Thanks to everyone who voted for Up From The Grave in the DABWAHA competition! Our bracket had a record turnout, however, Up From The Grave did not advance. Still, it was really cool to have it in the contest at all, let alone to have it make it past the first round. Plus, I loved the book that did advance (Magic Breaks) and it was written by my bestie, Ilona Andrews, so I am very happy for her. If you’re following DABWAHA (and it’s a great way to get reading recommendations) be sure to vote for Magic Breaks and Burn For Me in the coming brackets! If you haven’t read them, I highly recommend both because Ilona’s books are as fabulous as she is :).
Some of you might be wondering, what about that bribe you offered if you won? Since you didn’t, are you not going to write an Ian book now? *grin* As I mentioned, Ilona’s one of my BFF’s, so when she Tweeted this during our fake Twitter fight, she was right:
I’m also pretty sure @Jeaniene_Frost will write Ian, win or lose. So you might as well vote for Kate and be rewarded with Curran POV!
— Ilona Andrews (@ilona_andrews) March 21, 2015
After I finish the Night Prince series, the next front runner for a vampire book is Ian. As many of you know, I’ve said for years that Ian is moving closer to his own book, and if I didn’t already have a story in mind for him, I wouldn’t have offered his book as a bribe. However, as mentioned, I still have to finish the Night Prince series (one more book), plus the Broken Destiny series (two more books) so, an Ian book is still a little ways off. You will see him pop up in the final Night Prince book as a side character, though, and having Vlad and Ian interact together should be a lot of fun to write.
Before you ask, I’m not revealing who the heroine is for Ian’s future book yet. To give you a hint, she has appeared in the Night Huntress series before. That’s all you’re getting out of me at the moment, so you are welcome to take your best guess, but I will neither confirm nor deny any of them yet ;).
That’s it from me. Thanks again, happy speculating, and hope you’re enjoying your Sunday!
Thank you 🙂
Calling it now, it’s Gretchen
But has Gretchen been in the Night Huntress books? I believe she’s only been in Night Prince, otherwise I would agree!
Maybe it’s Veritas
I agree. I think it’s Veritas too.
I hope it’s Gretchen though. I want to see Gretchen become the Bad-%$#%^ she can be I’m sure. That’d be phenomenal!
Gretchen would be fun but what about the ghoul queen?
Awww! I am happy she won but sad that you didn’t! I am so excited about Ian though! And I think I can guess his love interest but I wont say it here. Anyone who is a fan will be able to guess, I think any way. Congrats to you an Ilona both! #VampiresRule #JustSaying
Augh! *flails*
She’s been in Night Huntress?? Who could it be?? I don’t recall very many women in the first place.
And the ones I do recall can’t be it either because it’d be too obvious or they just don’t fit. *whines* This is gonna drive me mad.
Everyone’s head is going to be in a whirlwind.
People would say it’s Gretchen… I think Leila would kill Ian. I think it may be Geri, Cats replacement.
Oh come on. Though i do see where you’re coming from.
That’s exactly who I was thinking of, but couldn’t remember her name. I’ll through in my vote for Geri as well.
Sorry, that should be “throw” not through. Wish we could edit replies.
Yay!! We finally will get one!! Also i think the law guardian Veritas will be the heroine. .She seems strong and confident enough to be able to handle him hehe 😉
Ian likes rare things. What’s rarer (don’t think that’s a real word) than the daughter of a 1/2 vampire?
Watch. Ian falls for the “plain Jane” so to speak. That’d be unexpected.
Agree. Just because he always collects the rare.
That’s actually a good point, what about a witch though?
I’m thinking it’s going to be Cat’s mother, Ian loves to tease and torment her, and with her attitude she can definitely handle him!
I totally Agree! Team Justina!!!
That’s who I thought too!
That’s what I always thought too! But I’m pretty sure that Jeanine said otherwise in a previous post. 🙁
I totally hope so! It would be hilarious if it was Justina! She’s woman enough to fight with him and stand her man 😀
NO!!!!!!!! NOT JUSTINA!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY JEANIENE SAID IT WASN’T JUSTINA, though it would be interesting if she was in a love triangle with him and the heroine
I’m sorry you didn’t advance, your books are incredible. However that being said. I’m absolutely floored about the Ian book. (fan girl screams)
Ha ha ha YES!! Team Veritas here. Thanks J! And can’t wait for the other 3 books, too 😉
Team Gretchen
Indeed, Gretchen and Veritas would be great heroines but I totally want Ian to end up with Justina! I felt a chemistry between them! The would be so good together! There opposites and it would be fun!
