Wow, over a thousand of you entered to win an Arc (advance reading copy) of Wicked Bite! That’s amazing!
Unfortunately, that means 99.7% of you aren’t going to be happy with the results. I hate disappointing so many of you, which is why I have a special announcement for ALL of you on Friday, so be sure to check back on my blog then! (No, it’s not a movie or tv deal. I wouldn’t be able to wait to share that if I ever had THAT news ;))
Anyway, back to the three winners! I had a random number generator choose them because I can’t be expected to pick between all of you. Per previous winner’s request, I’m only listing a first name and the initial of the last name. I’m also sending an email to the winners, so if you see your name here, check your inbox!
And the winners are…
Sydnei L., Jill H., and Leah C.
Congratulations and once again, check your inboxes! Everyone else, check back here on Friday. I think you’ll like what I have for you :).
Congrats to all the winners!!!😉💋👍
I’ll be back!😉
See you tomorrow!