You’ve heard Cat’s side of the story. Now, it’s Bones’ turn…
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Night Huntress series, a thrilling new look at the iconic origin story of Cat and Bones, as experienced by Bones…from the other half of the grave.
There are two sides to every story–and the sizzling British alpha vampire, Bones, has a lot to say…
Ever wondered what Bones was thinking and feeling when he and half vampire Cat Crawfield first met? Or how their story might differ if he were the one telling it? Now, relive the beginning of Cat and Bones’ bestselling love story through Bones’ point of view, which reveals a darker, sexier take on their early days, as well as a deeper dive into Bones’ past, the vampire world, and other things that Cat didn’t see when their story was told only through her eyes in HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE.
Cat had her say. It’s Bones’s turn.
Get yours in ebook, print, or audio at #Ad Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.
Read an extended excerpt here. (link: ***
If you’re not familiar with how THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE started, I originally published it as free, partial serial back in 2019, intending it as only a fun glimpse of some early chapters from Bones’s point of view. I never intended to turn it into an entire book, but reader response, plus my own enjoyment, convinced me to finally finish it.
Will this be out in audio and print, too?
Yes. We are planning on a simultaneous audio release along with the ebook on April 26th, 2022. To match how this story is told exclusively through Bones’ point of view (versus how all the Night Huntress series was told exclusively through Cat’s point of view), we are changing audio narrators to an as-yet-unannounced British male narrator. More soon on that.
Why did you start writing it to begin with?
Long version here. Short version: In September 2019, I re-wrote the first time Cat and Bones met from Bones’s point of view and posted it in two chapters on my blog. Readers overwhelmingly asked for more, so I took a month’s break from deadlines and wrote 30K more. Then, I had other contracted novels to finish, so I stopped there. Now that I’m caught up on my deadlines, I finished the story, and I’m so excited to share it with you.
ETA: The previous unrevised, unedited chapters have been taken down. You can read an extended excerpt from THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE here. (link:
Just great!! I don’t usually comment but I had to for this.:)
I don’t see Chapter Two?
Chapter Two is right here:
You can also see the other chapter links here:
Is more coming after chapter 9?
Yes, there will be new chapters each week through January :).
I’m so glad you did this Jeanine! Cat and Bones courtship is timeless and unique, it’s great to see the effort and the effect that Bones goes through to win Cat’s love. I never tire of reading about their beginning. Thank you for this gift – twice!

I have 3 jobs so it took me 3 days to finish the book ,but holy crow! I love love love it.
that this will be a new thing, getting to experience this world through bones eyes
this is the series that got me started reading. From book 1, to the spin offs, to this latest.
I hope
This was so amazing!!! Thank you for sharing this with us!!!! I am looking forward to the rest of Ian’s story!! Any thoughts on Dave’s, Tate’s or even Juan’s? I guess I just want as many stories as you can give us!!!!
Will there be another chapter up soon?
This awesome!!! More more more!!!
This was like giving water to the thirsty. I enjoyed this so much. Thank you for your incredible work.
Terá mais capítulos depois do 16? Estou meio longe por ser brasileira e morar no Brasil, mais sou sua fã
Oh please, you have to finish this. I haven’t laughed so hard in so long I don’t remember. I have all of your books and I’m telling you now, id buy all of these as well if you redid the whole story from bones’ perspective.
Waiting for the next chapter…
It’s 9.30 pm in Belarus… But it isn’t in US
Thank you for this perspective on the beginning of Cat and Bones story. I love your novels and would buy all of the books in the series from Bones perspective I hope you will consider writing them when you have time. I’m waiting for Ian’s third book anxiously and have love this and also all of Vlads series as well. During the quarantine your novels have been a comfort and a help to have read and escaped to the world of these books. Again thank you and hope that you write all the Cat and Bones novels in Bones perspective.
Where is chapter 17?
Where is chapter 17?
Sorry, but there is no chapter 17. The serial ended at chapter sixteen.
When’s Bone’s book coming out after Ian’s

Lol (couldn’t edit post)
Can’t wait to have it
To short not fair
Please MORE
Love your stories
I would love to read more of this- I always check periodically just to see if there will be additional chapters posted. I love the series and all the spin offs and I am eager to see more through Bones POV! This series is my most re-read book of all time.
