I got the green light from my editor to reveal the cover for BOUND BY FLAMES, Night Prince book three. As you can see, Vlad’s back in all of his bare-chested glory, and if you’ve ever wondered what our favorite pyrokinetic, impale-happy vampire would look like with an open-lipped pout? *wink* Well, wonder no more! (click to enlarge)
Side note: I cannot imagine writing a scene where I’d be able to realistically portray Vlad with a sexy pout. A sexy glare, grin or smirk, sure, but a pout? *cracks up* Thank you, art department, for having a more daring imagination than me :).
In the stepback below, Vlad is back to his fierce glory, although he’s still not wearing a shirt because with those abs, why would he? Leila is holding onto her man, and really, I don’t blame her. They’re got some tough stuff coming their way in the third book, releasing January 27th. Several retailers already have preorder links up, so if you like to reserve in advance, here you go: Amazon, Barnes&Noble, BooksAMillion, Powells, Indiebound
In the next few weeks, I’ll have downloadable wallpapers for the cover/stepback, so stay tuned! Also, at the moment I don’t have a back cover description, but in lieu of that, how about an excerpt from the first chapter? Disclaimer: This chapter is pre-revisions and pre-edits, so there may be some grammar/spelling errors. Also, if I decide to tweak the chapter between now and when I finish the book, there might be some content changes, too. In other words, I’m posting this just for entertainment, so enjoy :).
Chapter One
Hundreds of candles glowed from the ballroom’s gothic chandeliers, casting soft amber light onto the guests below. The lack of modern illumination wasn’t because this house used to be a medieval stronghold, but because the owner was a pyrokinetic vampire, so he was rather fond of fire.
I was perched on one of the ceiling’s corner rafters, taking a brief rest from my evening’s covert activities. A few stories below, all the guests wore masks and costumes, but even without seeing fangs or glowing green eyes, it was easy to determine who was human and who wasn’t. Vampires had an inherent grace, making their movements appear as seamless as water rushing over stones. Their mortal counterparts, well, let’s just say they lacked that finesse. Not that it was their fault. Unlike vampires, humans didn’t have supernatural control over every muscle in their bodies.
Until several weeks ago, neither did I. Changing into a vampire had had some unexpected side effects in addition to the now-I-drink-blood stuff. Before, I also didn’t have my new ability to briefly hold in the electrical currents that had surged through me since touching a downed power line when I was thirteen.
The candles in the chandeliers suddenly blazed brighter, coinciding with a man striding up to the balcony that overlooked the ballroom. If that wasn’t enough to announce his presence, his aura flared, too, sending invisible currents rippling through the room. When they hit me, it felt like being engulfed by an electrical field, which, considering my own inner voltage, was ironic. Only a handful of Master vampires in the world could manifest an aura big enough to encompass the gargantuan ballroom. Vlad’s was so powerful, it proclaimed his identity more clearly than if he’d been wearing a neon name tag.
That’s why his disguise was pointless. Beneath the mask made famous from the movie V For Vendetta was a darkly stubbled jaw, high cheekbones, winged eyebrows and burnished copper-colored eyes. His black tuxedo elegantly covered Vlad’s lean, muscled body, almost daring onlookers to fantasize about what lay beneath that. When he held up a hand to silence the musicians, candlelight reflected off his wedding ring, making the twisting bands of gold briefly gleam.
“The unmasking is in one hour,” Vlad stated, his cultured voice tinged with a Slavic accent. Then he smiled, radiating charm and challenge at the same time. “Until then, enjoy the mystery of wondering who’s beside you, if you haven’t already guessed.”
Light laughter and applause greeted his statements, but I was alarmed. If the unmasking was an hour away, I was almost out of time.
A flick of Vlad’s hand had the musicians playing again, and the dance floor was once again filled with costumed, waltzing couples. I didn’t spare them a glance as I leapt onto a nearby ceiling beam, balancing myself instantly on the narrow plank of wood. I could’ve used reflexes like these back when I was a circus performer, not to mention when I was trying out for the Olympic gymnastics team.
