Many of you have been asking when I’ll post an excerpt from SHADES OF WICKED, Night Rebel book one (Ian and Veritas.) You’ve also been asking when I’ll post the cover. I now have an answer for both and it’s the same, so head’s up – cover and first chapter will be posted next week on March 7th. Entertainment Weekly is hosting the cover reveal on their website (yay!) and they were also kind enough to do a Q&A with me about the book, so you’ll get both from them. I’ll post the link once it’s live.
I will also be posting the first chapter on my blog. To whet your appetite for that, here is what BFF Ilona Andrews Tweeted after reading it:
I got to read the first chapter of Ian’s book and you didn’t. Nyah-nyah! Laughed for a full minute over the opening line and the skillful use of four letter words. @Jeaniene_Frost
— Ilona Andrews (@ilona_andrews) February 28, 2018
Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: “Wow, how many times does Jeaniene use the F-word in the first chapter?”
That’s not the four-letter word she’s talking about. *grins* I leave it to your imagination to guess which one it is.
Until then, hope you have a good one!
mmh… I guess I will be thinking about four letter words until the 7th of march. So looking forward to Ians story. Just heard Ray LaMontagne the other day and in his song empty he said something about looking his demons in the eyes and beeing to hell back so many times I must admit you kinda bore me…and thirst I was thinking of Supernatural but then Ian popped into my head
Just can’t wait. I will definitely listen and read to all other books before 30th of october. just to be in the “zone” again. Thank you so much for giving us always some chapters ahead.