Please tell me you’re doing a book 2 for other half of the grave

Are you going to continue writing books from bones pov? I am absolutely in love with your series and love hearing the other side of it and bones was such an intriguing character. I would love to hear bones pov on all that they went through (especially with Gregor)!!! Please keep writing my from his pov I need the whole story from his side!!!!!
Love, love, love these chapters from Bones! Soo excited to read these! I was dying to read Bones’s POV. You are awesome Jeaniene Frost!
Thanks for your art, Jeaniene. Your books are so great that I reread them from time to time. They’re breathtaking and I love every character you created. With love from Belarus:)
This is so great,,, I love, love, love Cat and Bones. I’m listening to Halfway to the grave right now for the 10th time at least. Excited to see what Bones was thinking!
Esperando ansiosamente pelos capítulos 12 e 13.
I’m dying to know bones side of their first time together, I want to know how he sees it, feels it….all of it!!!
Is there any chance this will be its own book or put into another book? I’d love to get it in print so I can raff it all the time with the series! <3
Love it. I hope you finish it. I can’t wait to see the Francesca episode.
Please write more from Bones’ POV. Please. I love reading the double versions of stories and this was so much better than most. I’d love to see his view further into the book. Great writing.
i’m so sad i’m late to the party, but glad i found this nonetheless. Please, please don’t stop the night huntress novels. No we absolutely haven’t had enough of Cat and Bones, nor the other characters that have potential story lines too. Please keep writing. i’m already going through withdrawals from finishing the series for the 3rd time
I really hope she finishes this book
Amo a Bones…..
Thank You!
It’s brilliant getting things from Bones point of view and it lets you see Cat from a different perspective.
Can’t wait for the book!
I love the original series so much. But it was amazing to finally be able to read the story from Bones point of view. I hope the rest of the series can get his point of view.
I have all your books, I just Love them all. The romance, the action, the adventure of it all!! Can’t wait for the new stuff!! You are a Blessing to my imagination. I am a stay at home mom taking care of my children (of course) and a caregiver to my Mom who has Alzheimer’s. Reading is my vacation time for me. Thank You so much for sharing your stories!! Bless you and your creative mind!!
Your Fan,
omg this is great I cant wait for the next chapter
I love, adire and have.missed these characters
Thank you for yiur generosity in these gifts of amazingwords!
Awesome!!! Love these two!
Feliz ano novo! Para você e que tenhamos mais de bones e cat este novo ano.
Did you write chapter 17?
No, the chapters that I wrote ended at Chapter Sixteen.
Are you planning to write anymore? Plz say yes!!!
Omg, I absolutely loved those night prince books they were fantastic . And I hope more are coming. It was a great read and love story. Thank you
When is chapter 4 coming? Oh, if only I had the entire book!

PLEASE keep the series on Bones and cat coming! Even from Bones perspective.
Do you send a note on our emails as each new chapter is ready to be read?
Otherwise, how do we know it is ready to be read and how to find it?
I’m not sending weekly newsletters about the chapters because I don’t want to spam readers, especially with the holidays coming up and inboxes already getting jammed full. So, to find these every week as soon as they’re posted, please check on my blog. They’ll be labeled for easy reference:
Or, you can check back on this page and scroll to see the chapter links. Those don’t go up quite as fast, but they’ll be updated regularly. Thanks!
Sorry, to hear you were sick. Thank you for all you do. Not sure any other authors would do this for their readers. I read the disclaimer and I have to say if you ever considered and I wish you would publish all the books from Bones POV myself and it sounds like tons of other readers would buy them. I love your stories and characters so much that I would love to have full books from Bones POV. All the times he is not with Cat in the story, what did he do? When she left him, how did he feel? What was his emotional state when he went back and destroyed the cave? What did he do to look for her? When he went to Chicago and killed her ex and then met up with Annette what was he thinking? How does he really feel about Annette? Does he believe he was the father of her still born baby is that why he is so kind to her? What was their flashback history together from his POV. So much I really want to know. Would love to see scenes/ flashbacks from bones life that we haven’t seen before to give us more details into his relationships with Spade, Ian, Mencheres, Vald and others. Love your books. I can’t wait to read the next chapter. Thank you and please consider heart felt plea to write these as full on books I can’t wait to buy. Happy New Year!
Absolutely fab how u generate in words how my brain thinks Bones sees Cat~♡ I love him so much!