Omg that’s so far away. *tear* Can’t wait for the next Vlad book though. When I finished the last one I cried.
If I remember right, Jeaniene already mentionned that Justina and Ian wouldn’t end up together but I could totally picture it.
Justin aids the only women that comes to mind and that would be great! She would give him Hell and he would eat it up!
They would both give each other hell, though (thankfully) Jeaniene said it isn’t.
I think it would be cool if it will be cat’s daughter. sorry guys, but I still can’t forgive Justina for what she did to cat and bones so she doesn’t deserve my Ian. 😀
Annette or justina lol
Just please, please not Katie!
Wait, what about kira’s little sister?
Is there any chance we would get a book or even a series of books based on Katie?
Please, please,please write about Annette, I’m dying to hear her have a happy ending! xx
I’m not. I still don’t like her. Not after the 2nd book.
OMG I’m so happy!!! Thanks Jeaniene!!!!!
And the heroine is Veritas 😉
Justina is screaming for her own fangy hero. Who better than Ian? *wink*
Psst – don’t kill me, Wont! Love you, mean it!
I hope its Gretchen! Luv her character and she and Ian would be hilarious and great! Something tells me Gretchen has a lot more to her! And if she isn’t Ian’s I hope she gets a book too!
I am sorry about the contest; however, both books are phenomenal. About Ian, I don’t know why, but I keep thinking about Tina, Kira’s sister. It would be interesting, since she already got Mencheres’s blood, in this way already belonging to his bloodline. She sure deserves a happy ending.
Me and you both chicka. Me and you both.
I hope it is not Justina i hate her what kind of mother does horrible stuff to her own daugther, i kind of hope its katie well grown up Katie
Katie is my guess
It’s Veritas.
End of story.
It is either=
*The ghoul queen
* Gretchen.
Just please don’t tell me its Annette. Please.
Is it a series or one book?
Team Gretchen all the way!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if it’s Kira’s little sister?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY !!!!Can’t get over this !! I swear my die hard fan side of me for these books is taking over my life, I first read night hundreds when I was in year 9 in high school, I’m now about to graduate from uni, this books have been my ENTIRE adolescence ! Thank you so much Jeaniene !! Xxx
Jeanine some help please? This is worse torture then what Vlad could inflict (sigh). 😉
How about a hair color as a second clue?
Okay, to everyone asking for another clue as to the heroine’s identity: let me repeat what I wrote in the post. What I said was, “To give you a hint, she has appeared in the Night Huntress series before.”
There’s a specific phrase in that hint, and if you think about it, it rules out a guess that many of you have already made :).
*tears, tears. tears. So sad…. Crying* *toughens up.* Fine, but let it not be Justina. Oh no, it’s going to be veritas isn’t it?
LOL! No names and another hint: Think about law enforcement. (If I am guessing right) LOL : )
Thanks Jeaniene for answering. I feel better now. 🙂 I’ll guess Veritas. I hope you give Gretchen a book down the road too. She’s a great side character you’ve written.
Is it going to be a book or a series?
***SPOILER ALERT!!!*** It’s Cat’s daughter!!!!!! Lol
Possibly. Although I was kind of thinking Katie for Maximus down the road. It could be Geri. Geri was a small appearance. Katie had bigger impact. This is going to nag at me for the next 1.5 years. lol. My top 2 are: Veritas & Geri.
I can’t wait to read Vlad and Ian interact together in the next book. I love when they all get together. Especially when Vlad is hilarious! Besides, Uncle Vlad, Cat, & Bones would probably kill Ian, if it was Katie. lol.
I agree with you. Plus he has meet both of them.
Cat’s daughter is WAAAYYY too “Twilight” for me. Pretty sure Jeaniene is too original for that.
Haha. I agree.
Jeaniene, if only you were superhuman and could write 3-4 books a year. Your fanbase would be more patient 😉 Although, it might not be as fun then. 🙂
Now i am going back and thinking of all the women in the books!!! lol
Aw so that rules out Gretchen. 🙁 Praying that it’s not Justina or Annette.
I’m going with Veritas!
To everyone that got their hopes up thinking that the heroine may be Katie (that included me) – Jeaniene already said:
“To clarify: Ian and Katie, if they get stories, would have separate ones. I am NOT matching them together as a couple, even if it was set in the future when Katie would be older.”
So that rules out Gretchen and Katie.
