Now that Lily Abernathy is the heir to the Hidden Lands, everything is about to change…
The Queen of Blood and Rage wants Lily to help broker peace with the human world, but Lily knows that harmony won’t come easily. After decades of waging war on the humans, who cost the queen her firstborn daughter, the fae are struggling to accept Lily, a half-human monarch.
Lily wants to be a fair ruler but fears having to abandon the life she’s known. Now that she and Creed are more than just fellow Black Diamonds—operatives for the queen—her priorities have shifted. But her worries about assuming the throne are derailed when it becomes clear that someone—or some fae—is masterminding violent attacks to discourage peace. Who can end the war between humans and fae?
Order One Blood Ruby here or at your favorite retailer.
I’ve already read the first Amazon review early this morning and will buy it this evening after work since it’s busy tax season for me…here is hoping I don’t stay up all night reading though…ha! Congrats amin your release. ‘s Leila and Vlad are my favorite I think…so far. Cheers!
Just finished the book and it’s AMAZING! When will Ian’s book be released? And do you plan on writing a book about Mircea?
No plans for a Mircea book right now, and I don’t know when Ian’s book will be released. Probably 2018.
Loved it!! But I was alittle lost on one part. I don’t want to give spoilers but it has to do with what Maximus did too…well her. Did he do it out of love for Leila and Vlad or because of another reason?
I’m not telling at this point :).
Jaaaa! its been already downloaded in my kindle… can’t wait to start!!
Hi Jeaniene, I was a fan of your books for a long time, but could not finish this one. It might just be me, but when does the hero start killing others simply because they recognize him and can cause trouble? Do you really mean it, that Vlad and Leila look back at the destruction of a city block and call it good fortune that this killed all witnesses? Ouside of romance novels I think you would call what those two do murder. Do you really think it is ok for your heroine to wipe the memories of her sister because it is convenient? Do you think it is ok to go to your long lost relatives house and threaten them with violence if they do not talk?
I like your writing and the world you built very much, I was just sad, how you characterized Vlad and Leila.
Hi Sheep,
You asked several questions, yet answering them would be akin to arguing with you over your opinion, which I don’t want to do. A reader’s opinion is always correct because reading is a subjective experience. This particular book didn’t work for you. I am always sorry when that happens. Every time I write a book, I know some people will love it, some will like it, some will be “meh” about it, and some will downright hate it. Once again, I’m sorry that this book fell into the latter category for you.
Fair point, I was asking mostly retorically. As said, I liked most of your books and had preordered this one. It did not work for me and once in a while I think it is good not only to voice the praise, but also the dissappointment. Thanks for your quick reply! Cheers
Thank you so so so much for sharing this story with us! I’m glad Vlad got his happily ever after! This book made me realize how much I love Mencheres (he’s always been my favorite) and how much I can’t wait to learn more about Ian! This book made me realize what a complex and fascination character he really is. I’ve alway thought him to be hilarious (his rough start with Cat seems almost like a forgotten memory), but I knew there had to be more than meets the eye with him…and I was right! So, I can’t wait to learn more about the hints and clues you’ve dropped about him throughout this book. Once again Ms. Frost, you have captured my attention and heart with amazing characerts and plot. You are AWESOME! God Bless!
I would like to know if Maximus is going to get his story told ? Are you thinking on telling his story and give him a book or books?
No plans to write a book about Maximus at this time because Ian’s books are next. However, I wouldn’t rule out doing a future story on him. I really like Maximus’s character.
I was curious about this too. Although I might be in the minority that hopes Max gets his HEA with someone other than Gretchen. With all the fawning over Leila, and stuff that’s happened… not a fan of him hooking up “Leila jr” lol
I love Maximus. Really hope he gets his HEA. But I agree not with Gretchen that would just be weird. I have read all your books many times already. You are an amazing author. Thank you!
I tried not to do it. I promised myself. But alas, as much as I wanted to stretch this book out over three or four (or even two) days, I just couldn’t. I read it all in one day. I loved it. I can understand the reservations the earlier poster mentioned, however, I think you’ve established this world is pretty cutthroat and Vlad (and Leila both) will go to great lengths to protect the ones they love. It’s funny to me how two people can read the same words and see them so differently. I noticed more forgiveness in this book than the others. Plus? Snowballs. Loved it. I’m sad their story has “ended” but looking forward to what comes next for Ian and his lady love. So. Many. Questions. Hoping for an early 2018 Ian debut! Well done Ms. Frost. You’re one of my favorites.
So glad you enjoyed the book! However, Ian’s book probably won’t release until fall or winter 2018 because I haven’t written it yet. I still have to finish writing the final Broken Destiny book before I can start Ian’s book. My publisher *usually* publishes my books approximately 6 – 12 months after I turn them in, but contractually, they have up to 18 months to do so. That’s why I don’t have any real date yet as to when Ian’s book will release since it depends on when my publisher can slot it into their schedule.
Once I know more, I’ll be sure to let my readers know via my website and newsletter.
OMG book was amazing!!! I love Vlad sooo much, and Leila’s powers are awesome! Would love to see them both appear in future books as they are my fave night huntress characters. Kinda sad cause I wanted something to happen between Samir and Gretchen cause they were funny together in Bound by Flames. Will Maximus or Mircea have their own books??
I don’t have any immediate plans to write about Maximus, Mircea, Samir or Gretchen since Ian is next to get his own books. However, I wouldn’t rule it out completely. They were fun characters to write :).
Mrs. Frost you are an amazing writer and I have enjoy all your books !!! I’m looking forward to read the story of Ian. But I will keep the wish and my fingers cross that you will continue your storytelling on the incredible character that we have grown to love. 😁
Yes! I would love for Samir and Gretchen to get together! I loved how they thought the other one was the annoying one.
This was an amazing book, just as the others before it! I started with Cat and Bones and worked my way through all the series and spin off character books. I have loved each book and read for hours and days straight without any remorse. I can honestly say that for paranormal books, you are without a doubt, hands down my favorite author. You are brilliant! I love how you give each character their own unique personality that makes them easy to fall in love with. I cannot wait for Ian’s book to come out! Also, do you think you’ll be doing another Cat and Bones book? I’m dying to see them one last time! Thank you so much for writing so beautifully and allowing me to escape to another place in your books.
Love ALL your books! Cannot wait for Ian and veritas’s book. Will Timothy be showing up anytime soon?
I was re-reading the book for the nth time. I’m still waiting for Gretchen and Maximus’ book.
Maybe one day! I have definite ideas about Gretchen and Maximus.
I agree! Totally looking forward to Gretchen and Maximus’ book because there is definitely something there! And when re-reading back through the last book, well, there’s more to Gretchen than meets the eye (in my humble opinion). I always go back to that one chapter when the sisters meet the relative and ask myself, what would Gretchen and Max’s version of the events be? In the meantime, will be patiently waiting for your creative genius.