Any chance we may get a chapter 16?
Hay Caramba!!!!!! I really, really love this chapters I always wondered what Bones thought about Cat. And my questions got lovely answers. Thank you Jeaniene Frost

I like this series but it left me with more quesitions in the end that i need answered. Like whats diffrent about cats blood now that shes a werid vampire.if she tried to change another person into a vampire what would happen. Would they be like her or would they be a normal vamp or something completely diffrent. What about her daughter? What kind of changes would cat make to the vampire system. So many unawnsered questions
Please let this be a new series!!! Please!!!!!!!
Read this is cruel we need some much more……. I love bones point of views…. I mean I knew he rock but this is perfect… is been some time I read cat and bones story and every time I do I love it even more…..
Please give us the rest
Love Cat and Bones, I’m greedy and want more
I started off reading Once Burned on the Chapter App. Then a few chapters into Twice Tempted I couldn’t take only Reading a few chapters a week and then having to wait a week for the next few chapters. It was way too painful. I just had to read them all. I’ve read all of A Night Prince
, Night Rebel (can’t wait for Wicked All Night), and Night Huntress Novels. With the exception of three. Reckoning, One for the Money, and This one. I’m actually on chapter 7 but I just had to tell you that, I had only read one other authors novel that fast. Addicted by Zane and that was, I think, over 10 years ago. Since then I hadn’t found anything that kept me interested long enough to actually finish the whole book. And want more on top of that! I wanted to tell you how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your writing! You’re such an amazing author! And Thank you!
More Please
I love cat and bones
thank you for creating this 

Many thanks! Very intriguing and interesting, and I look forward to however little much of it you send our way!
WHAAAATTTT. I CAN NOT BELIEVE MY EYES! I love them so much. Your books helped me so much through my depression. I’ve read each of them more then 4 times. Even got a tattoo.
Thanks so much for this. One of my favorite books and series of all times. I love Bones & Cat and the test of them.
Thank you! This is truly a gift.
I love this. I love Cat & Bones. I can’t wait to read more.
I have commented after each chapter. I absolutely love the story line from Bones’s perspective. Just like everyone else here I have read the series many time. So getting to see it and knowing what about to happen but from different eye is amazing. I love love love love Bones POV. Please keep them coming.
Love this!!!! Thank you so much!
It’s been so long since I read the first book I had forgotton much of the story. Can’t wait to read the next chapters!
Love your books. It was nice to read about Bones & Cat again (even though I re-read the books every year or so) Can’t wait to for the next Night Rebel book!
Are there supposed to be more Chapters past 16 or is that it?
Thank you so much for sharing this! Cat and Bones are my favorite fictional couple. I love all of your books and cant wait for the next one!
I have missed Cats and Bones so much, so thank you so much for this wonderful gift. Can’t wait for more xx
I can’t wait to read what Bones was thinking while he was training Cat to talk dirty. I remember that in the book he lighted a cigarette at the end, so it must be gold:)
I usually don’t comment but… WOW! I just love this! I didn’t know I needed it until you posted the first chapter! Thank you! Can’t wait for the next one! I’m addicted to Bones&Cat!
Can’t wait to read more ! I really do wish that you actually bring out a novel from Bones perspective. I simply loved the series and was quite heartbroken to read the end of Cat & Bones. One of the best PNR series I have read so far! The kind that stay with you .
I would read an entire new book just from Bones point of view.. I hope you continue this.
I love it. I hope you decide to write more from Bones’s perspective. I can never get enough of Cat and Bones.
Waiting for ch 4! clChecking daily! Gahhhh, I cant wait! You should totally publish this when you have some time between projects. It would be worth it! I super love reading both perspectives! Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Just posted chapter 4 on my blog :).
Thank u so much Jeanine, this is amazing!!! Cat and Bones series are my favorite, when i dont know whats read or i felt bad, back to read your books. Now this series is beutiful, because you give us more of the history!, i really apreciate. Greatings from Mexico!,
p.s. sorry for my bad english, i hope that all ur books be traslate to spanish
Oh boy, just stumbled on this. Thank you. Now I have to read the series again.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I cannot explain how much I am enjoying this!
I really love it. It would be so cool if you could do it for Vlad too !
I absolutely love this! I love reading this from Bones point of view. If you would please continue this and possibly published it? I love reading and rereading this series. It never gets boring even though I know what’s about to happen. Like always I look forward to your next book! Thank you Jeaniene for this marvelous world!!!
