Hi everyone. I’m back home with good news: my father was released from the hospital on Monday (side note: best birthday present ever!) and is now in a rehab facility so he can get his mobility back. Once again, thank you all SO much for your prayers and kind words of support. This past six months has been an emotional roller coaster, which is why I’m hoping for some peaceful dullness for the second half of 2016 :).
In business-related news, I’m trying to get caught up on emails and other messages, but in the meantime, I wanted to post a quick FAQ here in case it covers one of your pending questions.
Will the Night Prince series end at Into The Fire?
Yes, Into The Fire is the final Vlad and Leila novel. I know I had said that originally about the third book, Bound By Flames, but I REALLY mean it this time.
Who will be the next character to get a novel?
Ian will be the next character to get his own book(s).
Who will be the heroine in Ian’s book(s)?
I’m not saying yet. I will say that she has previously appeared before in the Night Huntress series, but that’s all I’m saying, and I will neither confirm nor deny any guesses in the comment section except to say that it’s NOT Justina.
Why do you say “Ian book(s)” instead of “Ian’s book” or “Ian’s books”?
Until I finish writing the story, I don’t know if Ian will have only one book (which was my original intention for the Night Huntress series, if you can believe that), or will have two books (my original intention for the Night Prince series) or if he will end up having more books (see: both the Night Prince and the Night Huntress series.) Since I obviously fail at estimating a correct number of books before I start writing a story, I’m not even attempting to do that this time.
When can we expect Ian’s book to come out?
This is a guess – and as I have just proved, I am bad at guessing – but I would estimate that the earliest Ian’s book(s) would release is late 2017. Early 2018 is probably more realistic because I have three more books coming out before Ian would get his chance.
What about the Broken Destiny series?
Book two, The Sweetest Burn, and book three, The Brightest Embers, will release back-to-back in the summer of 2017. The Broken Destiny series will end at book three, and I can say that with confidence because I’m done writing the second book and the third book is already plotted out in detail (a miracle for me since I almost never plot out anything in detail before writing a book!)
What about Timothy, the fourth prisoner who was sent to the New South Wales penal colony with Bones, Spade and Ian? They all think Timothy’s dead because they haven’t heard from him in decades, but is he really dead?
Timothy is alive, and he has a very good reason for hiding from his best friends for all these years. I intend to explore that in a future book, which is why I won’t say more now or it would spoiler.
Will you ever write about Katie when she is older?
[Warning: SPOILERS AHEAD. Don’t read this answer if you haven’t read Up From The Grave yet!] I would love to write about Katie when she is older because I already have very specific story ideas about her. Plus, it would be fun to showcase Cat and Bones in their most difficult role yet – as parents of a headstrong young woman ;).
Do you have any other appearances scheduled for 2015?
I only have one more appearance this year, which is Nola StoryCon, the convention I’m co-hosting along with Melissa Marr, Ilona Andrews, Kelley Armstrong and Jennifer L. Armentrout. Most of the events are sold out, but no tickets are required for the public signing, and there are still tickets left for the Crescent City Brunch. Click the link above to see the other 30+ bestselling authors attending Nola StoryCon and to get more info.
Love your books, the world and characters. Glad Ian will get his due attention, looking forward. How about more about Uncle Don?
Let him and Fabian have a fight over Elizabeth xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Just joking)
But well, yeah, Don has to have someone to spend eternity with..
If Katie gets a book, Don will be a side character, definitely.
Thank you for a wonderful update and great news about your Dad! Although I am eager for Ians book I also know that great storytelling takes time and patience (ex: George Martin). I would rather wait for Ians book to showcase him in all his hotness than have his story rushed.
One question: will Denise and Spade ever have children? She always wanted to be a mother and that never got closer in any of the previous books.
I think it hardly ever possible because Spade is an old vampire and as we know vampires can’t have children. But, oh well, maybe adoption of some sort?.. Who knows
Denise cannot be impregnated by Spade because he’s been a vampire for hundreds of years, so he has no living sperm. However, she could choose to be artificially inseminated by a human male in order to get pregnant. Or, she and Spade could choose to adopt. Probably one of two would happen at some point in the future.
I can hardly imagin Spade letting Denis being inseminated by some other man’s sperm even artificially .D It’s just like you said, vampire territorialism have NO sense of time (and sense at all) 🙂
I don’t see Spade as objecting to this. Even if he had twinges of irrational vampire territoriality, h’d be more concerned with Denise’s happiness, should she decide that she wanted to give birth herself versus adopting a child.
That’s so sweeeeeet of him! *^* Geez, he would have made such an amazing father with all his manners and aristocratic principles *O* It would be really entertaining to watch Denise and Spade as parents~
Thanks again for that that you answer all our questions!
I am so glad your dad is doing well. I ardently hope he continues to do so for many years to come! I do have a question that wasn’t answered but I completely understand if this doesn’t get a response with your busy schedule. I wanted to buy merchandise but the merchandise link appears to be broken, it goes to the store but the store says it’s not there 🙁 will more merchandise be available at some point?
Sorry about the merchandise being unavailable! The old host site had to be changed, and in the interim, the person who designed the logos has been swamped. I’m looking into getting it up at a new site soon. Sorry for the delay!
Thanks for letting me know! I’m just glad it’s coming back, I was worried I missed my chance! Though the suspense of not having it available will probably make me buy everything in sight once it IS available haha.
Will you be posting any snippets of Into the fire? thanks
I will in the near future.
Thank you for all of the great news :). I am especially happy to hear that your dad is recovering.
Glad to see Ian’s book is within sight! And I can’t thank you enough that you won’t be pairing him with the eternally despicable Justina. She doesn’t deserve even a shred of happiness. **growling over her name here**
Amen sister Amen
Lol, Wont! Poor Justina. She has no idea what an enemy she made in you *wink*
Soooo thankful your dad is doing well.
Squeeze! Ian! Possibly more than one book!!! Yay! 💖💖💖
I bet Ian gets together with Lisa.😁
Could you please remind me where we meet her? I read all books and don’t remember a charachter with such name! I found information about her such as race, age, who her sire is and where does she live and what she’s doing (even Cat’s description of her!) but still have no clue who is it! Just can’t remember xD
Would you be so kind to tell me where she appears, for how long and for what Cat meets her?
Best news ever … Ian and Katie books on the horizen
I have just re-read all the Night Huntress books and am desparate for some more.
Great news about your dad. Thank you so much for your books; I am addicted!
Who is Justina?
I’m so glad that your father is better! I will keep fingers crossed for an uneventful rest of the year for you!
Yay, I’m so happy your life is settling down. I’m really excited there’s going to be an Ian book, and I knew Timothy wasn’t dead. 🙂 Hope you have a great boring summer!
So glad your dad is doing better! And I bet Ian’s lady’s name starts with a V!! I hope so, anyways! I loved her!! 🙂
Same with me! V has the ‘balls’ to keep up with Ian. Honestly he’s my favourite character – can’t wait to read his book(s). Also Into the Fire is amazing. 😉