Once I’d sprinted back to the network of organ pipes I’d climbed to reach the ceiling, I slid down, landing in the utility space between the walls. Music from the pipes swelled, almost deafening me, but that was the point. Not even vampires with their hyper-elevated senses could hear me above the racket. I crept around until I reached an air conditioning filter, removing it before squeezing myself into the cramped air duct. Good thing I was wearing a form-fitting costume. If I’d dressed as Marie Antoinette, I’d have never made it through.
Finally, I shimmied out of the duct into a closet. Once there, I replaced the filter, brushed the dust from my black costume, and headed into the ballroom to resume my spying. I hadn’t made it ten feet inside before a hand landed on my back.
“There you are,” a voice with a heavy Hungarian accent said.
I turned. The vampire behind me wore a much fancier version of the Joker’s trademark purple suit, and he’d covered what I could see of his naturally pale skin with white paint. His mask came to his lower lip, and the twisted smile etched onto the ceramic upper one made his face looked like it was stuck in a perpetually evil grin.
My mask didn’t cover any of my mouth, so the vampire could see it when I smiled.
“Here I am,” I agreed. I’d made sure to make the Joker’s acquaintance earlier because he’d been on my target list tonight, but he’d also been with another woman. That meant I couldn’t deploy my secret weapon since it required closer contact than his date would’ve put up with. She wasn’t with him now, though, so I seized my opportunity.
“I hope you’re here to ask me to dance,” I said, tilting my head invitingly. At least, I hoped it looked that way. The faux-horned headpiece I wore made me feel like a rabbit with two stiff, extended ears.
“But of course,” he said, linking his arm through mine.
My full-body suit kept him from feeling the electricity coursing through me. If he had, he’d have known my real identity the moment he touched me. That’s why I’d chosen to attend the ball in a Maleficent costume, annoying pointy headpiece or not. The current-repelling rubber covered me from head to toe, leaving only my face bare. The mask took care of any currents radiating from that and my scent would be unfamiliar to anyone who hadn’t met me before, which was most of the people here.
Most. As the Joker – yes, I knew his real name, but this suited him better – led me onto the dance floor, I couldn’t stop from glancing up at the balcony. The place where Vlad had stood was now empty. Good. The only vampire I was worried about tonight was him.
Once we were among the other dancers, the Joker drew me into his arms, his blue eyes flaring with an inhuman glow of green as they slid over my body. The costume fit me like a glove, leaving few of my curves to the imagination, but he looked like he was imagining anyway. Explicitly.
I suppressed a shudder, glad the head-to-toe rubber also muted the scent of distaste that had to be coming from me. The Joker’s silk and cloth attire didn’t act as an olfactory barrier. The scent of lust wafting from him practically clogged my nose, and I didn’t even breathe anymore. Since I needed information from him, I smiled as we began to dance. I’d learned how to waltz exactly one day ago, but that turned out to be practice enough. The Joker whirled me through steps I easily kept up with. He held me closer than the formal dance dictated, though, and I didn’t think it was an accident when his hand grazed my ass.
Once more, I glanced up at the balcony. Thank God it was still empty!
“When will you tell me your name, my enticing stranger?” the Joker asked, his hand still trailing low on my hip. “I can tell you’ve been newly made. Who do you belong to?”
I wasn’t surprised that he’d pegged me as a baby vampire. My costume might hold in my electrical currents and scent, but it couldn’t contain my aura, and like all new vampires, it was weak. Vlad’s guest list contained the biggest and baddest of Eastern Europe’s undead society, so under normal circumstances, I’d only be here as a stronger vampire’s servant. Being written off as insignificant suited me. Not knowing who I was meant the Joker didn’t know about my abilities, and I wasn’t about to give him any hints as to my real identity.
I used the next steps of the dance to maneuver his hand away from my ass. Then I smiled with what I hoped was mysterious allure. “Patience. I’ll tell you who I am at the unmasking.”
“Patience?” he repeated with more than a hint of scorn. Guess my attempt to be mysterious and alluring had failed.
