Once again, hundreds of you entered, so I’m sorry that I’m about to disappoint most of you. BUT, these five winners below won’t be disappointed. Before we get to them, once again, these contests have been brought to you by SHADES OF WICKED, my latest release. So, let’s thank our sponsors, Ian and Veritas, shall we? Observant viewers (heh!) might notice what my good friend and fellow author Ilona Andrews added to the cover in order to make Ian more festive for the holidays. Don’t worry – Ian wouldn’t mind. He’d probably add one of those bells a little lower, too ;).
The Rule Breaker
Master vampire Ian is unrepentant, shameless…and every shade of wicked. He’s made one too many enemies in his two centuries of existence, including Dagon, a demon who now lays claim to his soul. Ian’s only chance to escape Dagon is to join forces with a Law Guardian, but he’s never been able to abide by the rules for long.
The Law Maker
Veritas’ normal role is police, judge and jury to reprobates like Ian. But she has her own ax to grind with Dagon, so if she can use Ian as bait…well, all’s fair in law and war. As they scour supernatural hotspots to perfect their trap, Veritas soon realizes Ian’s devil-may-care, roguish image hides something much more powerful. And Ian discovers that Veritas has shocking secrets of her own. As they’re drawn to each other with a passion as intense as their peril, either love or justice will prevail. But each will have devastating consequences… Order: Amazon, B&N, IndieBound, Apple Books, BooksAMillion, Kobo or Malaprops.
Shameless promo plug out of the way, let’s get to the winners! Reminder: Winners were chosen randomly because of course you can’t expect me to choose between you.
The three winners of the first part of Prize 2, which was choosing any book from my backlist in either ebook or print (winner’s choice which), are…
Kristen, who said “My favorites are Santa Baby by the lovely Eartha Kitt and Carol of the Bells.”
Jenn M, who said “My favorite holiday song is Dick In a Box from the infamous Saturday Night Live sketch by Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg. It cracks me up every single time and I look forward to it every Christmas. If you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to watch it. As for holiday treats, one of my closest friends make rocky road fudge with 3 ingredients – chocolate chips, mini marshmallow and peanuts and it’s so easy and amazingly good – you just melt the chocolate in the microwave, mix in the marshmallows and peanuts, spread it in an 8×8 pan and let it set. Yum.”
And Kimberly Rice, who said “We wait all year for my Moms candy rolls!”
The one winner of the second part of Prize 2, which is a $25 Barnes & Noble egift card is…
Revi, who said “Favorite Hanukkah song is Hanukkas, Oh Hanukkah. Favorite dessert is Sufganiyot! Gotta have me some jelly donuts.”
And now, the one winner of the grand prize section of Prize 2, which was any book from my backlist in ebook or print (winner’s choice which) PLUS a $$25 Barnes & Noble egift card, AND a $35 Amazon egift card, is…
Hillary, who said “My favorite song this time of year would be O Holy Night. My favorite dessert this time of year is a tie between cheesecake and apple pie.”
Congratulations to the winners! I will be emailing you shortly to get your information so I can send out your prizes. For everyone else, don’t worry, there’s one more contest left. Since time is running out on the holiday season, I’m announcing it now, and it will be short and sweet.
ONE WINNER will get any book from my backlist below, in ebook or print (winner’s choice which)
AND that same single winner will also get a $100 Amazon egift card. This contest is open to US readers only.
The rules: Tell me your favorite holiday tradition or your favorite holiday drink. This is open to all the winter holidays, of course (Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa, etc). My favorite holiday drink is Southern Comfort Vanilla Spice Eggnog, unspiked. I don’t like regular eggnog most of the time, but there’s something about this flavor that hits the spot. And my favorite holiday tradition is watching It’s A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve with my husband. Even when things are less than ideal, such as the holiday after my Mom died, when I was too depressed to decorate or really celebrate, there’s something comforting about reserving that time for me and hubby.
I mentioned an example of each, but remember, you only have to tell me one of your favorites to be eligible to enter. Just like last time, reply in the comments on my website blog ONLY so I have them all together in one place. Winners will be randomly selected. Not sure if you’re at my website blog? Here is the link: https://jeanienefrost.com/2018/12/holiday-favs-prize-2-winners-and-last-holiday-favs-contest/
Contest opens NOW and ends Friday, December 21st at 9am Eastern time. Please only enter once per person. Winners will be announced on my website blog after the contest closes. Thanks and good luck!
