Today is the day! WICKED BITE, book two in the Night Rebel series, is now here. To help celebrate, here is the final Quote of the Day. I don’t know about you, but I’d say this is Ian inviting you to take him home ;).

Some promises are meant to be broken…
Veritas spent most of her life as a vampire Law Guardian. Now, she’s about to break every rule by secretly hunting down the dark souls that were freed in order to save Ian. But the risks are high. If she gets caught, she could lose everything. And catching the sinister creatures might cost Veritas her own life.
Some vows are forever…
Ian’s memories might be fragmented, but this master vampire isn’t about to be left behind by the woman who entranced him, bound herself to him, and then disappeared. So what if demons, other Law Guardians, and dangerous, otherworldly forces stand against them? Come hell or high water, Ian intends to remind Veritas of the burning passion between them, because she is the only person seared on his mind—and his soul…
Get yours: (#Ad)Amazon, Apple Books, B&N, BooksAMillion, Kobo, IndieBound And, for a limited time, you can order a SIGNED copy of WICKED BITE from Malaprops BookStore.
“Delivers all the sizzle, sass, and suspense that make this paranormal world such a thrill.” Publishers Weekly, starred review
“A fierce and satisfying sequel…a breathtaking paranormal romance.” Kirkus, starred review
“Some of the best sex in contemporary romance…[an] original and entrancing series about a world of vampires, demons, and gods.” Booklist
And, Ian and Veritas will be back in WICKED ALL NIGHT, the third Night Rebel novel.
YES! Off to read *-*
After a sufficient amount of time for us to enjoy the perfection of Wicked Bite 😊 will you tell us what went “wrong” in the early draft that caused the delay? Not that Ian isn’t totally worth the wait. 😊😊😊
Oh, I can tell you now :). In short, the original, unpublished first half of the book had too much “telling” and not enough “showing.” In addition to that, I over-explained things about the world-building, character motivation, inner thoughts, events in previous books, etc. That dragged down the pacing even more. So, I ended up rewriting most of the first half of the book. I also added two new chapters to better highlight Veritas’s ass-kicking abilities and her determination to find the other resurrected souls (chapters six and seven, if you’re wondering), plus to add a little more humor with her phone call to Cat. The result was a much, much better first half than the original, un-revised version.
Thank you so much for replying! And thank you for taking such great care of your readers and your stories and your characters. They really mean a lot to me and, while I know it wasn’t an easy decision to delay the book for six months, I’m so thankful you did. I’m glad I got to read a story that you wrote based off what was best rather than what was easy.
Read the book 🙂 Loved it *-*
Holy crap, I just finished it, and it was amazing! Ian and Veritas are my favorites (and that’s even beating Cat and Bones somehow)! Can’t wait for Wicked All Night!
I just finished Wicked Bite and LOVED it!!!! ❤️ I stayed home all day just to have time by myself to read it! I really hope we don’t have to wait toooooo long for the third book! I mean I know this book just came out TODAY, but I’m ready for the next one! Coming Soon…I pray that’s true! ☺️ I’m obsessed!
Loved every second of wicked bite!!!
So glad you liked it! Wish the next one, WICKED ALL NIGHT, were ready for you now, but I’m still writing it :).
I loved it! Can’t wait for Wicked all Night.
Just finished it and loved it!! Can’t wait for the next one, how long will the wait be?? 😩
Already finished. So eager for more, for the love of god please tell me that the next book is ready 😂
I can’t stand cliffhangers 😢
So glad you liked it! But no, WICKED ALL NIGHT isn’t ready yet. I’m still writing it :).
Thank you, so glad you liked it!
OMG!!!! I can’t even stand the wait for Wicked All Night- talk about waking my kids screaming ” what!?!?! No,no it can’t be finished!?!?!” Thank you for truly amazing stories/vacations and hot heroic characters. Please please tell me we won’t have to long to wait to find out what happens now?? Much love!
I’ve been a big fan since May or June of last year when I came across First drop of crimson while browsing through available (e-) books on Libby. Soon found out that only 4 of your books were available on Libby, so I started reading all the available library books from One foot in the grave. Came across an audiobook by chance and absolutely love how Tavia Gilbert reads your books, so now I’m buying the audio books. Today I started listening to Wicked bite for the 3rd time, and I’m already impatiently waiting for Wicked all night! Thank you for lifting my spirit when I needed it the most, and reawakening my long lost(!) libido! 😉
I had this on pre-order on audible and have been re-listening to Shades of Wicked in the run up to today’s release. I started listening to Wicked Bite this morning and have just finished it. I loved it! The only bad news is now that I’ve finished it, the waiting game starts all over again as I await book 3. Any hint as to what the release date will be for this? 😊
So glad you liked the book! I’m not sure about the release date for WICKED ALL NIGHT yet. It won’t be real soon, I can say that, because I”m still writing it :).
So…are we going to get a book for Ashael? Because I’m 100% down for that.
