Hi everyone, hope you had a pleasant weekend. Mine was spent flying to Las Vegas and back for the ALA (American Library Association) conference. I had a great time at the panel and two signings, so big thanks to everyone who came out! Here’s a picture from the “Isn’t It Romantic” panel, showing authors (from left to right) Deborah Coontz, Shelley Coriell, Ryan Winfield and myself.
Now, let’s get to the audio novella updates. As I mentioned in my prior post, the audio editions of my Night Huntress World novellas Reckoning, Happily Never After and Devil To Pay released on Tuesday last week. To celebrate that release, I held a contest giving away those novellas plus more audio books in my series (contest details here and it ends tonight, so enter if you haven’t already!).
Plus, tomorrow (July 1st) from 8pm – 9pm Eastern Time, my audio narrator Tavia Gilbert and I are having a live Twitter chat where we’re giving away twenty audio digital titles, winners chosen from readers who participate in the chat. What do I mean by ‘participate’? All you need to do is ask one of us a question during our Twitter chat with the hashtag #AudioChat. My Twitter name is @Jeaniene_Frost and Tavia’s is@Taviagilbert. Your question can be about audio books, written books, the process of writing or recording, why you should try audio books if you haven’t already, or whatever else you’d like to know. Remember, only participants in the chat will be eligible to win, and make sure to use the hashtag #AudioChat with your question so that we can easily find it. As an added bonus, I’ll also give away an Arc of The Beautiful Ashes to one of the audio chat participants, so set a reminder for tomorrow night and come on out!
That’s the good news. The bad news is, when the audio novellas released last week, they initially went out with the wrong retail price. As soon as I found out, a flurry of emails were exchanged between me, my agent and various people from my audio publisher, plus I updated my previous blog telling readers to hold off on purchasing the audio novellas until the prices had been fixed.
Here’s where we stand today: Some retailers have already updated their product pages for the audio novellas to reflect the correct pricing, which is $13.99 for Happily Never After, $11.99 for Reckoning and $11.99 for Devil To Pay. Some retailers are still in the process of getting the prices updated, so some audio novellas on a retail site are showing the correct price and some aren’t. Some retailers, however, are exercising their contract option to sell the audio novellas at prices well above the retail rate, and they have a legal right to do so just as they have a legal right to discount prices to below retail, too.
How much control do I have in all of this? None, since I am neither the retailer nor the publisher, so I don’t determine the initial sell price or determine whether distributors sell a product above or under that price. All I can do is to keep you informed about what’s going on. With that in mind, here are links to retailers who are selling the audio novellas at or under the correct retail price (note: I will keep updating this list as – hopefully – more retailers stop charging over the publisher base price.)
Reckoning at Downpour.com, Ambling Books, Audiobooks.com
Happily Never After at Downpour.com, Ambling Books, Audiobooks.com
Devil To Pay at Downoour.com, Ambling Books, Audiobooks.com
Even though I don’t have any control over this, I still want to extend my sincerest apologies. I’m truly sorry for any confusion or inconvenience these pricing issues have caused. If you previously purchased one of the novellas at the incorrect/inflated price, I suggest that you look into that retailer’s return policy.
That’s it for now. Be sure to check my blog tomorrow, when I announce the winners of last week’s blog contest.
Sadly I missed the contest but I’ll probably get the books anyways though I already have kindle versions. I guess there was some issue with audible hiking up the price but since I have the kindle versions the price for “The Reckoning” and “Devil to pay” are $8.49 so the only issue I’m having is that ” Happily Never After” isn’t coming up with the cheaper price even though I also own the kindle book for that too. I’m going to contact them and see if there is a good reason why.