Wow, been a while since I blogged. Sorry about that. I had a great time at Coastal Magic Convention, but pretty much as soon as I arrived, I got sick. Thankfully, I didn’t get really sick until I got home, where I had antibiotics waiting for me, and of course, my own bed. You never really appreciate the wonderfulness of your own bed until you’re sick while away from home, right?
Anyway, I spent the next week trying to get better, and then my husband caught my bad cold/flu/whatever it was (no, it wasn’t coronavirus, as far as symptoms go, because neither he nor I had shortness of breath.) So, that wasn’t a pile of fun. Then, to make things uber stressful, my father coded after a medical procedure last week. He was successfully resuscitated, thank God, and is now out of the hospital and recovering, but as you can imagine, the experience was quite upsetting.
Now, I’m trying to hunker down and get some writing done, because all the above was not great for my writing progress, and my deadline looms. Speaking of that, I’m going to wrap up this blog post so I can get back to the keyboard. But before I go, let me end this somewhat gloomy post on a more amusing note: Here is the face of a boy who threw up on my bed, then tried to “fix” the problem by covering it with my blankets. Loki looks too cute to have committed such a heinous act, but looks can be deceiving 🙂

as we say here in Italy, “andrà tutto bene”, everything in the end will be all right.
Take care of yourself and stay at home always.
Ciao, dear Jeaniene 😉
Be well. Loki is too cute.
Just finished reading book 2 of Night Rebel Series. What can I say but, Write faster!!! The anticipation of book 3 is killing me!!! Lol I was only 289 on the wait list at my library for book 2. LOVED IT!!!!
Wishing all yours happy healing and recovery. Thank you for being such a adventurous writer!! Love your books. Think I’ll reread some or your books when I’m not still at the health dept during this pandemic 😉. It’ll cheer me up while I wait for the ” 3rd” book.
So glad everyone is feeling better! Well I understand all too well how things like this can mess up your writing schedule, anticipation for book 3 is killing me and I agree with everyone else who is begging you to write faster! Stay well and safe, and try not to be fooled by that adorable face that can probably very easily convince you that he didn’t do anything! LOL
So very glad your father is recovering, Jeaniene! What a terrifying experience. I hope his recovery is fast, comfortable and complete!
Glad everyone is okay. Welcome back to the blogosphere.
Hi Jeaniene! I am writing to you from Argentina, did I accidentally find your book in a bookstore auction and the truth? HAVE BEEN THE BEST FUCKING BOOK I HAVE READ IN A LONG TIME !! The story of Cat and Bones is simply amazing, it goes without saying that with this coronavirus and its quarantine with all my free time I have read your complete saga xD something vicissious, I know, and I hope please, really that you continue writing from Bones’ point of view is addictive, you never have enough of Bones.
I leave you a giant kiss, it’s been a long time since a saga caught me so much, I hope that you and your husband will resemble soon.
PS: Adorable Loki * – *
I am so grateful that Ilona Andrews included a link in her/their blog about the Bones POV! I had already read and listened to the Cat and Bones series and spin offs and absolutely loved them all! This was like a cherry on top! Would be great if you added more and even published… I would buy it just the same as I did the Ilona Andrews book serials from their blogs after they were published. I have also enjoyed some of your shenanigans with House Andrews… hehehe! What fun!
Your posts/blog is very reminiscent of the Andrews which I really enjoy so I took the plunge and subscribed to yours… I have been a fan of your books for years so better late than never! I do want to thank you for all the enjoyment your books have given me! I also love the narrator used for your books… does a great job with the voices, especially Bones!
I hope you and your family, including your father and dog, are fully recovered! With a name like Loki, though, you are asking for trouble! 🙂
If you are ever in the position to get the corona virus antibody test, go for it. It could have been another kind of flu, but maybe not. Seems like there are too many new facts emerging as time goes by. Stay safe, healthy and well!
I know this is an older post in your blog so I hope you see this… not sure if you are notified or if this will be unread. LiVe long and prosper! Note the capital V for the added Vulcan salute!