Wow, it’s been a while since I posted! Sorry for the delay. As you’ll soon see, I’ve been busy.
First up, I finished writing The Brightest Embers, the third and final book in the Broken Destiny series. It never ceases to feel like a miracle whenever I finish a book. From age twelve until thirty, I was great at starting stories, but I could never finish them. I’d usually end up quitting after the third chapter or so. I won’t lie, readers – that track record was depressing. It made the thought of finishing a novel seem like an impossible goal. That’s why my favorite words to write are “The End.” Every time I do, it’s a realization of the dream I had back when I was a child, and I am so, so grateful.
I have even more reason to be grateful: The Sweetest Burn, book two in the Broken Destiny series, hit the USA Today bestseller list in its opening week. Big group hug, readers! Thank you so much for continuing Ivy and Adrian’s story with me.
However, where there is sunshine, there will eventually be rain, right? My rain came metaphorically and somewhat literally. Allow me some backstory: I turned in The Brightest Embers on a Friday and had my revision letter the following Wednesday, with a due date to return the revised book nine days later. The tight turnaround time was to make sure we kept its November release date. Revisions are always a thousand times easier for me than new writing, so I didn’t mind. Plus, in addition to my editor’s notes, I also had critiques from trusted friends Melissa Marr (who also does this freelance, if you’re a writer looking for content feedback) and Ilona Andrews. So, I implemented three sets of revision notes at the same time. The result is a MUCH better book, and I can’t wait to unveil the ending of the series to everyone in November.
But I digress. The same night I turned my revisions in, I tripped over a step in my house, fell, and sprained my ankle. This surprises no one who knows me since I am klutzy to an almost comical degree. However, now that I had a break in my schedule, I was looking forward to spending time elevating my ankle while watching TV. My husband got everything set up in the bedroom for me, down to having my laptop, snacks, phone and tea on a tray by the bed (he’s a keeper, people!) Yet the very next day, a pipe burst in our house, flooding the family room and part of the master bedroom. Since this happened on a Saturday, the insurance company couldn’t get plumbers in to fix it right away. Instead, they sent people to shut off all the water in our house, set up huge blowers and de-humidifiers to dry everything out, cut big holes into the ceiling and wall to cap the burst pipes, rip up the soaked carpet, and generally make our house unlivable. We checked into a hotel and waited for the plumber to arrive, which he did yesterday. Now we have water again and the pipes are repaired, so we’re back home, but there’s lots more to be done. I swear, my family room looks like an angry person with a sledge hammer and a hose spent the weekend in there.
*grins* This is what I get for thinking, “I’m SO glad all the renovations on our house are finally done!” a mere three week ago. I may as well have tapped Fate on the shoulder and said, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” 😉
But back on the positive side of things, I get to see Ilona and Gordon Andrews next week when we have our joint signings. Florida residents and/or people who don’t mind driving, here are the details:
Thursday, July 27, 2017, 7:00 PM
Book Event & Signing with Ilona Andrews and Jeaniene Frost
2418 E Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
Friday, July 28, 2017, 7:00 PM EDT
Book Event & Signing with Ilona Andrews and Jeaniene Frost
220 First ST
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
That’s it from me for now. Hope to see some of you at the signings, and in the meantime, hope you’re enjoying your summer, everyone!
Yeah! I’m reading The Sweetest Burn right now! Thanks for all of your wonderful books! I’m a retired teacher.( High school & Middle school Math & Science) I love to read & finally have the time to do it.Thanks 10^6 (a million)
Hi Jeaniene,
Sorry about the ankle. But it helps me to know that things like that don’t just happen to me. If I ever make it down to a book signing or event, I’ll have to tell you about it some time.
Glad things are on the up for you.
Sending a virtual hug.
That totally stinks about your ankle and the pipes. Never a good time for things like that to jump up and bit you in the butt! But the silver lining is that it didn’t happen the week before. The book was great! And of course I had to re-read Beautiful Ashes before The Sweetest Burn. Thank you for all your hard work. I love your books!! I’m currently going through the whole Night Huntress World series for the 5th time (including the novellas) since January. I appreciate your humor, sassiness, depth of character and detail you put into your novels. You have a fan for life!
Thank you!