I met my fabulous Harlequin editor, Margo Lipschultz, over the weekend, and she gave me the green light to share the title on my upcoming New Adult novel. So, without further ado, the first book in the new Realmwalker series (actually that might not end up being the series title, so stay tuned) is…
The Beautiful Ashes. Release date: September 2014.
I’m so happy with the title because ashes play a metaphorical and literal role in the novel. Speaking of The Beautiful Ashes, if you want to read a snippet from it, I posted one during my interview today over at Romance Magicians. They’re also giving away one of my ebooks, so head on over to their site if you’re interested.
As a reminder, my last public appearance this year will be at the Southern Magic Romance Readers’ Luncheon on November 2nd. For more details on the luncheon, go here.
Now, back to writing :).
I’m excited! The excerpt left me wanting more. I can’t wait.
Sounds great. Cannot wait.
I loved the sneak peek at the new series! You are a writing powerhouse Jeaniene! I always have enjoyed your books.
I am so excited! Can’t wait!
🙂 Oh yeah!!!!!!
Can not wait for your next series
Thank you so much for the sneak peek! Can’t waitCan’twaitCan’twait!!!!
Thank you very much for the excerpt 🙂
kisses from France
So amazingly excited about this! Can’t wait for more?
cant wait for the book and still hanging on for up form the grave.. comes out on my birthday.. What an awesome birthday present it is to me 🙂
I don’t get it the first time she says International but then gose on to say its U.S. only
( [Carla] will be giving away an e-format copy of any of Jeaniene’s books. Winner’s choice – USA or International. Be sure to comment by September 30.
Now for the dry but necessary rules. More times that you comment, the more entries you’ll have in the drawing. You must be in the U.S. to win as it will be mailed to you.)
A few paragraphs of dialogue from characters I’ve never met already have me pining our reunion, leaving me with nothing but 365 days of unrequited love (but soothed by frequent snippets, I hope;)). I’m sure this new project will be as good as them all. What’s funny is that I don’t even like romance novels, but you could write a book on fixing toilets and leave me no less bowled over by your prose. Such a great interview, thank you for providing the link!
wooooooo sounds great
Can’t ever get enough of you books 🙂
I LOVED the snippet! Am so excited to be introduced to a new series/world. Thanks so much!!!
Can’t wait for the new series, it will ease the pain of missing Cat and Bones!
Jeaniene dear:My name is Luana , and I’m your biggest fan.
I’ve loved all of the boocks in the series (Huntress of the night).
It has really encorraged he to write my nwe novel “paranormal”
I’ve supportrd her boocks through your paguina comments , and continue to support
awtium with desperation read “From the Grave” ans aslo the mantean his fantastic wen novel
“Remwalker” insurance that is intented to success¡¡ Send a kiss From an ARGENTINA 🙂