Hello again! Long blog silence, I know. To sum it up, every time I thought I had a moment to blog, something else came up that claimed my attention. But, now I’m back, and I have both Ian book news and a request.
First up, as many of you know, Ian will be the next character to get his own series. This will be called the Night Rebel series and as of now, I’m promising at least two books. Not promising more yet because we all know how bad I am at estimating the number of books in a series (see: my wrong guesses about the Night Huntress and the Night Prince series ;)). Veritas will be the heroine of the Night Rebel series. I’ve already started writing book one, and I JUST heard from my editor about the release date. So, without further ado…
Night Rebel book one, title to come, will release on October 30th, 2018.
When I announced this on Twitter yesterday, I received a bunch of comments saying (paraphrase) “A year?! Why is the book so FAR AWAY?” It’s because I’m nowhere near done writing it yet :). Some of you might remember that I just finished The Brightest Embers (last Broken Destiny book, releasing November 30th, 2017) about three months ago, and finishing a book is not actually the end of a book. There are still lots of revisions to be done, such as making changes according to my two critique partners’ notes – thank you Melissa Marr and Ilona Andrews! – then making changes according to my official editor’s notes, then revising again according to the copy editor’s notes, and then final tweaks on the galley pages. In short, “The End” really just means “Take One.” However, I would never want to publish a book without all these steps. Each one makes the book better, and when I put a book out into the world, I want it to be the best that it can be. Not the fastest that it can be.
But enough shop talk, right? Let’s get to the request part. My publisher is hiring a male model for the Night Rebel series cover shoot, and they want my input so they can try to match who I have in my mind for Ian when they pick the model. Problem is, I can’t think of anyone who really represents Ian to me, so I need your help. Please reply in the comments with a pic of the guy (or guys) who most reminds you of Ian. You can post as many pics as you like. I’ll choose my favorites from among them and send them to my editor. Remember: these don’t have to be pictures of male book cover models. They can be pictures of actors, magazine models, a hot guy in a perfume ad, etc. These pics are only a guideline to my publisher, so they can say “We want a model that looks most like [insert guy from one of the pictures you reply with]”
Thank you so much in advance!
Daniel Sharman!!!!!!!!!!
Rodrigo Guirao Diaz with turquise eyes and paler is how I envision Ian… though some pictures of him also make me think of Bones lol 🙂 Hope these help!
I see Rodrigo more as Bones than Ian.
This Colin Farrell is very close how I envision Ian but with blue eyes and red hair:
I always picture Joseph Morgan (Klaus from the Originals).
Me, too!!!
omg mee too!!!!!
I have always pictured Ian as Canadian model, Gabriel Aubry.
I don’t know who this model is, but I do agree he would be a good Ian!
I agree!!
Me too and I totally agree!!
Yes!!!! So Ian!!!!
agreed, but more redheaded
This Colin Farrell looks like the Ian I envision but with blue eyes and red hair:
I’ve started reading the Night Huntress series since I was 13 years old and now I’m already 20. When I read your blog post the only thing that came into my mind is that the 8 years of waiting for an Ian book is going to be totally worth the wait. 🙂 P.S. I hope it doesn’t take another 8 yrs for the second Ian book haha
Sam Heughan!!
I have to agree with this. or Daniel Sharman
Gabriel Aubrey
I just looked at a picture of Gabriel Aubrey and I totally agree!
Definitely. He is gorgeous and I think Ian is a blond. He has to be!!! HE HAS TO BE GORGEOUS AND GABRIEL AUBREY FOOTS THE BILL.
Yes, this is just the way I see Ian, especially this picture.
OOOMG! Wow! I knew Ian’s book was coming but I didn’t realize so soon!! I’m just excited it’s coming out next year!! Yay! And I’m terrible at picking models for book characters. I usually create someone from my imagination for said characters!
Hi Jeaniene,
My thoughts are:
Benedict Cumberbatch
Tom HIddleston
Gary Oldman
Sean Bean
Liam Neeson
Hmmm, I notice I’m tending towards a slightly older crowd. May not be your best choices. LOL
Pablo Morais
That’s a good one I agree
Sam Heughan has my vote too! Sorry couldn’t get my pic to load.
I have read every Jeaniene Frost series about 3-4 times each. Ian has a sexy swag about him. His attitude is apart of his sex appeal. My opinion for beat Ian. Michael Fassnender and Tom Hardy. Both have the swag and sex appeal as Ian. Can’t wait! Ian is one if my favorites.
The Canadian model, Gabriel Aubry, would match perfectly!
I don’t know about anyone else but…..I go for Ian Somerhalder. He has the name and he already plays a vampire, he has this intense sexy look, his eyes are almost similar to the character, he is the guy I imagine……and he’s hot 😋 so is the guy that LaReina put.
http://pinterest.com/pin/162340761538281420/?source_app=android. I don’t know how to put just o e picture or d link but yeah.