Truth be told, I didn’t have a lot of experience with flirting. I’d started electrocuting anyone I touched at thirteen, which put me firmly in the “dateless” column for the next twelve years. Not even vampires were immune to the dangers of skin-to-skin contact with me, and that’s when I wasn’t even trying to hurt them. Since I needed the Joker to stay close for the next few minutes, I had to keep up my act, poor faux-seduction skills or no. Soon, I’d sneak the detachable fingers off my right glove, touch him while holding in my currents, and thus find out his darkest secret.
Lie detector tests had nothing on my ability to discern people’s worst sins through a single touch. I’d hated my psychometric abilities until recently, when they had become a necessary tool in keeping me and the people I loved alive.
The Joker smiled, seeming to look past my less-than-suave flirting skills. Or, I realized as he danced us toward one of the ballroom’s curtained, secluded alcoves, he had something else in mind.
“Patience is a virtue and I hate virtues,” he murmured, using his body to back me behind the alcove’s elegant drapes. “Besides, I don’t really care what your name is or who you belong to. All I want to know is how tight you are.”
Whoa. Talk about coming on too strong! “I don’t think so, my impatient friend,” I said, laughing as if he’d told a joke. “Maybe later, but now, let’s go back to the dance –”
“Let’s not,” he interrupted, pulling me flush against him. Then his hand landed on my ass as if I’d begged him to spank me. I gasped, so horrified at what was about to happen, I froze. The Joker’s head began to lower, his lips nearing mine –
He screamed as flames shot up his face. His hands flew off me to beat at them in an instinctive attempt to smother the fire. The flames only spread, glowing brighter before I could finish shouting, “Stop!”
Vlad shoved through the guests, who’d quit dancing to stare at the screaming, burning man. Vlad’s mask was off and his long dark hair swung from his rapid strides. His hands were covered in flames, but unlike the Joker frantically pummeling his own face, the flames didn’t burn Vlad. The same power that allowed him to manifest and control fire also kept him safe from its deadly effects.
“Stop?” Vlad’s voice whipped through the air, causing the vampires who’d moved toward the Joker to turn and walk away once they realized who’d caused the fire. “Why would I do that?”
Even if those present hadn’t figured it out, I wouldn’t let a man burn to death just to keep up the pretense.
“Because he didn’t know that I’m your wife.”
EEKKKKK!!!!!! Oh Vlad……
I will not read, I will not read :). Must wait for entire book or will go mad ;). Thank you. LOVE the cover!
I fail to myself, now I have to suffer. Don’t read, just don’t
Joker done fucked up.
Bwahahaha!! YUP!
I think she’s the one in the hot seat now. Vlad does not tolerate secrets.
Uh uh. Joker and Leila are in massive trouble!!
I am SO EXCITED!!!! But UGH, January?!?! It’s killing me! Thanks for working so hard, though, JF!! I know these are a labor of love for you!
Yeah absolutely. Can’t wait for January!!!!!!! You rule Jeaniene Frost!!! Your books rule. And Joker is going to get SMASHED!! And awesome cover!
The holidays are over and it is really cold (at least where I am!) in January. The third installment of Vlad and Leila’s story will definitely improve the month!!
WHOA!!! I want more! definitely props on the hot cover. LOVE it!
I love it! Can’t wait for January!
Never should have read that. Too enticing. Combustible! Can’t wait for January!
Love the cover and excited for the wallpapers!
LOVE IT!!! Especially the Maleficent costume! Can’t WAIT for the rest of the story!!!’ And the cover & step-back are amazing, as usual. ;D
OMG I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa! Very nice visuals to go with that story! Watch your back cpb!
YES, I’ve been waiting for so long to have more Vlad!
That’s right I totally forgot that Leila was turned into a vampire by Vlad at the end of the last book! and they were married in Cat Bone’s last book which I also loved! I can’t wait for this next to Cat and Bones these two are my favorite!
Totally agree
Love the artistic detail the put into the cover, and the first chapter had me at first wondering if i missed something but thinking back to the recent Cat/Bones book i know i’m right up to speed. Love the little teaser you’ve given and will be waiting impatiently for January to come around. Best wishes during your creative processes.
January is soooooooooo far away. I can not wait for this book to release.
I agree. January needs to hurry up and be here!!