Favorite holiday tradition is the food. Every year we wake up do our stockings then it is always French Toast for breakfast after. Then we open the rest of the presents and for a late lunch while watching the parade we do a spiral ham, mashed potatoes, carrots (and peas for my older brother), and grands biscuits.
Favorite Holiday tradition is my daughter creating a new ornament for our tree. She has been doing this since she was three. The love on our tree through her art tells the story of her growing up! Honestly, based on the design I can fully recall the year’s most meaningful moments through her eyes! I love being her mother! It’s such a huge gift!
Merry Christmas, Everyone! And Good Luck!
Favorite tradition is reading twas the night before Christmas on Christmas eve. My favorite drink is egg nog… but egg not is best when hair with my Christmas cookies..lol
My favorite holiday tradition is watching the Dr. Who Christmas special every year. Though latey it’s more of a marathon instead of just the special
Favorite holiday tradition is Making Chriatmas cookies! I take a day off work and let my daughter stay home from school and we take a whole day to make cookies and dance to Christmas music
Favorite holiday tradition is baking with my eldest son.
Favorite drink is hot chocolate.
My favorite holiday tradition is the family getting together the night before the holiday to play games and eat the pie we’ll be too full to eat the next day.
Since my family is bahamian… we have to cook!!! 😊So we make all types of traditional bahamian dishes for the holidays. My holiday tradition involves having a mini festival. Dancing, music, showing love, reminiscing of the good times and praying for better times to come.. All While drinking rum!!! Lol.. it’s a win win for anyone!! Happy holidays guys!!
Its a drink we call Punch a Creme, looks a bit like eggnog but tastes so much better.
Getting pjs the night before so we are dressed in Christmas colors for opening presents in the morning.
My favorite holiday tradition is waiting until Christmas Eve to run around getting last minute gifts for my family. Nothing like the thrill of the chase! I follow it up with my favorite Christmas drink a Candy Cane cocktail. I love love peppermint and the crushed candy canes are over the moon. Merry Christmas!! I love your books!!
My favorite holiday drink is something my husband’s family introduced me to and we drink all winter long. It’s called Wassail. It’s a warm citrus and apple cider drink infused with winter spices like cloves and cinnamon and is even sometimes spiked or “leaded”. There are many different recipes, but the basis is of German decent. Each year, my town has Wassailfest, during which all of the businesses downtown create their own wassail and compete for the title of the best. The city closes down the square and people come from all over to sample. It’s become a tradition of ours, and we always enjoy making our own throughout the season.
My big brother just earned his wings so we are not much for celebrating this year. I have a kitten, so the tree is up, but not decorated. She has knocked it over a couple of times. My favorite holiday drink is Amaretto Eggnog. My favorite tradition is watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I’ve wanted to produce animated shows all my life, and this show is an inspiration. Thanks, Jeaniene, for all you do for us. You’re the best!
My favorite holiday tradition is camping out on the couch with comfy pajamas and watching a new to me franchise. Previously it’s been Indiana Jones, star wars, star trek, and older batman movies.
My favorite tradition is the whole holiday. Family, food, decorations and of course time to read. I always buy a couple of books so I have something new to read.
Christmas Eve Mass I just love the beautiful music of the choir. It is so uplifting yet serene and calming, all my issues just melt away.
Cold (I keep the bottle in the refrigerator) Irish Cream with a dash of cinnamon
Decorating the tree with my family. 😀
Cappuccino with Baileys
My favorite Christmas time drink is Gluewhine a Germany spiced wine served at the Christmas Markets and get togethers. It has that warm hands around the mug, not too sweet, keeps your toes warm feeling and sensory touches.
My favorite tradition at Christmas is decorating the tree. We only use ornaments we’ve been given or we’ve made. Many of them are 3 generations old and each one holds a special memory for our family. I love that time to reminisce with everyone and think good stories about the ones no longer with us.
And finally, Pick Me, Pick Me…I’m jumping up and down with my hand raised. Thanks for the opportunity.
Hot Godiva chocolate
My favorite holiday tradition is making Christmas Cookies with my 9 year old daughter she is just now at the age that she can do most of the work which of course mom gets to clean up but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. My mom baked cookies with me and so I bake them with her.
My favorite drink is Egg Nog. Boring I Know but is is sooo good and comforting. I like to go to church and listen to the choir and it is so peaceful and quiet. It’s like the whole world has paused in anticipation
My favorite drink brandy old fashion. My mom makes the best. Favorite tradition is gathering around the tv to watch football. I personally don’t care about the game, it’s being with the family!