Yay for an Ashael fan! I think he’s very interesting, too. We’ll see :).
Another outstanding book. I never have enough time to sit and read a book. I never see a TV nowadays. I am so grateful that the audiobook comes out at the same time. I absolutely love all your books. They’ve gotten me through some very hard times. You and the worlds you build amaze me. Thank you for saving me sanity many times over. I’m looking forward to securing my preorder of Wicked All Night.
Thank you for the sneak peeks and extras, too.
Yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one who wants him to have a book!
I loved reading about his character this book, and I think he would be really interesting to explore further! He’s a great combo of strong and serious but also kind of ridiculous, and I think those characters make for the greatest heroes. I’m also hoping for more spin-offs in this series. I have my fingers crossed for a Timothy book and an Ashael book now. And maybe even Cat and Bone’s daughter…
I would love to see a book on Ashael! That would be a very interesting read. I’m so excited for your next book. Thank you so much for creating such a fantastical world that is so easy to get swept up in and characters that everyone loves.
It’s amazing!!! So happy I preordered this!! Worth the wait!
OMG, Katie and Cain sitting in a tree,
first comes blood,
then comes marriage,
then comes the start of a new heritage.
Ha ha ha ha!
I really liked it as well. The book was released on my birthday so it was a very good enjoyable birthday present (and much cheaper than a holiday to Greece). I really liked the development of Ian and veritas’ characters and relationship, so glad they stopped the back and forth (Oh I can’t Yes I want! No no no! It’s too much) relatively early in the book and just got on with things, it made for a strong smooth development. And even Cat got around to give some good advice.
And (not that I want to spoil the ending for those who haven’t finished it yet) but I really enjoyed the end of it.
I really look forward to the 3rd book, this one felt whole, juicy, and pretty much perfect.
Wicked Bite was fantastic. I could not get enough. Please let me know when book 3 is coming out. Worth the wait!
thank you Jeaniene for this novel! It was fantastic! I cannot wait for the third one.. It was really an holiday in this gloomy January. Ciao 😉
“He will pleasure me now” may be the funniest line I’ve read in awhile. It should have been one of the quotes released. I’m already looking for ways to incorporate this in a conversation.
“He will pleasure me now” may be the funniest line I’ve read in awhile. It should have been one of the quotes released. I’m already looking for ways to incorporate this in a conversation. 😂
I love the book. Ian is now by far my favorite character. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
OMG!!!! I can’t even stand the wait for Wicked All Night- talk about waking my kids screaming ” what!?!?! No,no it can’t be finished!?!?!” Thank you for truly amazing stories/vacations and hot heroic characters. Please please tell me we won’t have to long to wait to find out what happens now?? Much love!
The book was fantastic. I read it all in one day. Since then, I have read it two more times to ensure that I didn’t miss anything. As always, I do enjoy old characters showing up. Now, I am not only looking forward to book three, but also more information on Timothy (zealot or loyal to friends?), Yonah and Ashael. Although I will always give this book five out of five stars, I did notice a few things. Hopefully someone can tell me that I’m mistaken or that I missed something.
1. Ashael Using Veritas’ Real Name – The first time Ashael calls her “Ariel,” she is shocked because she thinks that only two know that name – Tenoch and Ian. However, in Shades Wicked, Mencheres whispers her name when she reveals her true self to him (Cat, Bones, and Charles were there too but not sure if they heard the name). Nevertheless, it’s certainly more than two that know that name now.
2. Nathanial – Ian states “tell me the name of the red-haired demon-branded bloke who met you a few years ago inquiring about refuge.” However, Nathanial was no longer demon-branded as Raum removed the brands in First Drop of Crimson.
3. Summoned – If Tenoch sired her and she didn’t deal with her “other half,” how did she know that she could be summoned. Also, how would she have learned which symbols could be used?
4. Ashael Knowing who Veritas is to Him – Veritas asked Ashael when did he know about her. He said that he heard about a Halfling with silver eyes but wasn’t for sure until he met her that day. If that is the case, how does he know that she was promised to Phanes? He doesn’t outright say that he knew, but it is implied when he asked how Phanes found her.
First of all, I LOVED THE BOOK!!!!! I’ve been holding back from reading it since I had exams and stuff going on but I finally read it!! That cliffhanger is going to be the death of me. Hopefully, everything will go well with your writing so Wicked All Night will get published this year.
P.S. I Googled Phanes and found that he was a deity of light and goodness, whose name meant “to bring light” or “to shine”; a first-born god of light who emerged from a void or a watery abyss and gives birth to the universe. Nyx (Night) is variously said to be Phanes’ daughter or older wife. Omggggg what if Veritas IS Nyx? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!
I loved every moment of the book. I’m seeing a lot of parallels with Greek mythology in this series. What with Veritas being a demigod an all no to mention Phanes. Was this going to be part of the plan for the series or was it added later on?
What I found really interesting was the potential attempt to revive Cain via a tribrids blood. Teasing a potential book with Katie? 😉