Audio readers, the audio version of Outtakes From The Grave is available! Get yours at, or your favorite audio retailer.
As you can see, the audio cover for Outtakes is different from the ebook cover, but I think that my audio publisher chose a great model and background image. Now, many of you have been asking me if Outtakes will also be available in foreign language editions. Nothing is definite yet, but we’re in talks with a couple different countries right now, so I hope to have some news for you soon about that. It is available now in paperback as well, for those of you who prefer that format. Outtakes From The Grave (Night Huntress) (Volume 8)
Next up is Into The Fire, the fourth and final novel in the Night Prince series. A reader alerted me the other day that a pre-order link was up on Amazon (yes, readers usually find these things before me :)). However, there was some confusion because the link was for a hardcover edition. Let me be clear: there hasn’t been a change in format for Into The Fire. The mass market paperback will be the format sold in book stores, just like all the other books in the Night Prince series (and of course, Into The Fire will also be out in ebook and audio.) However, for this release, my publisher is doing a special hardcover edition of Into The Fire for libraries, and for some unknown reason, the hardcover library edition went live for pre-orders before the other formats. So, that’s why you currently only see a hardcover edition available for pre-order under Into The Fire. Yes, if you prefer a hardcover over a mass market paperback, you can order yours in that format, but the mass market and other formats will be available for pre-order soon. Once they are, I’ll post the links on my website. For now, I’m not linking to the pre-order page because only the hardcover option is available, and I don’t want readers who didn’t see this post to get confused about whether the book was releasing in hardcover versus mass market.
That’s it from me for now. Have a great week, everyone!
I really hope Into the Fire answers my burning question about whether or not that dog at the downed power line accident was actually a demon. I’ve felt like that might have been a tie in for a while now to explain why she got those powers and didn’t just die but it was never mentioned again. Also, and I know this won’t be answered in it, but I have always really wanted to know what song she finally picked when Bones was teaching her to block Vlad.
The dog wasn’t a demon (although what a cool thought!). It was just a regular dog. Most of the reason behind how Leila got her powers will be revealed in Into The Fire. Oh, and the song Leila was thinking of when Bones taught her how to block Vlad was “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?” by Culture Club.
Ah! So cool, thank you for the answers! I’ve always been curious about the song because she ended up using the blocking on Szilagyi first but she was so sure it was the perfect song when her and Bones were talking. Soooo excited for the new book but bittersweet that it’ll be the last one in their story. At least there’s still the beautiful destiny series to fulfill my Frost addiction. Thanks for writing such amazing stories!
I’m also anxious to find out what happens to Maximus and if he finds his love.
So very sorry about the loss of your mom. i was selfishly bemoaning the lack of the Vlad/Leila Finale until I found the post about your mom. There’s nothing quite so lonely as that loss.
I’m very eager to discover the ends of the many threads you’ve woven into this wonderful series. Like so many others, I hope to find closure to the mysteries surrounding The acquisition of Leila’s powers and the loss of Menchere’s. And I’m hoping that you were kind to Maximus.
Best wishes for your heart, health, and success
I’m so looking forward to Into the Fire! But I’m also saddened that Vlad and Leila’s series will end. I have truly enjoyed them and their world!
Please tell me that the world Vampire, Witches, Ghouls and ghost will be continued with another heroine or hero. Please dont leave this wonderful world after Into the Fire….
I am absolutely NOT done with this world :). The next vampire character to his own book(s) will be Ian, after I’m done with the Night Prince series.
I’m so excited to hear Ian will get his own book! I look forward to it!
I love the Night Huntress series; honestly, I would love to see Cat and Bones’ story transition to the big screen. These books would make incredible movies! I’m sure the world would love another Twilight like movie (sorry to compare, love your books way more ) and these books would give them a more logical, adult version. Just saying, it would be a great idea! Have you ever thought about crossing over to the movie world?
Hi I’m from sunny South-Africa. Bought myself an E-reader and Eternall kiss of darkness was my first book on it. Once I started reading I couldn’t but it down. Cool thing about eireaders, it got they own night light (haha). So once finished at the end there is an exclusive excerp on Once burned. I emediately started looking for it, bought it, read it twice no three times and then got Bound by flames now I understand why I miss somethings there was a book in between. Can’t wait for Into the fire. Hope Kira and Leila will become great friends, and that Mencheres and Leila sort of join forces. PS. I’m actually Afrikaans speaking, but o boy. Can’t stop reading and re reading my vampire books writen by Jeanine Frost. Thank you so much.