wait to read the rest. And just wanted to let you know Amazon has Shades of Wicked listed for 6.99 not 2.99. I found out when I told a friend who wanted to read the series that it was on sale.
Ugh, that’s because I posted the wrong links before! Sorry about that. Here’s the correct link to the $2.99 sale price for SHADES OF WICKED: https://amzn.to/2X9g9YC I’ve also updated the blog post with the right links, so thanks for letting me know about that!
Forgive me if this has been asked & answered, but I’m Just wondering if there was An expected publication date. Amazon says 1/21 but I’m sure that could just be a placeholder
I’m told end of February, but final confirmation will come in two weeks, so I’ll update everyone then. Thanks!
Lol!!! This was great, thank you! I’m very excited to see the cover of this book. Hope you can share the first chapter of it with us soon!
Thanks for sharing! I loved it. And here I thought Cat wasn’t easy to blush anymore. Awesome!
Thanks for sharing. Now I can go to bed laughing the whole way. It will give my dogs more reasons to think I have lost what little marbles I still had left.
Poor Cat! Lol! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thank u… can’t wait for more
ROFLMAO!!! I can just hear Ian saying “Really Reaper” now. I am currently listening to your books on Audible and Tavia Gilbert is the BEST. I can picture Ian and Bones and hear there English accent now. P.S. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE narrators on your books. She has done an AWESOME job on all of them.
“really jammed that thing right in there, didn’t you?” 🤣🤣 I love it!