Omg!!! Love Vlad and this sounds so dang good!! Bless you dear Lady for giving us a peek!! Will be waiting with baited breath for this one!!!
^.^ Thanks for the sneak peak. I’m glad to see one of my lesser question answered already. I’d been wondering how Leila was going to feed without frying the human.
Love this series. I can’t wait till Jan ill have to decide if I can wait till it comes out on audible or by the book on amazon but the reader for audible kicks but I love her reading.
”I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it!
I’m about to lose control and I think I like it!!”
Oh my GOD! I can hardly wait! Vlad and Leila’s story is my nr.1 book series of all time! During it I’ve had my heart broken multiple times, but I still come back for more! (What does that say about me..never mind)
Finishing the story will be really depressing for me, and I doubt I’ll be able to read anything for a few months, or talk or eat for that matter!
But I can comfort myself with the fact that you keep writing these amazing stories, and I hope you finish the night-huntress saga with Ian’s story since he’s the only one missing on the gravestone.
I wish the best of luck to one of my favorite writers!!
Yeah. Could you PLEASE write a book with Ian. It’d be soo funny and awesome if he ended up loving a nice, friendly human girl
January is toooooooo far away… UGH!!! lol I didn’t want to read any it, but I could not resist; now I’m going to go insane waiting to see happens!
can’t waiiiiitttt!!!!
Thank goodness Leila can hold her power in. I was wondering how she was going to feed. One bite and zzzzap!
god i can’t wait hurry up jan
The torture of making us wait until next year!!! I have been going through withdrawals so I am re-reading (again) every book. the crew will have to keep my company until Book #3! ***Pouting***
Leila’s in trouble. Vlad always knows!
January 2015 is a long, long time to wait, but I am sure it will be well worth it! I plan on re-reading the first two books just so I’m up-to-date so to speak! Thanks JF for writing these deliciously wonderful stories about Vlad! Such great artistic talent in re-creating a “legend’ like Vlad! Love it! Can’t wait for more!!!
Wow. Looking forward to this story. I’m already hooked from the first chapter.
Can NOT wait! This is my favourite book series. Only sad that this will be the last of Vlad
I agree. I hope no one awesome dies!!! But it’d be reallyyy sad to say goodbye Vladislav
Vlad is one of my favorite characters and it seems like forever since his last book. January seems far, but it will come quickly and Vlad will be here to heat up the cold winter.
Whoo hoo!!! Book is ordered and the excerpt thoroughly enjoyed!!! I’m sure it will be re-read several more times before January. Thanks, Jeanine!!!!
Omg ur so evil! Just bumped up my excitement from excited to hyper excited.. Can wait for the book.
Will this be done in audiobook by tavia Gilbert as with the others?
Yes, it will also come out in audio on the same day. I haven’t received confirmation that Tavia will narrate but I’m almost positive she will since she’s done all my other books.
Why did I read it? Why?!?
Now I’m left to stew for seven freaking months…
OMG…why why January> I can’t wait till the. birthday gift to myself.
I feel like I have been waiting for this book forever! LOL. And stupid me, read the first chapter…….now I am going to go nuts waiting almost another year for the rest of it. lol. For over a year I have checked regularly to see if it is finally out. NOOOOOOOOOO have to wait another year. lol. I am sure it will be worth it.
I can’t wait!!! I have been trying to wait patiently for this book but it hasn’t been easy. One of my favorite series.
My hands got me in trouble a couple of times in my life… but admittedly… I cannot relate to this dude’s situation :p.
Mrs Frost—LOVE the 1st and 2nd novel of VLAD. CAN’T WAIT til January–thanks so much for the peek. hope vlad and Leila will still be in your other stories–with mencheres and his wife kayla I believe, always rememeber the mens names first, but I know it means dark in the old language. Great Job and Thanks Again. To Bad Men our not really like your books. but you do keep hoping…..
I look forward to the third book….January seems so far away now. Thanks for the preview….. But now the waiting is going to suck……
Im soo excited♡♡♡♡♡ I’ve been waiting and finally its going to be released on my birthday! Best gift ever♡
You are gifted. How you topped Cat and Bones, I have no idea, but you did with Vlad and Leila. I will wait for your next installment patiently because your work is impeccable. Your characters, your plot, your romance, your dialogue, it’s all magical. You make this English major proud. Your work is legendary. Take as much time as you need. Everything you put out is excellent. Thank you for sharing your gift.
