Among other things, November is when the online group NaNo (for National Novel Writing month) kicks off, with the goal of supporting writers who want to start and/or complete a novel during the month of November. If you’re participating in NaNo and you could use an example of someone struggling with their art more than you*, I give you Angry Guitar Man. I saw clips of this video while watching World’s Dumbest recently, and in between fits of laughing, I also felt a twisted sort of empathy. Although I’ve never kicked things, destroyed my creative instrument (a computer, since I’m a writer) or sworn quite so vehemently, this is a pretty good example of how frustrated I’ve felt on the inside when I’m working on a scene that just isn’t coming together ;).
Warning: Not safe for work, children, or pretty much any place in public! Angry Guitar Player drops more F-bombs than my character Cat in her foulest mood, and no guitar is safe around him.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube.
*Or, like me, you’re a writer on deadline and time seems to be moving at an accelerated pace although your word count isn’t.
Happy Monday, everyone!
I had an urge to throw my laptop. You are not alone.
I laughed so hard 🙂 I play guitar. I saved the video and filed it under ‘Inspiration’. Thank you Jeaniene !
He reminds me so much of my husband’s uncle. Hysterical! Perfect break at the perfect time!
The best part is when you have to delete whole parts of your writing and start over. This is often when my husband comes along talking about being hungry and wanting me to cook something. I have a squirt bottle standing by to deal with him, though. Using it on him is surprisingly stress relieving…
That is one of the funniest videos I have seen! I can’t imagine how frustrating it is to have a creative block anyway…but I sympathize just the same!