Hey why dont we make a list of all female characters from the night huntress series??
so far we can rule out Kati and Justina, because our author dearest said they wont end up with Ian. And we can rule out Gretchen because she is not part of the night huntress series.
Sorry, i ment to write KatiE of course. So excited i cant write anymore 😀
Sexy no-holds bar Ian is my favorite, so send him out with a bang, by letting him have two heroines who don’t my sharing.
2 chicks fighting over Ian? That would be funny especially if Ian loved 1 not the other. It would be even more funny if the chick he loves isn’t the one he was going out with.
“To give you a hint, she has appeared in the Night Huntress series before.”
So you say there’s something specific about the way you worded it… I’m thinking that means whoever she is, she appeared in the series to give Cat a hint about something. I can’t recall any characters like that, but that’s all I can come up with. I doubt that whoever it is has played a very large role in the story yet, though.
Following your guess, she would be Marie! She once gave Cat a hint to kill Gregor, telling her story with her husband. :O
First, I want to thank the Audible rep who recommended you…had I not listened I would not have turned into an instant fan. Second, thank you for creating characters that are intriguing, likable, and at times stopping me in my tracks to laugh out loud.
Dear Jeaniene,
I hope it is actually Annette. That would be a twist.
I like Geri, I could even do Veritas, but for the love of all that’s sacred, please keep your word and don’t pair him up with Justiina! It would be too hard to believe she’d gotten over her vampire hangups, and I couldn’t read a book with her as the female lead (much as I’m dying for an Ian book), she was just too horrible a mother!
Now I am gonna lose concentration over every other thing…school,home….just everything and fangirl and drool till I run out of saliva……God!!!! Thanks Mrs.Frost for such a wonderful news!!!
Coming to “guess-who” is the heroine….
I very much think it’s Anette …coz Ian (my darling) seemed to care a deal for her in your novella home for the holidays
Then comes….little vixen…veritas
But considering the fact that Ian is gonna appear in the last night prince novel….I am thinking Gretchen… he will see her there in vlad’s house and they zing!! the problem is she hasn’t appeared in any night huntress novels. But if one could consider the wedding of vlad and leila that took place in up from the grave, then she has appeared somehow even if she is not mentioned.
Geri could also be …..oh I am absolutely sure Ian even shamelessly asked her “now that canelle is done, how about some shag?” Behind Cat’s back….so there is no scene in the book.
Other guesses are francine and Lisa from one grave at a time….the women tormented by Kramerrrrr!!!!
But oh! Please don’t let it be the “disheveled-looking blonde who lingered in the doorway despite only wearing a towel” …..not the spatula one!!!
Thanks for your kindness and writing a book about that child with a hand down his pants ….just love him….okay not more than bones and vlad maybe….but still love is love.
All the best
Keep writing and bestow us with your fan-freaking-tastic books!
There is someone that no one has mentioned yet. Liza, the young ghoul that lives in New Orleans? She should be on the list. Not saying it is her bit she at least appeared in the night huntress series for a little bit.
Oh thank you thank you! I am so excited! Your books are so incredibly amazing! It’s a rare find to be so in love with a series that I constantly re read them! I am in love! What a talent you have and thank you for sharing ! Also, would you ever consider some sort of prize give away of a signed copy of a book? That would be amazing!
Veritas! Veritas! Veritas! I can picture him haggling her about her size and her beating the absolute shit out of him for it XD.
But please, I’m begging you… not Annette or the Ghoul Queen. Please! My mental peace rests in your industrious hands!!
Also, would this mysterious heroine be featured in the last Night Prince novel, since Ian is also appearing? It’d be a great way to reveal her. //cough pls let it be veritas
Veritas Veritas Veritas!! I found an interview Jeaniene did a few years ago and she said that Ian would need a woman who was older and wiser than him to keep him in line. Therefore it has to be Veritas! Who else in the Night Huntress books were actually older than him? And I’m willing to bet she will appear in the final Vlad/Leila book, because it’s been said that she practiced magic and Mircea is involved with that stuff. I’m willing to bet that Veritas will appear to help Vlad and Leila bring Mircea to vamp justice and Ian will be there and they’ll get into it. That’s probably how they’ll be revealed as the couple. Mark my words!!!
That’s what I am thinking!!! Also hoping for haha
She has “appeared ” before- Elizabeth?
If Ian goes for the rarest it would be Katie, since that is not possible, Veritas will be the only one who can keep him in line, the only character who would be worthy enough to tame the adorable rouge
Sadly, still bothering me…..
Veritas was a law guardian who said that Cat must die when she blew up his head when Bones dueled with Gregor