I really cant wait until January
but OMG VLAD <3 !!!!!! xx going to pre-order the book
When will the book be out in Australia?
I don’t know. Imports from the US should be available in Australia shortly after release, but I don’t think Australia has bought its own production rights for the book, if that makes sense.
Thanks for the info. And it does make sense.
OH NOOOO! I read it! No I have to wait until January 2015!! to read the book. I am in so much trouble. Maybe if I go back and read all the other books about Cat and friends, I will finish just in time for this final Vlad to drop….oh who am I kidding…
Can’t wait for January! I love Vlad just as much as I loved Cat and Bones.
Next year!! NO!!!!!!!! sigh Thank you so much for the preview though. I guess I will go re-read the other two for the third time and eat ice cream. Oh and the book cover is to die for!!! That V section at his hips has me drooling. Nice dreams tonight. Thank you Jeaniene. Love all of your books!
I love all your books, but JANUARY!? I’ll go mad.
Sorry. I’m writing, I’m writing!
Don’t do to much at once, Jeaniene. We want you to be healthy so you can write more awesome books!!
Aaaargh! January!! Loved night huntress and then I read THIS. Love love love vlad, but January???!!!!
Why won’t you write more than three books for this series? Everybody is reading the books like they are life’s breathe and can barely wait for the next book.
I agree. Why only 3?
that was better than entire books I have read, come on 2015 I cant wait
I keep checking your website, DYING for a second excerpt to tide me over until this is published! Is there any chance we will get a second excerpt??
Yes, I will have a second except plus downloadable wallpapers in the next week or so :).
YaY i have to say besides cat and bones i am in love with this series cant wait for the third book
This has been the best birthday gift!! I want expected a preview when I came to check the site. Thanks!!!
Oh my Gosh so excited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait for the book to come out please upload the second exert soon!!!!!!!
Thanks so much. Your such an amazing author, I’d kill to be half as good as you. I LOVED the Night Huntress series, finished it in 2 weeks. I’m so excited to read Bound by Flames, it’s gonna make my year.
I am so thrilled we’re getting so close to release for this book! Thanks
Amazing just awesome can’t wait for more.
Looooooooove this! Can’t wait for next release! I have a few questions:
1. Why only three books?
2. When will you post the 20% preview?
3. Will you write a book about Cat’s daughter, Katie, in the future?
4. Will you be writing anymore spin off stories from the night huntress series?
5. Is Leila able to manifest her electricity into other shapes like a sword?
6. Will Ian ever learn to behave?!? (ok that one was a bit of a stretch, probably not I guess)
Aaaaaaaghhhhhhh so many questions!!!!!!!
Hi Kira,
1. Why only three books?
There will be four. See my latest blog post for details.
2. When will you post the 20% preview?
This is up to my publisher, and in recent months, they don’t post the 20% until release week. Sorry!
3. Will you write a book about Cat’s daughter, Katie, in the future?
Possibly. I have ideas :).
4. Will you be writing anymore spin off stories from the night huntress series?
5. Is Leila able to manifest her electricity into other shapes like a sword?
Not at this time.
6. Will Ian ever learn to behave?!? (ok that one was a bit of a stretch, probably not I guess)
Ian won’t ever behave, but he may get his own book in the future. Maybe :).
Thank you!!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! So excited!!!! Yay forth book!!! Yay for more spin offs!!! Yay for possible Ian and Katie books!!!!! Yay for yay! Time for me to go skip around singing in joy! Thanks again!
Why doesn’t Audible have any info on these new books?
I don’t believe audible has a “pre-order” option. The book will be on sale in audio the same day as paperback and ebook, but for some reason, most audio retailers don’t have the ability to pre-order.
How come you can’t see Leila’s scar in the big art? Is it gone after she becomes a vampire?
There’s a reason about the scar. Can’t tell now or it would spoiler :).
ooo i cant wait it sounds so good.