I’ve been meaning to post about this, but you know what they say about good intentions. Anyway, here are my current appearances for 2018. As you’ll see, there aren’t many. That’s because I’m trying to get caught up on my deadlines, so I’m limiting my travel until that happens. The only change that might come to my schedule later is if my publisher decides to send me somewhere for the release of SHADES OF WICKED (Ian and Veritas book one, out October 30th.) If that happens, I’ll of course update my blog, etc.
However, my publisher usually only gives me two months or less notice when they send me out, so if you’re not signed up for my newsletter (hosted by Coffeetime Romance) there’s a good chance you won’t know about those last-minute appearances. The most common thing I hear after an appearance is “I didn’t know you’d be in my city! I can’t believe I missed seeing you, but I don’t check your blog that frequently, so I didn’t know you’d be in town.” Few people do check my blog every single month because everyone’s busy with their own lives :). That’s why I’d encourage you to sign up for my newsletter. You’ll get appearance notices and new release reminders sent right to you. Fyi, I don’t redistribute your info and my newsletters are pretty infrequent (about 5 or 6 in a whole year) so they won’t fill up your inbox. Click here if you’re interested (or copy/paste full url into your browser: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=il7adubab&p=oi&m=1101259633000&sit=yobqzejbb&f=0b2299fe-3796-4673-934e-3c2eccb8de16 )
That said, I’ll be at Appollycon in Arlington, Virginia on March 23rd and 24th. In addition to the Titan signing on Friday and the mass group signing on Saturday, if you’re a Titan pass holder, you can also see me at 10:00 on the Adult Paranormal, Fantasy and Urban Fantasy panel.
Next, I’ll be at Shameless Book Con in Orlando, Florida from October 19th and 2oth. I don’t think their schedule is up yet, but I’ll be at the main mass signing at least, and possibly more places.
And that’s it unless/until I hear otherwise from my publisher :). I hope to see some of you at the above events! In the meantime, stay warm. It’s even chilly here in Florida, heh.
Hi Jeaniene,
Please share with your publisher that it would be lovely if they were to bring you up a bit farther north. Say New York maybe? 🙂
Will you be writing a book for Katie in the future?
I’d like to feature a book around Katie when she is older. I have ideas, so we’ll see :).