Before we get to Chapter Six of THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE, I have exciting news: for a very limited time, you can buy the first Night Rebel novel, SHADES OF WICKED, for only $1.99 in ebook. So, if you love the action, adventure, heat, and humor in the Cat and Bones books, you’ll find that same blend in Ian and Veritas’ novels, and you can try your first one for only $1.99. Order (#Ad) Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo
ETA: The previous unrevised, unedited chapters have been taken down. You can read an extended excerpt from THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE here. (link: THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE releases April 26th. Order yours at #Ad Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.

Thank you for doing this. It is a lovely diversion and I am loving the POV switch to Bones!
This is amazing!!! I almost like it better from Bones’s perspective. He’s hilarious.
Yes I totally second that.
Thank you for these wonderful snippets.
I am so in love with this! Your so fantastic 😍 thank you for uploading thease! I now have to re-read cat and bones, it’s like a compulsion.
I did a happy dance when I saw this update. I’m absolutely loving Bones’ side of things. I REALLY wish we could get the whole series from Bones POV *sigh* but I know you have other writing to do. This just makes me miss Cat and Bones more.
I do love bones and cat !!! They are two of my all time fave couples!!! I love rereading their books!!! Ty! So much Jeaniene for creating such fabulous characters!! Love fangirl Kat v.💋💞💋💖
Every chapter I read makes me think of more to come. Like when Cat meets Bones’s best friend. That should be hilarious. I love the Night Huntress Series. I can’t tell you how many times I have read it, but I’m so excited to see how the story plays out from Bones’s POV. Please keep them coming!!!
I don’t think I could ever get enough of this! Please keep going!!
I’ve just been retracing the series and stumbled on this checking your site for updates and reading order. Thank you! This is awesome
I definitely need more more more!! Please keep them coming and wouldn’t it be great if we could get the whole series from Bones’s view point? Just sayin I would definitely buy them all.
I’m sorry to hear that your not publishing this Cat and Bones turn around as I’m enjoying it very much. It’s funny.
So glad you’re enjoying it! Right now, it’s unfinished and free. If I ever finish it and take the time to get it edited, formatted, etc., I might publish it. We’ll see :).
Ohh I’m melting here. Love love love the story from Bones’ POV.
I do hope you continue this or even better, make it in to a book or a series of books 😛
Jeaniene, I have been DREAMING of more from Bones’s POV ever since I read Outtakes From The Grave. I woke up this morning literally refreshing your blog for chapter 6 of this. Thank you so so much for sharing these with us!!
Awe so sensitive Bones is to her feelings. Nice to see this softer sided Bones. Instant love for him ❤️😍. Can’t wait till she goes after their first target together. I trying to be patient for the make over scene and panties one. Poor Bones will be like a teenage boy on Prom Night 😂
Amor del bueno!! #Bones ♥️
I found this on my birthday and it has been the best present I’ve received in years. I love your writing!
This is truly awesome. I love it.
I miss Cat and Bones.
This is a high light of my week. I hope you continue this, I would love it to be made into a book. Love bones point of view xx
Bones e o sonho de pensamento de qualquer um…. Ler seu ponto de vista nos enche de alegria….
this is fantastic.. 😉 have a nice week end ciao <3
Thank you very much!!!
Thank you for sending us this. I love it!
Now, I’m going back to the beginning and in order to read all the books again! Maybe, this will help me while I want for the newest Ian and Veritas book to come out!
Oh Bones, forget about Cat for the moment and run away with me! I love this whole other side. I would totally buy this if you decided to print or even just release in ebook. Thank you for another great chapter.
I so look forward to these chapters. I love reading about Cat & Bones.
Oh please…. I need more… I can’t wait for the rest of the chapters;)
Counting the days until next weekend ❤
Fantastically, fun reading…thank you!
MORE!!! Send more and I’ll send you Cinnabon!!! I am loving this. I so often wondered what was going through Bone’s mind when I read the books. Keep it coming.
Thank you. I can’t wait for January 20. It’s just damn far away
You should really consider releasing these shorts as a novela! I would buy it! I miss this couple, and it’s almost like reading a new story since its told from Bone’s pov. I love it! Thank you!
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! The best part of Fridays!
I so look forward to Bones POV. Thank you this is so great!!
Most anticipated highlight of my week. Thank you! ❤❤❤❤More!!
I can’t wait for the next chapter. I love hearing Bone’s POV. It adds so much more to the story! I would definitely by the book if it was completed!!! I re-read all the books in the series from time to time and I would love to re-read this one in the future too!!!!😍😍
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love getting to read this chapters! I miss Cat and Bones. Wish I could read the whole series again, but fringe Bones point of view. You are my most favorite author. ❤️
I am crying happy tears over Bones and Cat. Especially over Bones, because it is a GIFT to read about his first reactions to falling in love with his Kitten. AND THE MENTION OF CHARLES!!!!! Oh the utter joy.
I love this so much!! I can’t wait for more 😍 It’s seriously so sweet how in love Bones is from the start 😭💜
Thanks so much for another chapter. I can hardly wait to read the next one. I love how they interact and of course how Bones thinks. It’s funny and so great. Keep the chapters coming, Jeaniene! You are doing a wonderful job! <3
This is so awesome! Thanx so much for posting ’em! 😀
Bones has a fun sense of humor. I like knowing his feelings.
I love how we get to see how Cat effects him from the beginning. When he said he loved her from when they first met I always thought he never showed that. Now we get to see the struggle of emotions in him. Thank you and I can’t wait for the next one!
Thank you so much for this. They are one of my favorite couples and to have even a part of their story from his pov is a wonderful and unexpected gift. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
More! More! More! ❤️
I am obsessed with these chapters! Would you ever consider doing this from Vlad’s POV for the Night Prince spinoff?
awesome thanks again
Every week I can’t wait for more!
Please, i need more! I love you Jeaniene! You are the best 💕💕💕
Each line, each passage, and every word draws you in wanting more. Is this what heroine feels like?
I want to kiss him and smack him at the same time.