This is going to be another short post because (1) I’m recovering from bronchitis, which laid me out for ten days, and (2) I am almost at the end of Wicked Bite, so that’s where my main focus is now that I’m not bedridden with fever and hacking coughs.
I’m getting a lot of questions about the third chapter of Wicked Bite and the newsletter, so I’m doing a Q&A to help clear some things up.
Did the newsletter with the new chapter from Wicked Bite already go out?
Yes, it went out on May 10th.
I signed up on your newsletter AFTER May 10th, but I still want to get the chapter. How do I do that?
Comment below and, after I verify that you’re on the newsletter, I’ll send it out to you.
I signed up BEFORE May 10th, but I didn’t get the newsletter. What happened?
A lot of people previously signed up for the newsletter a while ago, but were purged because of last year’s GDPR compliance requirements. Please double-check that you are on the current newsletter by entering your information HERE (full link:
I double-checked and I AM on the new newsletter, plus I signed up before May 10th, but I still didn’t get the chapter. Why not?
The newsletter might have been caught by your Spam filter. Some readers told me that’s where they found theirs. So, please comment below and, after I verify that you’re on the newsletter, I’ll re-send the chapter to you.
I’m not on your newsletter, but if I sign up now, will I still get the chapter early?
Yes. At the end of the month, I’ll do an additional send to newsletter subscribers who signed up after May 10th. You can sign up by clicking HERE and filling out your info (full link: I probably only average about six newsletters a year, and they’re mostly related to appearances, new releases, special sales or – like this – exclusive early access to chapters, so no worries about me clogging up your inbox every week.
I want the new chapter, but I don’t want to sign up for your newsletter. How do I get it?
I’m releasing it publicly at the end of summer, so all you have to do it wait :).
I haven’t read the first two chapters and prologue yet, where are they?
They are HERE (full link:
Hi Jeaniene,
I wanted to thank you for all of your hard work. I have been a fan for 10 years now, and I look forward to your new books every year.
With that being said- I signed up for your newsletter on May 1st and I did not receive a copy. I confirmed that my email is still active and that the letter was not sent to my Spam account.
Can you please see if there was another error?
Thank you so much!
Jordan R.
Hi. I tried subscribing again, but the system says I’m already there, though I haven’t received the chapter. I’ve checked my spam folder and it isn’t there.
Hi! I also am signed up for the newsletter but didn’t get the on on May 10th
Hi Jeanine
I am signed up for the newsletter, but I didn’t receive it on May 10th.
Love your books.
I was hoping at some point we would know what age was Ian turned. He seems like he was turned in his 20s .
Hi Jeanine
I signed up before 10th May and also double-checked if i am still a subscriber but haven’t recived anything.
I checked my spam folder and my entire email but found nothing.
I hope to get some of Ian before relise
I adore your books
Could you please see if there was an error?
Thank you very much!
Monika K.
Hi Jeaniene!
I love you work and can’t wait to read the newest chapter! That being said, I double checked and I am signed up for your news letter before May 10th and double checked my spam folder and I did not receive the newest chapter. Thanks so much for writing your amazing books!
Hi I signed up after May 10th and I Love Your Books
Hi Jeanine.
I’m not sure if I signed up before the 10th but I filled it out again just In case. Are you able to check to see if it was already sent out? I’m going to look through my e-mail too.
Hi Jeaniene,
I can empathize. I just got through with Walking Pneumonia. Yet I still feel wiped.
Hope your back to normal soon.
Guess what I signed up and yes I got Chapter 3. !!! Woo hoo.
Feel better, I once had bronchitis in July, I thought I was just hot and I had allergies. My boss made me go to the doctor. I had a fever of 104.
I just felt that a summer cold wasn’t as serious as a winter cold. Dumb.
Stayed home took antibiotics and in 4 days I started to feel better.
Forgot how good it felt to breathe normally.
Oh Jeaniene, First Of Her Name, Queen Of Epic Chapters 32s, Lady Of Patience Towards Subscribers And Readers, shall you ever be held in glory.
Hi, I love your books. I’m pretty sure I was signed up prior to May 10th but didn’t check my junk folder
could you send it again? Thanks!
Hi Jeaniene I received the last chapters but not the new one, can you send it to me? Been a part of the newsletter a long time and love all your books!
Hey Jeaniene, may this find you and your family healthy, happy, full of peace and joy. Thank you.
Please recuperate; please resend chapter; please continue writing.