Thank you so much! I reread the Night Huntress series frequently and have ached for it from Bones’ PoV for so long! I hope you find the creative desire / time to finish it eventually, but for now thank you so much for this wonderful gift to your loyal readers! <3
Love! Now I have to go re-read the series again!!
Love seeing Bones’s side of the story! Can’t wait to read more! <3
Thank you for the content you create! Your creativity is inspiring and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to your books! Never stop.
Cat and Bones are my FAVORITE! Please finish the Bone’s POV when you can!
How fun! Thanks so much!
I have read your whole series 3 times, these Bones POV are wonderful
Thank You sooo verra much
heart hugs
I love this! I have been reading your books since they came out. It is really weird knowing that it has been 12 years since I have been in 7th grade. This is one series that I actually like to reread. Usually when I finish a book I never read it again. It’s really nice being in Bones head for a bit.
With lots of love <3
You are my absolute favorite author and I am in love with all your books!
Thank you for the wonderful addition to Cat and Bones series. It is great to see Bones POV, to see how he felt since the very beginning.
I personally always wonder what Bones went through at the end of book one when he comes back and Cat is gon. I really hope one day you will have the time to write a chapter about that.
Love all of your books can’t wait to have other side of the grave
Did you say this is all prewritten with 30,000 words total? Do you already know how many chapters there will end up being?
This is so awesome! Thank you for writing this, I’ve been jonesing for some Cat and Bones.
If you do ever publish this as a book, which I would definitely buy, you might want to revisit the part where Bones looked through her phone history. In the original book, I don’t think she had a phone, at that point, because after they made love the first time and she went home with hickeys, her grandparents got upset and refused to give her phone messages from Bones. He complained to her about it and suggested she should get a phone of her own. Picky point, I know, but I thought I’d mention it. Can’t wait for the next chapter!!! 
I just have to say that I’ve been reading your books for over 10 years now (HOLY COW I can’t believe it’s been that long!), and reading this made me go grab my Night Huntress novels and re-read them. I of course, devour them very quickly, so, hopefully Ian and Veritas won’t keep us waiting too long for more.
I love your books!!!! <3
Will there be a chapter 7?
This has inspired me to re-read the series for the 4th time! Love this series!
Chapter 7 just went up on my blog. Check it out and hope you enjoy!
loooooooooooooooooove it! I can’t wait for you to write a whole book from Bones’ point of view! I lapped up every bit of Bones n Cat I could and as fast as they were released…granted I think over half were already in print when I started reading them but oh I was hooked ffrom that first chapter!!! Would love to read more about Charles also! Ian’s story is mm m!
Thank you for the drool worthy men and the awesome daydreams derived from them!
Where’s next chapter?? Can’t eat, sleep, breathe…. Help!!
Just posted it :).
Thank you so mucgh but at the risk of sounding like Oliver Twist can we have more please? Does it end at chapter 9 or is there more? How does Bones handle his jealousy when Cat is out night after night seducing vampires? How does Bones feel when Cat disappears to go work for Don? What’s his story during those 4 years? What’s his POV when she leaves with Vlad Tepesh and charles tells him they answered a call together while in bed?
Hi, Kelly. There will be new chapters every week through January, but as I wrote in the Q&A, there’s only about 30k of this written. For comparison, Halfway to the Grave was a 105K novel. To do everything you mentioned, I’d have to write four entire books, which would be a little ambitious :). However, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the chapters, and yes, more is on the way.
Thank you <3
I love this so much! Can wait as long as it takes to read more. I’m patient!
Oh I wish I could have heard the kissing and sexy time from Bones perspective. I really enjoyed the longing and controlled demeanor while his feelings are going bonkers. Thank you so much for creating such wonderful characters and scenarios. I stumbled on this series through audiobook suggestions through libraries. I just listened to the outtakes and loved them all! The reader is very excellent in bringing your characters alive.
Thank you so much for this! please, pleas add more chapters. I love Cat and Bones or should I say Kitten and Crispin. Again, many thanks.
when will chapter 12 be up? can’t wait!
Just posted it onto the blog :).
i really hope that once you aren’t busy with deadlines that you make this a full book or possibly a series to each book! i know i would buy them all!
I really hope we get to the part where bones and cat dance and make out at Bite! :).
