Hi everyone. I have good news and bad news about the Broken Destiny series. I’ll start with the bad news: you’re going to have to wait longer than anticipated for The Sweetest Burn, book two in the series (these are the Ivy and Adrian books, for those of you who refer to the series by its characters.) My agent informed me late last week that my publisher decided to push back The Sweetest Burn’s release to June 2017. This delay has nothing to do with editorial issues, production issues, deadlines, my mother’s recent death, or anything like that, and the reason why it’s being pushed back brings us to the good news portion of this post:
The third and final book in the Broken Destiny series, tentatively titled The Brightest Embers, will release in July 2017, only one month after the new release date for The Sweetest Burn. The reason my publisher moved The Sweetest Burn was in order to do back-to-back releases on the series, which affords them greater marketing opportunities and availability with book stores and other retailers. They are also doing a special re-release of the first book, The Beautiful Ashes, with extra bonus material in late spring of 2017 to lead into the back-to-back release of the second and third books.
So, while I know this disappoints many of you and I am so sorry about that, I can assure you that it’s being done with good intentions on my publisher’s part. In addition to the greater promotional opportunities, this also gives readers the ability to find out how Ivy and Adrian’s story ends without hardly any wait between books two and three. This extended rearrangement of release dates isn’t without precedence, either: my BBF and #1 New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews had her Hidden Legacy series bumped from 2016 to 2017 for similar reasons, and I’ve seen it happen on occasion with other authors, too.
Some of you might be wondering, what will happen to my pre-order of The Sweetest Burn?
The book should remain on pre-order when retailers’ systems update and the release date changes. If you choose to cancel your pre-order, there shouldn’t be any refund issues because most retailers don’t charge for a book until they actually ship it, either by snail mail or digital delivery.
Some of you might be wondering, how can the publisher do this?
There is a clause in traditional publishing contracts that gives the publisher the right to determine the release date of all books they acquire. Often, this clause give the publisher eighteen months (although I’ve seen up to twenty-four) after a manuscript is formally accepted to publish the book, so my publisher is within their contractual rights to move the release date.
Some of you might be wondering, can’t you just refuse to let them?
No, for the reasons listed above. Besides, as I said, my publisher is trying to do their best by the series with this change and I appreciate their efforts toward that end. I also understand how frustrating it is for readers who thought they’d get to read The Sweetest Burn this April, and are now finding out that they have to wait over a year. Again, I am truly sorry for the extended wait and I so appreciate you sticking with Ivy and Adrian (and me! :)) throughout all this. I hope that getting the conclusion to Ivy and Adrian’s story with the back-to-back releases in summer 2017 will help make up for the wait. Also, my publisher will be doing some special consolation promos soon, and while I have to stay mum about them now, I’ll let you know once they’re live.
If you have any questions that I didn’t address, please ask them below. Thank you.
Willy his affect Vlsd’s release date?
Will this geez auto correct!
This has no effect on Vlad’s book. They are separate publishers.
I am sure everything will work out and your fans will wait patiently. You always make it worth our while with your awesome writing. Thanks for the info.
I wonder if this is going to become a thing. Both yours and Ilona’s books going to this sort of format, and I think I have heard of a couple of sci-fis doing the same.
Was thinking the same.. :/
Well that explains why barnes and noble,couldnt find it the other day lol. Ok thank you for the heads up
Since the Destiny series is being pushed back does that mean the audiobooks will also come out at that time? I listen to audios at work so I would love to get the whole series at once and listen back to back.
Yes, the audio books have also been pushed back to the same time, as well as the ebooks.
So those of us that have ARCs we should hold our reviews for next year?
That’s entirely up to you. In my opinion, any blogger who read the book and has a review can post it whenever they want.
Ok thanks. I wanted to reread book 1 before reading 2 so this gives me some time to do that. But since the date has changed I might want to post my review later in the year or early next year so that reads that can’t get it yet will see the review closer to release date. (Doesn’t mean I won’t read it sooner. LOL)
Although I am sad that I won’t get my Jeaniene fix in March, this actually helps as there are so many authors I like releasing books in March! LOL I can’t wait for the continuation of the series, but I know I will appreciate not having to wait very long for the end of the trilogy.
Thank you for all you do and I will be excited to see what the publishers have planned. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy the Out Takes from the Grave and look forward to Vlad’s final book in the fall, and I eagerly await Ian’s story!!