My favorite holiday tradition is the music. I love to sing along to old carols and discover new versions and artists.
My favorite tradition is Wigilia which is the Polish Christmas Eve dinner that is held at the sighting of the first star. The dinner has 12 meatless dishes to represent the 12 apostles. It starts off by sharing the opłatki (Christmas wafer) with each other, offering wishes for the upcoming year. You always leave one empty place for the unexpected guest (Christ). One of my favorite traditions for sure. Here’s a great video describing it: https://youtu.be/YB_rYaNd5Qo
My favorite tradition is staying up late on christmas eve listening to christmas music, playing scrabble and drinking wine with my mom and sister
My favorite holiday tradition is just watching my little nieces and nephews enjoy Christmas. We all go to my grandmother’s house for the holidays and eat dinner and open gifts. They’re always so grateful for everything they receive, even clothes! Watching them enjoy Christmas really brings back that time when I was a child and makes me remember how magical that time of year felt when I was their age, and it brings it back to me.
As for my favorite drink, hot cocoa! Private Selection has a salted caramel flavored one and I like to put on a nice layer of whip cream on top instead of marshmallows.
I watch “White Christmas” every year at least once. Also every year as soon as the eggnog hits the shelves my kids and my husband begin daring me to drink a big glass for some cold hard cash. I can not stand the nog and the rest of my family loves it! They think its hysterical to see me shudder after downing a cup and collecting a $20 bill! Bahaha! It’s the little things that make traditions great!
My favorite Christmas tradition started when my children were young. One of them asked why we didnt give Baby Jesus a birthday cake. I thought that was a great idea so from that time on. We have made Baby Jesus a birthday cake. Every Christmas before dinner starts everyone gathers around and before the prayer we sing Happy Birthday. We have candles and the whole 9 yards. Now I have 10 grandchildren who remember that we will be having a birthday party every December 25th. Love your books!! Also that you give thanks to God at the beginning of each one. Merry Christmas!!!
My favorite holiday drink is peppermint hot chocolate.
During December when my brother is visiting and we’re all together, my mom pretty much has the small breakfast table turned into a snack table, lol. She makes each of our favourite things like popcorn cake for my brother and german spritzes for me. Also big containers of homemade chex mix that she keeps making all month! Also, anything we receive like cookie tins goes there.
My favorite holiday drink is a tie between Peppermint Patties and Brandy Slush. We only make the Brandy slush once a year and it’s at xmas time.
My favorite holiday tradition is going up to visit my grandma and grandpa ( and the rest of my extended family) they live a few hours away so I don’t get to see the that often!
My favorite holiday tradition is going to my Grandmas and making home made chex mix for the family:)
My favorite tradition is to wake up really early on Christmas Day opening gifts with the kids then I make pancakes for breakfast.
My favorite holiday drink is peppermint hot cocoa! I always add a peppermint stick, cinnamon and marshmallows.
Favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree, which means others put up the tree and lights while I stay at the spread of food and dig in.
Favorite holiday tradition is the desperate run to find an open Starbucks. My sister never lets anyone eat as we are cooking all day long. You can’t even fix a bowl of cereal because you will be in the way. My nieces and I sneak out and hit up a Starbucks for coffee and food until dinner is served at 5:30 pm.
My favorite holiday drunk is Ponche Navideño! It’s a hot drink that has all types of fruit and you have to look it up because it’s fantastic!
Thank you for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!
My favorite tradition is getting our Christmas pajamas and movie on Christmas Eve! My favorite holiday drink is wassail.
Favorite tradition is gift wrapping. I get to let my full OCD out. Favorite holiday drink is coffee with eggnog as creamer.
My favorite holiday tradition is: I DVR all of the Christmas movies that I can find. Then on Christmas Eve, we have a Christmas movie marathon. My favorite holiday drink is Bailey’s Irish Cream hot chocolate. Yummy.
My favorite holiday tradition is watching the cheesy hallmark Christmas movies while i have a giant blanket and my Christmas tree plugged in! (Also sometimes there is a LARGE pizza) 🙂 It’s so relaxing and i just love the feeling the season brings. There is so much hate in the world as is it’s nice to have little moments filled with love.
