My husband just walked by my office to ask, “What are you laughing at?”
This, dear friends. I’m laughing at this because BFF Ilona Andrews Dromichaetes of Dacia, Master of the Dark Coven and official spokesperson for the Ministry of Undead Persons, has sent me more of his thoughts on SHADES OF WICKED, the first Night Rebel book, more commonly referred to as “OMG, Ian finally has a book coming out?!”
Here is Ilona’s Dromichaetes’s latest message, copied directly from my inbox. If you haven’t read his previous correspondences, including a Cease & Desist letter and my reply to it, they’re detailed HERE. Now, to his latest, with my thoughts bracketed and in red font for easier delineation. For context, it seems that Dromichaetes has just read the chapter where Veritas is confronted by Cat, Bones, Mencheres and Spade as to their opinions on her new relationship with Ian.
Master of Dark Coven <fangmaster4unlife@gmail.com
Today at 11:59 AM
Love the commentary.. Is Dromeo ur, um Dromichaetes on Red Dragon or something? Is he not aware of who exactly is in Ian’s family? Oh! I know! I suggest that the Mater of the Dark Coven be the one to attempt to rip out the throat of someone in Ian’s family. I think he should pick Ian’s sire. And then let the rest of us know precisely, and with detail, how well that works out for him. *insert evil snicker here
Man, talk about wanting a ticket and some popcorn.
Have a good one!
Love this!! So friggin funny!!