I was wondering if their will be a book about Ian. Because I want to know if he would have a book or an awesome adventure like his friends.
Ian will be the next character to get his own story, after the Night Prince series is finished.
I am SO excited about this! I, too, have been hoping that he would get his own story.
How does waiting two years for the continuation of a book help with promotions that makes no since to me and why make this decision so late in the game after promoting April. I’m one of those fans that are heartbroken over this news. I’m literally crying over this a whole other year this really just ruined my day. Sorry just had to vent that
Totally understand needing to vent. No apology necessary.
Awe, I agree it’s good and bad news Jeaniene! While I am disappointed that it will be another year, I am thankful you have shared this great storyline with us and look forward to reading more in the future. Thank you for not just announcing the date of release was delayed, but explaining why it was happening. Thoughtful and very much appreciated!
Will this still be available in print? I see no preorder paperback option?
It will be available in print as well as ebook and audio. The preorder link might be down because the release date was pushed so far off.
So upset to see the Broken Destiny series is pushed back. I was upset when Ilona Andrews series did the same thing! The publishers are irritating in doing this. Who cares that books 2 and 3 are published a month apart when loyal fans had to wait 2 years since book 1. I hate to reread books. Too many books to read no time to reread! I just finished Outtakes from the Grave and realized how much I miss this series. Not just Cat and Bones but everyone. Please, please, please publish Ian’s book ASAP!!!
Totally understand your frustration and I am so sorry. If it helps at all, after I’m done with the last Broken Destiny book and the last Night Prince novel, I’ll be starting Ian’s book :).
Oh no! I just found out, and I am just so very sad. In Denmark we write dates with the day first and then the month, so at first I thought the audio book came out the 4. of January, then I realised it was in March. I have counted the days for its release. When I saw Audible had changed the date, I thought it was a mistake, but then I read your news; A whole year – what a horror – what a pain…
I am so glad to hear that it will not happen with The Night Prince book.
Anyway… I just LOVE your books, and I have just convinced my sister and niece to read the Night Huntress series, and they love it. Now they are just as hooked as I am, and want more
Greetings from a loyal fan – with a new countdown
Though I completely understand that this is out of your hands, the news is still incredibly disappointing. Especially since Amazon just canceled my pre-order completely. I was really looking forward to Ivy and Adrian this week.
My publisher is working on restoring all the pre-orders. I apologize. There were issues with some retailers and I think to fix the few, they had to re-haul the book info on all of them.
This is just a sort of combination comment/suggestion. As I’m sure you’re well aware, the world’s most famously frustrated group of readers are those of us who watch blown deadline after blown deadline sail past and months become years, waiting for the GRRM books to come out. For us, while this delay is certainly a disappointment, it’s at least reasonable and well explained. We’ll be here when the books are.
The suggestion part is this: one way that dedicated ASoIaF fans stay sane is by participating in the incredibly well run and populated discussion forum at westeros.org. I’ve seen that frostfans.com has a placeholder link for a discussion forum, but it’s not up. I really strongly suggest that you consider getting that up and running. I think it would be a huge success, help all your fans weather the delay, and probably surprise you with how much care and thought your fans put into your writings!
As fans it can be hard to stay connected over long periods between publications sometimes. I go back and reread the whole shebang from Reckoning on every few months, but I would love to have others like me to compare and discuss them with. I have questions such as “what was Ian THINKING when he blamed the zombie attack on Cat’s wounded pride, I totally don’t get it!” Other readers would probably be able to tell me, and might have questions I can answer. Or just opinions to discuss about… well, a zillion things!
I hope you will consider this. Thank you for all you do to keep connected to all of us.
I AAM confused if it hasn’t been released how is someone selling a copy on eBay for 45 dollars. By the way excellent book, can’t wait
If you send me the eBay link, I’ll report it. It’s not legal to sell Arcs. They were made back when the book was slated to be released in March 2016, so someone must have gotten hold of an Arc and now is trying to profit from it.
My pre-order with Amazon got cancelled. I was very anxious until a friend looked up your blog!
I just posted a new blog about this here: https://jeanienefrost.com/2016/04/the-sweetest-burn-pre-orders-update-and-thank-you-contest/
In summary, all the preorders were cancelled in error, but Amazon should email you with an option to reorder the preorder. Sorry for the extra work!