First, let’s get to the contest winners from last week’s giveaway featuring Arcs of The Beautiful Ashes. Almost a thousand people entered (yes, you read that right – my jaw dropped! :)) but I only had ten Arcs to give away, so apologies in advance to most of you who didn’t win. Ten people did, however, and here they are:
Congrats, all! Replies have been sent to your entries with instructions. Hope you enjoy the book!
August 30th, 3:pm Malaprops
55 Haywood Street
Asheville, NC 28801
September 4th, 7:00pm BooksAMillion
125 South Hampton Drive
Clarksville, TN 37040 Ph: 931-648-1100
September 5th, 6:30pm. Joint signing with J.A Redmerski (Song of the Fireflies)
The Booksellers of Laurelwood
387 Perkins Road Extended
Memphis, TN 38117 901-683-9801
September 18th, 6:30pm. Joint signing with Ilona and Gordon Andrews (Magic Breaks)
Book People
603 N. Lamar
Austin, TX 78703
September 19th, 6:00pm. Joint signing with Melissa Marr (Made For You)
2450 Fry Rd
Houston, TX 77084
September 20th, time tbd. Fresh Fiction event, details to come.
Fresh Fiction
Dallas, TX
September 22nd, 7pm. Joint signing with author Melissa Marr (Made For You)
Barnes and Noble, Tyson Corner Mall
7851 L. Tyson’s Corner Center
Mclean, VA 22102
September 23rd, 6pm. Joint signing with author Melissa Marr (Made For You)
Barnes and Noble
1035 Emmet Street, Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903
September 24th, 6:30pm. Joint signing with author Melissa Marr (Made For You)
Fountain Book Store
1312 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Don’t live near any of these cities? Feel like you keep missing out on the cool stuff? Well, if you’re reading this, then you have an internet connection, so I have something for you :).
My first four novels went through extensive rewrites, probably because they were also the first four books I’d ever written. Because of that, I have a lot of deleted scenes from them, and in some cases, alternate versions. Many of you have said that you miss Cat and Bones now that their story came to an end in Up From The Grave, so I decided to post a never-before-seen, deleted alternate version of the middle of Destined For An Early Grave. Because it’s so long (over 30K words!) I’m going to post it in four parts on my blog. Part One will go up this Saturday, July 26th, with the remaining three parts to release on August 2nd, August 9th and August 16th. So for the next month, there will be free reading on my blog on Saturdays. Hope you enjoy!
How did I end up with an alternate middle version of Destined For An Early Grave, some of you may be wondering? Because I changed my mind about a subplot. In the original version, when Bones left Cat after the infamous “piano scene” to go to New Orleans, Gregor found a way to erase Bones’s memory of Cat, similar to how Mencheres had erased Cat’s memory of Gregor when she was a teenager. As you can imagine, having Cat erased from his mind changed Bones’s behavior dramatically, and thus the original middle of the novel was very different from the version that was later published. I decided to take that subplot out because so much had already happened to Cat and Bones in DFAEG that the memory loss seemed too burdensome. However, I’m sentimental, which is why I took the chunk out of the final manuscript, but didn’t delete it from my computer.
So, if you want to see Cat and Bones interacting with each other while Bones has no memory of their previous life, come back on the above dates. For context, this alternate “middle” version starts on page 207 of the published version of Destined for an Early Grave, or 55% into the ebook, so if you want to familiarize yourself with what was going on back then, grab your copy and brush up.You’ll see some scene overlapping with only small changes at first, then the new content starts after Cat arrives at the military base.
That’s it from me for now. Hope you’re enjoying your week so far!
So sad you won’t be coming near Detroit, but yeah for more Cat & Bones! Although that is going to be weird. *grin* Can’t wait!
Holy. God. I CAN’T WAIT!
Congrats to the winners!
Too bad you’re not coming to California, but maybe one day soon(ish)!
This just seems like a whole bunch of pain. Bring on the feels!
Yay! I’ll get to meet you again in September! Can’t wait!
I am so excited!!
Right there with you! I can’t wait to see her in Dallas!
So excited I won the book! Thank you SO MUCH for doing the giveaway!
sorry you’re not in the U.K! Looking forward to reading more about Cat and Bones. I do love your books, had far too many late nights because I couldn’t put one down.
So sad that after I moved from Va, you have several cities that I could have gone to. How about coming to Hawaii?
Thanks so much for the ARC, I super excited! ❤️
i hope Belgium will be on your programm in the future
Awe, your sentimental just like Cat LOL!
Oh you will not be in NYC? I hope you can make it to the Comic Con this year since we missed you the past 2 years … looking forward to The Beautiful Ashes!
YAY! More Cat & Bones!
P.S. Please come to Canada someday. 🙂
Ugh! I wish I could see you Ilona and Gordon together. Congratulations to the winners, I’m so jelly 😉 Thanks for the alternate sub plot, can’t wait.
Thank you for being so interactive with your fans. That truly makes a different s… did get to enter the contest. Work to much. Glade u think of the one who didn’t win . Wish u come to Arkansas. Been reading you books for years. You r one of most fav author s . Much love .best wishes for your father.
I’ve been hoping you would come to Houston ever since I started reading your books. Now that you finally are, I’ll be away at college. 🙁 I’m so excited to read the alternate version of Destined for an Early Grave, though.
DFAEG was my favorite book in the series, so I’m really excited for this! <3 I hope you can come to the Philippines in the future. ^_^
can’t wait to read this 🙂 I’ve not read anything on it so I can be totally surprised. your a great writer, love your books 🙂
Can’t wait to see you in Dallas! 🙂 A wish come true!
I can’t wait for Saturday now! So excited to read the alternative! I loved this series so much! I have them on Audible and listen to them pretty regularly.
OHHH… I love your books. I miss CAT and BONES and am so glad that you are doing this little 4 part version. Hope I can see you at one of your TN signings
Wish you were coming to Huntsville, Alabama. There is a Barnes & Noble here. I’ve never got a chance to meet an author before but would love to met you sometime. 🙂
Yesssssssssss!! More Cat & Bones!!! Love it!