Tradition: food, specifically prime rib and Mac and cheese. Those are my favorites for Christmas
My favorite holiday tradition is whacking people, young and old, with a wooden spoon for messing with the presents under the tree before their time. My grandma did it, my mom did it, and now I do it. I’m not even cooking, I just have a wooden spoon in my back pocket. I have a lighter touch than my grandma, though!
My favorite Holiday tradition is the food. Every year since we have a lot of different ethnic backgrounds, we make food that matches. So one year we’ll make a Italian menu, another year we’ll make a Korean menu & this year we are making a Mexican menu. It’s always fun to try new things & too actually celebrate & enjoy all the different cultures that’s in my family.
Music is very big in our family, so at Christmas there is always singing. But I think my favorite was when we grandkids would always put together a skit before passing out the presents. It varied each year, with one year being a play, to the next with all of us dressing up as Santa and the reindeer to pass out the presents. Also in there was the tradition of eating leftovers for breakfast the next morning, usually in the form of pie.
Favorite drink? Well, I’m not sure if this is a ‘drink’, but for cough syrup for us kids during the holidays my grandfather would crush up the candy canes he used to decorate the tree and dissolve them in the whiskey that didn’t go into The eggnog. I still don’t know if it stopped the coughing or just put us to sleep…
My favorite tradition for Christmas is cooking I usually make lots of baked goods and dessert to give to family cookies loafs chocolate bark brownies
My favorite Holiday drink in Rumchata. But I love and eggnog chai too.
My favorite holiday tradition is having my mom read us Twas the Night Before Christmas while all five of her kids gather around her. No matter how old we get, it’s great to hear your mom’s voice reading you a sweet story.
I have multiple favorite traditions, they are: opening up the Christmas stocking to see what treasures lurk inside, having beef summer sausage and cheese and crackers to snack on while waiting for dinner, and watching a movie together. As for favorite drink, my dad has been getting me alcoholic eggnog for a few years now; eggnog mixed with whiskey. I think it’s Evan Williams or some such, but it’s quite tasty to sip on.
Every year since my oldest was a year old, on Christmas Eve we open one big present each. It contains new pjs, a new book, a new movie, favorite snack, and a kit to make a new ornament. We then put on our pjs, watch movies eating our favorite snacks, make our new ornament, and then read a new bed time story. It’s a wonderful family night that’s just for us.
When I was a teenager my family started a tradition of ordering pizza for dinner on Christmas Eve. Originally because we went to midnight mass and Mom wanted something easy. Now the pizza is just Christmas Eve tradition and there would be a revolt if we had anything else 🙂
Congratulations to the winners
I am right there with you on that eggnog! Caramel cider is a close second on the rare occasion it gets cold around here.
Eggnog and captain morgan…yummmmmmy in my tummy!
My favorite holiday drink is caramel hot chocolate with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle, made at home in my favorite Christmas owl mug. 🙂
My favorite holiday tradition is waking up early and having breakfast with my mom & exchanging gifts, while we sing or watch Christmas movies. <3 (I also really love wrapping gifts and decorating the tree though)
I absolutely loved baking cookies with my mother every Christmas, so now, I bake them with my own children. It’s my favorite holiday tradition.
Fav tradition on Christmas was at my parent’s house and any of my siblings would pick a huge bow from a gift then plop in on my head. That’s what I get for being a middle child in a big family and having my birthday in December.
My favorite tradition and drink go hand in hand. My husband and I started this when my kids were very little (they’re now 19 in college and a 16 year old sophomore in high school), every Christmas eve after the kids went to bed we would pull all the unwrapped gifts out to the front room and have our own little wrapping party. We make a strong drink of bourbon and coke and sit on the floor to wrap gifts. As the night progresses our gift wrapping and “from tags” get more and more interesting like art supplies were from Mrs. Clause and clothes were from frosty (we still say that to this day lol) some gifts came from their favorite cartoon or book characters, stuffed animals or the elves. We watch 24 hours of the Christmas Story and drink our drinks. The last thing to get done was building of the big gifts, like bikes, swing set… it always ended with my husband cussing and throwing something cause it didn’t work like it was suppose to. I laugh and remind him that Santa is SO MUCH quieter then that. It was always a fingers crossed morning that whatever got built didn’t have to be rebuilt. Obviously our kids no longer believe in the magic of Christmas but we still do this and they still receive gifts from random characters. They laugh and say “to Tylar from Frosty, eww I hope its clothes!” Thank you for this fun contest. It’s been neat to see a sliver into other worlds.