Sorry for not posting the new Bones pov chapter yesterday! Black Friday shopping and a headache took up most of my day. The new chapter is below, but before we get to that, I’m happy to announce a new appearance in February! Come see me and several authors for THE ROMANCE AFFAIR at Barnes & Noble in Palm Beach Gardens, FL on Saturday, February 8th at 1pm. There will be a Q&A followed by a group signing, so it should be a great time. Full list of authors and details below. I’ll be celebrating WICKED BITE‘s release, of course, so I really hope to see some of you there. And, in case you missed the news last week, Ian and Veritas’s first book, SHADES OF WICKED, is on sale for only $1.99 in ebook for just a little while longer. Get yours (#Ad) Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo

ETA: The previous unrevised, unedited chapters have been taken down. You can read an extended excerpt from THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE here. (link: THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE releases April 26th. Order yours at #Ad Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.

Thank you!
Thanks for posting this even with all the holiday stuff going on. Glad your headache is better . Your character Kat gives so many hope. Everyone deserves love. You can’t help they way your born .
Poor Kat and her relationship with her mother 😭. So glad Bones shows her how worthly of love she is . How hard it must be for him to keep his peace about her mom. Bones deserves a sainthood for not truely ripping into Justine after all she has done. Sure he says his bit but man… to see the woman you love almost mentally destroyed by the one that is to show her unequivocal love and understanding .To be an outcast in the human and vampire world and to not have the one safe haven of love and understanding by your own family or even you own mind (being so mentally abused by the hatrid your mother has for a species you can’t help but be apart of ) is so heart breaking. To have that same person destroy their own childs happinesses for shame .Glad Bones found Kat and shows her how to love herself. Kudos Bones . Thank you for telling his side story as well. We can really see how he connects to Kat and cares for Kat beyond his actions and words but with his mental state and true feelings.
Thank you so much ,words will be never enough to thank you for Bones and Cat and now this stories from his side
I agree but there are many Cats out there. I know I tried everything to gain my mother’s love and approval. It never worked and in many ways it still hurts. Love Bones and his caring for Cat
Nossa …como eu esperei por esse capítulo, precisamos mais de cat e bones.
Yes!!! More!
Wow! I loved Bones point of view! It would be wonderful if you expanded this to a full length novel and published it. I guarantee it would be a best seller! Thank you for giving me the pleasure of reading a great story. (Now I’m going to go back and reread the original Halfway to the Grave. In fact, now I’m going to reread the whole series!) Thank you again!
Thanks again for another great chapter Jeaniene and I think this is the best so far. Do you know if you might ever come here to Pittsburgh? Where I live is just 5 minutes away from Barnes & Nobles in Robinson at Settler’s Ridge. I would be so geeked to meet you and have you sign my book reader. lol I have all your books on it! With having my adult disabled son, I cannot travel to see you, but this would be awesome experience, to meet my favorite author!!!
For many, Cat and Bones may be 12 years “old.” But I only “met” them about 5 years ago. And I love them dearly! Thanks for this blog. I just found out about it today, in an Urban Fantasy Facebook group. I’ve devoured all blog posts in an hour or so. (And I’m just learning about Ian and Veritas— got their first book today!) Cheers, from New Orleans, La. 🙂
Thank you very much for offering the first Night Rebel book for $1.99! When I tried to buy it on Amazon, however, the first thing I saw was “Not available in Canada”. *sigh* This happens sometimes with books I want to purchase. Not giving up though! I will find a way. 😁
Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us! It’s absolutely brilliant and can’t wait to get the next chapter.
So so so so so SOOOOOO good. I look forward to these chapters every week. I’m gonna be so sad when it ends. I think you should push your editor to make this into a book, it would be a hit for sure!
Awesome chapter and it reminded me of why I despised Cat’s mum so much throughout the books. And no, I don’t think she had any saving graces. Even after becoming a vampire she was still awful. 😋
Thank you!
Thank you!!
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
I hope your headache is better and does not return. Thank you for giving us this added insight from Bones. I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Another awesome chapter!!! Enjoyed it so much!!! Love bones and cat such fabulous characters!! Much luv forever Gabriel Kat v.!💋💞💋💖
I hope your headache is better and does not return. Thank you for giving us this added insight from Bones. I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Thanks…loved it – diane
Great job once again!!!
I am so happy you gave us another chapter. Yeah!
Thanks!!! I love so much Bones ♥️
I live for these!! Thank you for taking the time!!
Thank you Jeaniene, this chapter was awesome… well all them are.
You sould come to Mexico, to “Book’s Fair” (Feria Internacional del Libro), would be incredible.
Love u!!
Thank you!
Oh my gosh! That was awesome! Is it time for the next chapter yet? Lol. I think it’s time to reread the original while waiting for more. Thank you so much for these special chapters!
Thank you very much!!! OMG!!! I love this couple!!!
thank you! have a nice week 😉 ciao
Thank you. You are awesome. Happy holidays
Thank you *-*
I just wanted to thank you for this, I adore this story.
Thank you for uploading!! I’m in love with the shift in point of view and haven’t gotten over this series ever since! Glad you’re feeling better!
Thank you for another chapter.
Ok Jeaniene, I know you said this is not a new book….. but I need more. Cat and Bones are my favorite characters! Please write chapter 8. I need something to hold me over until the new Ian book comes out. Please can I have some more……
Thanks again! I can’t wait to see how Bones feels when she is actually around other vampires. This is really good. Can’t wait to read more.
I have only been reading these for 2 months and I am already obsessed. Thank you for the wonderful strength you’re showing us love can have and build. Can’t wait to read more here and get my hands on more Ian and Veritas.
Another brilliant chapter. I love Bones!
This is amazing!! Thank you so much for allowing us all to see just how much Bones cared about Cat even this early in their relationship!
Thank you!
Happy New Year! Cat’s mom is vile. I’m loving this side story.
This is my favorite part of the week, thanks so much for this!
Thank you for writing and sharing! I love your work.
Thank you.
Love the back and forth with these two so much! I really prefer Bone’s POV.
I really like Bone’s take on Cat’s mom. This is so telling.
What a great chapter! Reading the story from Bones’ perspective has me wanting to read the whole series, again.
It’s so awesome to be hearing Bones thoughts of her mother. You did SO awesome with this chapter (well, you did awesome with all the chapters!). Thank you so much for sharing your books with us!
This is making me want to re- read the series … again. I love seeing Bones’ perspective. He thinks pretty much exactly how I thought he would, although I didn’t quite realize he felt so strongly for her so soon.
“All I need are names. Never too late for bullies to pay for their crimes.”
I laughed so hard at that because I agree with that statement wholeheartedly. A… bit more than anyone should agree with that if I’m being honest.
Anyway, much appreciated reading this from his perspective. You have a wonderful way of painting such a scary, adventurous, lovely, hopeful, and sometimes downright depressing world. (Seriously, just got done reading At Graves End. I will not be afraid to admit that I cried for ten minutes after chapters 20 & 21. Then cursed you a little bit for making me care so damn much about two people that didn’t actually exist.) You are an exceptional Author. I can’t wait to read the rest of the books.