Only three more days until turn-in time for The Sweetest Burn, and as per usual, I will be writing up to the verylast minute. So, in lieu of actual content for this post, I’m copying my Tweets from the past week. After a long day writing, 140 characters is about all the mental prowess I have left in me, as you will soon see :).
Happy Father’s Day to my dad & to all the dads out there, whether by blood or by the heart.
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 21, 2015
Sunset in Romania
— OMG Facts (@OMGFacts) June 22, 2015
Funny typo of the day: ‘harness’ instead of ‘hardness.’ Why did I laugh? B/c the word before it was ‘jutting.’ Totally different meaning ;).
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 23, 2015
Loki is hanging out under my desk and I am ignoring all this cuteness for YOU, readers ;). #amwriting
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 23, 2015
I normally love superhero movies, but I have zero interest in the new Spiderman reboot. What is it, the 3rd reboot in only 10 years?
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 24, 2015
While I’m being pissy, the new hotdog pizza from Pizza Hut looks like it should only be sold in Colorado b/c I’d have to be stoned to eat it
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 24, 2015
Online complaints out of the way, now on to writing :).
— Jeaniene Frost (@Jeaniene_Frost) June 24, 2015
If you want more of these inanities in real time, follow me on Twitter here.
Now *cracks knuckles* climax of the novel, here I come!
Thanks for creating Twitter bites, actually
love it.