I vote for Ian Somerhalder, he has everything except the hair color, he even plays a vampire in the Vampire Diaries. Sorry for reposting, I Sid with a link but my post didn’t show.
Ok here’s the link I tried putting earlier hope it works. 😊
Love this two for the cover
alexander skarsgård
Gabriel Aubrey
Very excited for Ian’s book! I don’t remember his physical description well, but I remember his vibe and this dude has some of it
Verity I pictured kind of like Holliday Grainger, with a sort of doll-like quality that belies her sharp intelligence and precision .
For Ian I feel like he is simultaneously jaded and seductive because he knows so much. Maybe a model closer to/in his thirties? Or at least someone with substantial gravity and magnetism.
I don’t remember Ian’s physical description, so these follow more the overall vibe I felt from him:
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/52/37/f8/5237f8efdba9b9c214a5ba16cc61448e–mens-hair-book-characters.jpg (This dude seems like a punk/jerk, which puts me off, but he does have some of that “f-off but I’m irresistible” complexity that Ian has)
From what I’m remembering, Ian has something of the same quality as Sebastian in Dangerous Liaisons (Cruel Intentions was actually what came to mind first). Utterly satisfying to see a man world-weary and even mal-intentioned come home to himself in an expansive, redemptive way.
I never heard of Holliday Granger, I just looked her up and holy moly! Now I have an image of Veritas, I could never really picture her in the books.
I don’t remember his physical description, but these guys feel like Ian to me in one form or another:
Alex Pettyfer comes close to how I see him. Extremely good looking, knows it, kind of a d*ck, but you still want him.
I thought Ian was going to be next! I am SO excited to have a release date for this, and I cannot WAIT to get his story. What a great character. Also, Ian and Veritas?! Mind blown.
I’m going to have to agree with the calls for Gabriel Aubrey. He’s got the attractiveness and also the sassy/bad boy look.
A looked at all the pictures. For me, some are to soft. To me, Ian always was a kind of a (lovable) bad guy. So yes, Gabriel Aubry will do, but I prefer Chris Hemsworth. He has the look, the sex appeal and his eyes are saying don’t play me…
Is there an actress/model you have in mind for Veritas? I kind of picture her as Nicola Peltz since she’s described as very young.
Can’t wait for their book!!!
You know, I didn’t have an actress in mind when I thought of Veritas. I could see her in my head, but I couldn’t point to anyone in real life and say, “Yeah, like her.” Then, a reader Tweeted me a pic of Buffy from the final season of BTVS and said, “I can totally see Veritas looking like this!” and I thought, huh. Small, blond, looks pretty and harmless, but is really a total badass… yeah. That could work ;).
Ben Whishaw
Being familiar with the destitution of London’s slums and the hard life of a penal colony I always imagined Ian as being rangy, but with a youthful innocense that would make it easier for people to misjudged him and his conniving ways.
Definitely Rodrigo Guirao Diaz!
Although Ian should be a redhead and have curls
Jamie dornan!! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/5a/39/385a39c09027f6615651f51b5ab3438e.jpg
British actor Sam Claflin makes me think of him, red hair, smirks and all.
Saying this but speaking of Buffy i could totally picture James Marsters aka Spike as Ian just change the hair colour, he has the smirk and attitude, and i can totally picture him saying the things Ian has said in the books.
I would like to nominate three scrumptious men/characters.
Stuart Townsend as the vampire Lestat in Queen of the Damned. He’s gorgeous and he’s got that sex appeal as well.
Tom Hiddleston as the vampire Adam in Only Lovers Left Alive + Loki in Thor etc. Talk about a sexy smirk, and the right attitude.
James Marsters as Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Who could seriously fit better than Spike? He has it ALL and I can totally picture him as Ian, saying the same things etc. Just, YES!
Hello everybody!!!!!
I can not say that this is the perfect Ian,but from what I happened to see Eugenio Siller- the best. There are many things from Ian that I know and love, his devils in his eyes, a sarcastic smile and a feeling that he is much more than shows.
I feel like I see a mix of these three with the hair of the last link.
I envisioned Alexander Skarsgard.
To me Ian would kinda look like Joseph Cannata (but with red hair):
Btw I always imagined Veritas to look like model Hanna Edwinson
Blond & doll-like but a badass
To me she would fit perfectly
P.s.: I imagine Bones to look like Nick Bateman *-*
Une amie m’a fait connaitre la saga au lycée, (à l’époque elle m’a passé les 4 premiers tomes) je les ai dévoré en peu de temps, et quand je lui ai rendu je lui ai dit “ça serait cool des spin-off sur Vlad et aussi sur Ian” Elle était d’accord avec moi et maintenant nous allons être comblée totalement ^^
Depuis je l’ai dépassé étant à jour sur mes lectures et pas elle XP
Off subject but will you be doing a book with Cat’s mom Justina???? I know she is older but… us older chicks can have a sexy story line!! And she deserves a hot guy!!!!
Definitely Sam Heughan as Ian & Mila Kunis as Veritas. They have a chemistry between them already.