Hi! I hope you feel better soon. I checked and I didn’t get the new chapter but I am signed up for the newsletters.
Hi, I love your books. I am signed up for the newsletters. Thanks
I thought (wrongly) I was still signed up! I re-signed up, can I please, please, Please have the chapter? Also, feel better!!! I’m sure you’re getting all sorts of advice so I’ll refrain, except the standard make sure you drink plenty of water!
Hi, I signed up yesterday.. would love to get the chapter
I spent the first half of May with asthma and bronchitis… the coughing is just exhausting.
I hope you have the time to baby yourself for a bit longer… recovering doesn’t mean that you’re 100% yet!
Hi. You’re awesome and I signed up for your newsletter post May tenth.
I thought I was on the list, but signed up again and still haven’t seen the email with the third chapter. Thanks so much for any help you can give.
Hi, I love your books and cant wait for january 2020 for more of Ian. I just subscribed and would really liked to receive the third chapter.
Hi! I love Ian and Veritas and would love to read the thrid chapter, I am suscribed.
Hi! I signed up for your newsletter too but never received the chapter.
I love love love Ian and Vertas.
Hi! I signed up for your newsletter too but never received the chapter.
Howdy howdy!
I just signed up for your newsletter but like where was I, living under a rock?! Why didn’t I do this soon?!??! Anywho, chapter me, boo. You’re doing great, thank you providing me fun and awesome reads.
I signed up for your newsletter before May 10th and I didn’t receive chapter 3 of Wicked Bite. I’m dying to get it please
I signed up after 10th May and sadly haven’t received anything. I would love to read chapter 3!
Hi !
I signed up for your newsletter too but never received the chapter.
Im waiting EXCITED! <3
Hi I signed up after May 10th and love your books.
Hope your feeling better babe!!! So sorry you were sick. Much love !! Fangirl Kat v.

Hola me inscribí hace tiempo y verifique mis datos pero no me ha llegado el capitulo siempre leo todos tus libros y en especial me encantan los que hablan de Ian .
Hi! I subscribed, can I please be sent the chapter? Thanks!
I hope you’re feeling better!
I had to re-enroll in the newsletter, so if you could send it to me when you get a chance, I’d truly appreciate it!
Thank youuu
I did not receive that last chapter of wicked bite that was send out on May 10th. I have been a subscriber of the newsletter for a while now and always get an email. If you could verify my information and resend the last chapter I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi, I signed up on your newsletter AFTER May 10th. Please check, thank you.
Good Afternoon!
Can you please verify my email address ? I subscribed to your newsletter before May 10th and confirmed that I was subscribed, but I’ve yet to receive chapter 3.
Side note: I recently became your fan when I read the Night Huntress series about 2 months ago! I was so obsessed I started reading it at work , during my breaks and on my way to and from work. I hope you feel better soon
health first girl~
I just recently signed up although I have been reading your books for a while now and I’m one of the people who eagerly await the release of Ian’s book.:)
Would you be able to please send the 3rd chapter to me as well please.
Thank you.
I too signed up after May 10th and did not receive the newsletter. Thank you so much for doing this!
Hi! I just signed up and would love the new chapter. Thanks!
I just signed up and and would love a sneak peek at the 3rd chapter. I have been following you since the very first Cat and Bone book and I must say u are fantastic. Love your world! Thank you for allowing the small peaks.
Hey! I just signed up and I’m dying to read the 3rd chapter! I am in love with the Night Rebel series and couldn’t have asked for a better story for Ian! Would you be able to send the 3rd chapter to me as well please?
Greetings from Germany
Hi, I have signed up for the newsletter and would love to receive chapter 3 please!
Hello Jeaniene, can you please set me the 3 chapter of wicked bite?
I am such a great fan of your book series.
Just posted the third chapter on my website here:
Hello Jeaniene!
Im a fan of your work and would like to receive the chapter 3, is there still any possibility? Ive subscribed to your newsletter only today since ive come to your blog searching for updates on the new book.
Tks so much!
Just posted the third chapter on my website here:
Hi! Is it too late to ask for Chapter 3? I could’ve sworn I signed up for the newsletter but I didn’t receive anything. I thought of waiting until it was released at the end of summer but I really can’t wait anymore, especially with the release date having been postponed by half a year.
Love your work so much! I literally have at least one copy of each book and Ian has always been my favorite character. Please please please and thank you!
Just posted the third chapter on my website here: