Hi, everyone! Before I get to the fifth and final video of me talking about INTO THE FIRE in general and Vlad in particular, I wanted to remind everyone that I will be at ApollyCon on March 24th & 25th in Orlando, FL. If you’ve already purchased tickets, I’ll see you there! If you haven’t, I’m sorry to tell you that Apollycon is COMPLETELY sold out and at fire code capacity, even for the free signing. So, if you don’t have a ticket, it’s unfortunately too late.
But, if you live in or near south Florida, and you’re free on Tuesday, March 21st, my publisher just added a last-minute signing, so come on out and see me!
Where: the West Palm Beach Library, Okeechobee Blvd Branch.
Address: 5689 West Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Time: 6pm on March 21st.
It’s at a library, but they will be selling books courtesy of Murder on the Beach. Already bought some or all my books? Bring them in and I’ll sign them – they allow “books from home.” Ebook and audio book readers, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you! Come for the chatting, and I’m always happy to sign whatever you bring me (ebook/tablet covers, tote bags, tee shirts….basically anything except a private body part ;)).
It’s such a treat for me to meet readers because (1) you’re book lovers, so you’re my people, and (2) you share my characters and worlds. Without you, I’m just telling stories to myself :). If I could, I’d do a lot more appearances, but last year’s serious family stuff made me crazy behind on deadlines and I’m still playing catch-up. That’s why I have very few appearances this year, and most of them are in the same state where I live. I’m hoping for a little more breathing room next year. Cross your fingers for me, please.
Finally, the fifth and last video snippet is up. In this one, I’m talking about how Vlad went from a character I swore I’d never write about (just goes to show you should never say never!) to a side character in the Night Huntress series, all the way to being the hero in the Night Prince series. To learn how that happened, click the below:
Will you post the playlist for Into the Fire soon? And are Vlad and Leila going to be in Ian’s books?
Super excited for Ian’s heroine, btw!!
Yes, posting it probably tomorrow :).
When will we get a sneak peek at Ian’s book? thanks
Not for a while, sorry. Haven’t even started writing it yet. I’m still finishing the last Broken Destiny novel.
Hi Jeaniene,
Thank you for sharing more of your style of writing. It may help a future writer to know that not everything works the way everyone says or thinks it should. It will be different for each author.
Sometimes you just need to roll with what your creative self feels is the correct way to go.