Love it. Thank you.
This is one of my favorite book series, and I was so excited to discover this little gem. I’ve really enjoyed it, thank you so much for sharing! I am anxiously awaiting the next book about ian…
Hi Jeaniene, just passing by to say THANK YOU for introducing me to the world of Cat and Bones, Leila and Vlad, Spade and Denise, and Ivy and Adrian. I’m currently reading this last two books (about to finishing the serie), and I wanted to know if we’re gonna get more stories of them.
Please keep writing, you really make my life so much better with your books.
I must’ve read halfway to the grave 20 times. I’m so happy I get to read it from Bones’ point of view. really, this is awesome! thank you so much for posting this. if i could be one day released as a novella, i’d love to own it in print!
The Cat and Bones books are by far my favorite book series of all time (followed closely by the other Night Huntress World book). I usually don’t ever read or post on blogs, so I only found out about the Other Half of the Grave chapters today (I was actually looking for the reading order list so I could start the whole series again for at least the seventh time.) I’m thrilled to see Bones’ perspective. He’s so fantastic. Why can’t all men be like him? I’m glad that you’ve continued with the Ian books, but more Bones and Vlad books will always be welcome.
I’m BIG TIME disappointed The Other Half Of The Grave isn’t to be completed. Sorry I started reading it only to be left in limbo…..
Oh I wish I could have heard the kissing and sexy time from Bones perspective. I really enjoyed the longing and controlled demeanor while his feelings are going bonkers. Thank you so much for creating suck wonderful characters and scenarios. I stumbled on this series through audiobook suggestions through libraries. I just listened to the outtakes and loved them all! The reader is very excellent in bringing your characters alive.
I am so happy to have something else about Cat and Bones. This series was one of my all time favorite series. Thank you for keeping them alive for us if only for a little bit longer.
Thank you so much for the first 16 chapters. I was reading One Foot In The Grave last night and when Cat returns to their cave and sees it destroyed I thought to myself “I wonder if Jeaniene ever wrote anything from Bones p.o.v” went searching on the internet and found these chapters. I hope One day I get to read about Bones and Rodney returning to the cabin to find Cat gone and how Bones handles that.
I really love your books. I found Eternal Kiss Of Darkness and First Drop of Crimson in a hospital newsagents in 2018 when I was taking my Dad for his cancer treatments. I read Mencheres book first and then I was hooked.
I eagerly look forward to Ians next book.
Are there supposed to be more Chapters past 16 or is that it?
Hi Susan, Chapter Sixteen was the final released chapter.
Nooo, this was so good and I want to see more!!! Thank you so much for writing this, and I hope that you will finish the rest of this story from Bone’s POV sometime soon when the opportunity arrives!!!
Thank you! Just found your website but it was great to step back into Cat and Bones story again. Going to reread it now.. again
Hello Jeaniene, I’ve loved these chapters, Bones’s POV is smashing!!
I’ve adored your characters since the first time I’ve read the Italian translation of Halfway To The Grave in 2010.
Since then lots of things have changed for better (I’ve learned English Yay!) and for worse but not the love for this series.
Thanks for this amazing gift!
You’re the best.
Huggs and kisses from Italy.
This was like receiving an unexpected Christmas present in July, thank you so very much! Awesome!
i love all the series which you wrote, Jeaniene! I finished all night huntress, night prince and night rebel in 1.5 months and am having withdrawal symptoms now. HIE! cant wait for the wicked all night to be out! I hope you will come out with more books on cats, bones, vlad and Leila!
I started off reading Once Burned on the Chapter App. Then a few chapters into Twice Tempted I couldn’t take only Reading a few chapters a week and then having to wait a week for the next few chapters. It was way too painful. I just had to read them all. I’ve read all of A Night Prince
, Night Rebel (can’t wait for Wicked All Night), and Night Huntress Novels. With the exception of three. Reckoning, One for the Money, and This one. I’m actually on chapter 7 but I just had to tell you that, I had only read one other authors novel that fast. Addicted by Zane and that was, I think, over 10 years ago. Since then I hadn’t found anything that kept me interested long enough to actually finish the whole book. And want more on top of that! I wanted to tell you how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your writing! You’re such an amazing author! And Thank you!
