Bound By Flames is now available! Order your copy from Amazon, Barnes&Noble,BooksAMillion, Powells, Indiebound, iBooks, Downpour, or your favorite retailer. Learn more about Bound By Flames here.
I have lots of things to cover in this post, so let’s get right to it. First up, I’m traveling this week to celebrate Bound By Flames’ release, so if you’re in NC or FL, I might be in your neck of the woods.
Wednesday, January 28th, 7pm
55 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 28801
Can’t make it? You can still order a signed/personalized copy here until the 28th.
Saturday, January 31st, 1pm – 4pm EST
KissCon Sarasota, hosted by Avon Books
Florida Studio Theater, Court Cabaret
1265 1st Street
Sarasota, FL 34236
Description: Avon Books and Bookstore 1 Sarasota are teaming up for a multi-author event with Katharine Ashe, Maya Banks, Lena Diaz, Megan Frampton, Jeaniene Frost, Laura Lee Gurhrke, C.J. Kyle, Julia Quinn, Kerrelyn Sparks and C.L. Wilson. More info and tickets here.
Next I have the first 38 pages of Bound By Flames available online courtesy of my publisher, Harper Collins. I know; it used to be the first 20% but they changed it. To read the first three chapters, go here and then click “Read A Sample” under the cover.
Finally, here is the playlist of songs that I listened to while writing Bound By Flames. As many of you know, writing to specific music helps put me in the right frame of mind because I’m conditioning myself to write a particular story whenever I hear those songs (not saying this will work for every writer, but it works for me). That being said, there’s no hidden meaning for the book in these songs. Some of these are recommendations that you, readers, have given me, so thank you again! Remember: Music tastes are as personal as reading tastes, so if you don’t like some of the bands/songs, no problem. Just please don’t tell me that I shouldn’t like them, because if a song/band is listed, then I like do, and no arguing on your part will change my mind :).
Layout is band name: songs (if more than one from the same band). Bands are in alphabetical order for ease of listing.
Alanis Morissette: Underneath, Madness.
Banks: Brain, Waiting Game, This Is What It Feels Like.
Bon Iver: Hinnom, TX.
Chad Valley: Now That I’m Real, Shell Suite, I Want Your Love.
Coldplay: Always In My Head, True Love, Midnight, Another’s Arms, A Sky Full Of Stars.
Delta Spirit: Yamaha.
The Fray: Love Don’t Die, Hurricane, Our Last Days, Break Your Plans, Same As You.
Glen Morrison (featuring Islove): Goodbye.
The Goo Goo Dolls: Come To Me.
Hardwell (featuring Matthew Komo): Dare You.
Jilette Johnson: Torpedo.
Kari Jobe: Forever.
Katie Herzig: Walk Through Walls.
Keane: Is It Any Wonder.
Lana Del Ray: Born To Die, Young And Beautiful, Ride, West Coast.
M83: I Need You, Wait, Oblivion (featuring Suzanne Sundfor).
Motorcycle: As The Rush Comes.
Muse: Madness.
The Neighborhood: Honest.
O.A.R.: Peace.
Our Lady Peace: Somewhere Out There.
P!ink: Just Like A Pill, Just Give Me A Reason (featuring Nate Reuss).
Phillip Phillips: Gone, Gone, Gone.
Phosphorescent: Song For Zulu.
Sarah McLachlan: Flesh And Blood.
The Script: Six Degrees Of Separation.
Shakira: Empire.
Sharon Van Etten: Afraid Of Nothing, Taking Chances, Your Love Is Killing Me, You Know Me Well, Break Me.
Sia: Chandelier, Big Girls Cry, Eye Of The Needle, Elastic Heart, Free The Animal, Dressed In Black, Fire Meet Gasoline*.
Taylor Swift: I Knew You Were Trouble.
Tiesto (featuring Icona Pop): Let’s Go.
* After I read the lyrics to Fire Meets Gasoline, I thought that Leila could have written them about her relationship with Vlad. Hope that all of you enjoy the new book continuing their adventures!
I have to say, it’s now 12:23am in Germany, and I still can’t buy BBF on Can’t even find it….. I’m starting to get really mad….
I’m sorry, I believe it’s only released after midnight on American Eastern Standard time, which is a little over five hours from now.
Ok… I’ve waited this long!! I can take 6 more hrs!! 😉 Thanks Jeaniene!!
Quanto dobbiamo aspettare noi in Italia!?
My Italian publisher has not purchased rights on this yet. I hope that they do.
Waited up till 12 (EST) to download!???? Did not get it till 3
I LOVE it! This book is soooo good and worth the wait. Is there 2 more or only 1 more book for Vlad and Leila? Cannot wait for 2016 and we just started 2015 haha
One more novel for Vlad and Leila after Bound By Flames.
Please, please, please!!!!! Write and excerpt or something from Vlads POV!!! I love Leila and all bit I need to know what’s going on in that supremely gorgeous head of his!!!!!!
Love your night huntress and night prince books. Only wish you could write and publish faster….lol. Already finished bound by flames. Hope you reconsider writing more about bones and cat also. Can’t read enough about all these characters you have created.
Is there a 4th Vlad & Leila? I could have sworn you had mentioned only three, yet the end of BBF says another will be released next year?
In Nov, Jeaniene mentioned it’s now 4 books for Vlad and Leila instead of 3 😀
Finished Bound by Flames — THANKS!!! And loved the tribute (??) to Ilona!! 😀
The book was phenomenal! I hope the next book has a scene with Cat and Leila meeting up for that drink and talking about overprotective husbands! It would be just too hilarious Thanks again for book 4. What else do you have coming out this year?
Thanks, glad you liked Bound By Flames! I have the second Broken Destiny novel (title to come) coming out the end of the year.
I liked Vlad’s growth and LOVED the epilogue!! Looking forward to Book 4! (PS: Is the alternate portion for At Grave’s End up already? I really enjoyed the alternate middle for Destined for An Early Grave; hoping the one for AGE – or any of the other NH books, if there are any – will be up soon too!)
Alternate scenes from At Grave’s End are on hold for a little while. I have to get caught up on contract writing first :).
I’ve read all of your books and just finished listening to Bound by Flames and I fell in love with your writing all over again! I read the cat and bones series at least 3 times and after reading the last book, it makes me want to go back and read them again! You’re an amazing writer and the story line is addictive. Literally, cannot put them down every time I read it. I just signed up for your newsletter because I want to meet you next time you come to Memphis!
I don’t know where I’ve been, but I just started reading your books last month. To add insult to injury, I live in Asheville and just see that you were at our local bookstore a few weeks ago.
Do you do that often and are you in this part of the state so that I might catch you another time?
Yes, I usually go to Malaprops once a year for a signing. The best way to keep up with my appearances is to sign up for my newsletter here, hosted by CoffeeTime Romance.
Glad you’re enjoying the books!