As promised, here is Quote of the Day #3! If you want, you can read the context of this quote in the excerpts I posted here:

Once again, there will be new quotes every day until WICKED BITE’s release on 28th! If you haven’t already, you can pre-order your copy of WICKED BITE here: #AD Amazon: , B&N: , Apple Books: , IndieBound: , and, for a limited time, you can order a SIGNED copy of WICKED BITE from Malaprops BookStore.
Also, if you’re in the Florida area and you’re free on February 8th, come see me and these other fab authors at The Romance Affair event, hosted by Barnes & Noble in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The first 50 attendees will get gift bags hosted by the book store, and I’m putting together a “Jeaniene’s Favorite Things” basket containing books, Godiva chocolates, coffee, tinted lip balms, hand-crafted soaps, fuzzy aloe socks, and more that will be raffled off. Come out if you can! Details below:

Finally, a head’s up: I’ll releasing the book trailer for WICKED BITE later TODAY on my blog, so check back to check it out :).
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