Hi again! This post is going to be a potpourri of topics, so apologies in advance for jumping all over the place. Let’s get started with appearances! I will be at Avon KissCon in Atlanta, GA on October 20th, along with fabulous authors Brenda Jackson, Tessa Dare, Cat Sebastian, Beverly Jenkins, Eloisa James, Maisey Yates and Maya Rodale! This event is hosted by my publisher, so attending readers will be able to get a copy of SHADES OF WICKED, Night Rebel book one (Ian and Veritas) ten days before it’s official release on October 30th. To get information on tickets when they’re available, sign up for the Avon KissCon newsletter now, or I’ll post the link on my website once it’s live. Hope to see some of you there!
Speaking of newsletters, due to the GDPR compliance requirements, I have a new privacy policy. Read it here. Important notice for newsletter subscribers: if you didn’t re-sign up for my newsletter by May 28th, you were dropped from it. If you didn’t get the notice and/or it was buried by everyone else’s new privacy updates, and you did want to stay on my newsletter, you can sign up for it HERE, hosted and managed by CofffeeTime Romance.
That’s most of the business updates. I meant to do these two weeks ago, but I’ve noticed a disturbing new trend of unfortunate events after I finish a book. Last time, within two weeks of turning my book in, I sprained my ankle, pipes burst in my house that flooded my living room, and my husband was bedridden with the flu. This time, within two weeks of turning the book in, our air conditioner broke, my dad had another small stroke, and my dog got vaginitis (didn’t know dogs could get that? Neither did I!) Thankfully, Dad’s okay, my dog’s lady parts are better, and now I have a new air conditioner so I’m not fainting in the Florida heat. But, as you can imagine, dealing with all the above plus doing my revisions kept me off my blog, and don’t even get me started on my inbox. It’s getting so full, it might morph into a new life form and attack me. If I owe you an email, my apologies and I’m getting to it.
Next up is a small funny. As those of you who follow me on Twitter might already know, I had originally sent SHADES OF WICKED to Ilona after it was finished so she could read it. But, a day later, I got critique notes from my other BFF Melissa Marr, so I emailed this to Ilona:
“Don’t read the book! Melissa read it and it DOES have *censored for spoilers*. Good news is, a couple chapters with a new action scene should fix that, and I can add in a little more page time with Cat and Bones there, too. Also, I have the change the epilogue, plus make several smaller tweaks throughout.I should be able to knock that out next week, so seriously, I’d rather you not read it until after I’ve made those changes. You’ll have a better book that way. Ok?”
No! I started it already! I am reading it!
Stop!!!! Seriously!!!! I want to fix this stuff because now it’s making me CRAZY knowing it’s there!!! Please stop and let me fix and send you the updated version next week. Pleeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeee*puppy eyes*
This is going on twitter.
Feel my pain.@Jeaniene_Frost: Hugh book?
Me: Here. Can I have Ian book?
JF: Here’s some.
JF: Don’t read it. Rewriting.
Me: OK.
JF: Finished.
Me: I can read now?
JF: Yes.
JF: Don’t read the book! Rewriting!
Me: I already started.
JF: “Stop!!!! Seriously!!!!”— Ilona Andrews (@ilona_andrews) May 17, 2018
She DID Twitter-tattle on me! Lol. Anyway, after I revised the book, I sent it to Ilona with this note:
Here is the revised book, containing 25% less suckage.
Is it okay to read? Are you going to take it back?
Snerk. As you told me, this is going on Twitter! 😉
I love @ilona_andrews, but take ONE book away to fix it & she gets spiteful. See email exchange for proof.
Me: Here is the revised book, now containing 25% less suckage.
Her: Is it okay to read? Are you going to take it back?Saying it loud now: YES, Ilona, you can read it! 🙂
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 2, 2018
Yes, birds of a feather DO flock together, lol. Thanks to Melissa Marr and my editor for the wonderful notes that gave Ilona a better book to read, if she isn’t still grumpy at me over taking it back. Finally, speaking of SHADES OF WICKED, look for a new excerpt from it on my blog later this week. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
I did not know dogs could get that either. Ouch. Glad to here that Dad, dog, you and hubbie are all doing well. Yea, Florida heat and humidity without A/C would definitely turn one into a wilting floral.
Any chance your publisher will send you farther north for an appearance?
I *am* going farther north but I can’t say where/what/when yet. Once I get the green light, I’ll post about it, probably another month or two.
Will Vlad and Leila make an appearance in shades of wicked? thanks
Leila doesn’t, but Vlad has a brief cameo.