This was so fun! I loved being in Bones’ head. Thank you so much for writing this!! One of my favorite series.
bonjour j adore vos séries est ce qu’il y aura des suite comme dans le prince des ténèbres sur le sort de Mircea et la transformation en vampire de la sœur de leila ou un autre tome sur le monde de la chasseuse de la nuit sur ian et véritas la gardienne des lois contre le démon ?
I absolutely love this! Please Please Please, do the whole series like this! I have always wanted to know what goes on in bones mind in some of these scenarios … love love love it… please give me more !!
Just great to get this version of Bones view !!
Thsnk u so much,
I hope u can finish it someday
This is just what I always dreamed of! I’ve always loved Bones more than Cat. I’d love to see more inside his head like when he walks in on Cat nearly killing Spade. And what is going through his head when he learns that Cat has been hunting all this time without her underwear! I bet its hilarious! I’d love to experience his pain when he comes back to find that Cat is gone and all he has left of her is her dear, John letter. We experience Cat loosing Bones a few times but never really Bones loosing her. I think I’ll cry if I ever get to read his POV on the times he looses her. I would just like to say thank you Jeaniene Frost for this amazing story and all the others you publish! I’ve reread these series so many times you’d think I couldn’t fall more in love with Bones or cry anymore with Cat at times but I do every single time. Bones will forever be my book boyfriend. And Ian will always be my side hoe.
P.S. Please write more I beg you!
Cat and Bones are my favorite!!! I really enjoyed the 16 chapters, and I know you’ve said all along it wasn’t going to be a novel, but here’s to hoping you can finish it!
Is there going to be more of Bones’ POV. He is now and always will be my FAVORITE book boyfriend. I have read and reread Night Huntress series so may times. I want to see Bones’ reaction at Cat straddling Spade lol so funny. What he was thinking at Denise’s wedding. The first time he bites Cat. Holy Moley. Everybody in the bedroom. Hehehehe. When Cat realizes he’s alive. So much of Bones that I NEED!!! I LOVE Bones.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!! <3 I also love Bone's point of view! If you ever get the chance you should definitely write his point of view for his and cat's books! I would definitely love to buy and read them all again with his view! Your books are AMAZING!!! <3
I am so overwhelmed, I literally cannot describe my love and all that I feel for this whole series and the rest! oh, to think that Ian was one way and now seeing him reflected SO different in this latest book makes me feel so sentimental! you are simply my favorite and best author
Hello I just found the Night Huntress series last month I’m already on book 5 I’m not really into romance but it’s series has changed my mind it’s not overloaded with romance the amazing writing imagination of it brings it together I’m also a huge fan of Sookie Stackhouse series otherwise known as True Blood can’t wait to read more thank you for sharing your great imagination with us
I miss Cat and Bones soo much <3
Thank you for the story from the perspective of Bones. I really enjoyed these chapters. I have purchased your books from the beginning and I’m just re-reading the whole series and will end with Ian’s third book. I’ve just ordered Hex on the Beach as well. I look forward to more from the series. Again, thank you. I’m sure you’ve helped a lot of people through this pandemic.
Night Huntress is absolutely my object of love and happiness. the other half of the grave gave me everything I wanted most: the bones pov. I could explode with joy when I found it, and look forward to the next chapters (God please have more chapters), and most of all thanks for this perfect saga.
-A Brazilian fan talking here <3
I wanna read the seventeen chapter and others… please Jeanine!! I love Cat and Bones <3
I’m brasilian and I really hope you finish this side of history one day…
Seeing that this will be a whole book this Spring 2022 is the best Christmas present ever!!! I’m so looking forward to the new year! Thank you Jeaniene!

Beyond excited for this!!! Will this ever be released in a print version?
I just discovered this and have read all the chapters. I hope this comes out in a printed book version so I can add it to my collection!! Love it!
Please bring something out for Vlad and Leila. I just love Vlad’s personality and his chemistry with Leila.
Is there another chapter coming soon?!
I love it! I’ll be purchasing the audio with the book. Can’t wait to hear what bones sounds like in his head!
Everyone is used to hearing Bones voice from your current narrator, it’s probably too late but I wouldn’t change. This lady is great. I love hearing her tell the stories of all your characters.
To com dificuldades de achar seus livros traduzidos (Português), se poder falar quais faltam e quando sai a tradução e onde acho para comprar. Já possuo 4.
Love Bones POV and the cover is great! Can’t wait to read the whole thing!