Last Friday night, I finished writing Up From The Grave, Night Huntress book seven. Usually typing “The End” brings me nothing but joy because it’s the literary equivalent of crossing the finish line in a marathon, but this time, my joy was tinged with a little sadness. Why?
Up From The Grave will be the last Cat and Bones novel.
Short reason why: I’m mostly an organic writer, as I detailed here, so several years ago when I plotted the skeletal outline for the series, I estimated that it would take a total of nine books to finish Cat and Bones’s story arc. Turns out, I finished it sooner.
For those of you who want the long reason, keep reading.
I started writing Cat and Bones’s story with no specific number of books in mind because I was unpublished and thus writing them only for me. The idea for one book turned into two, then two books turned into three, and then boom! In 2006, my dream came true by landing a publishing contract. At that time, my publisher only committed to two books, but I didn’t care. I had more stories to tell, so I kept writing them. Later, reader support meant my publisher kept buying them, but still, I didn’t have a specific number of books planned. I only had a story in my head that wasn’t finished yet.
Publishing is a business, so that sort of vagueness didn’t work :). Contracts required written outlines and readers very reasonably wanted to know how long of a series they were getting into. Back in early 2010, based on remaining plot points that I’d written down, I estimated that it would take a total of nine Cat and Bones books to tell their complete story. This is what I announced to readers.
Then, later in 2010, my publisher invited me to do an extended Cat and Bones novella for an anthology with Lynsay Sands. I’m a big fan of Sands, so I said yes. Once I’d finished writing Home For The Holidays, however, I realized because it was so long (nearly half a book!) and it contained a major series revelation, I would no longer need to write a ninth Cat and Bones book. The novella took care of that part of my story arc, and so when it came out in late 2011, I told readers that Cat and Bones’s story would now end at book eight.
Honestly, if I had to do it all over again, I would have written a different story instead of using a plot line from my overall series arc. Many of my readers skipped the anthology because, as they told me later, they preferred full-length novels to novellas. Because of that, I expect a lot of “Huh?!” responses to that plot-point recap in Up From The Grave. It was my mistake to include a significant reveal for the Night Huntress series in a novella, and I am sorry for that. If it’s any consolation, Home For The Holidays will be available this November as a single title for $1.99, so interested readers will soon be able to get it at a very low rate.
Let’s fast forward to 2013, when it was time to get back to Cat and Bones after spinning off two books in the Night Prince series. About halfway through writing Up From The Grave, I was stunned to realize that I was already done with all the plot points in book seven’s outline. At that moment, I had a decision to make: write “filler” plot to finish book seven without dipping into book eight’s story line, or continue on into the planned ending of the Night Huntress series.
I called my editor and told her that I was continuing on, which probably meant that Cat and Bones’s story was ending in Up From The Grave. She gave her blessing because, like me, she agreed that it was better to end their series early with the story I always wanted to tell, than to stretch it out into another book by writing insincere filler. Just to be sure that I did fit in everything, we agreed not to announce this to readers until I was done writing the book.
And here we are.
At this point, some of you may be thinking “Good, I never want to read a story that represents a halfhearted effort by the author.” Or some may be thinking “Good, I was getting sick of Cat and Bones anyway.” In case any of you are thinking “Wait a minute, you promised more Cat and Bones books, so you need to live up to your word!” please know that I’m trying to do best by you, and all my readers, by ending their story here.
It’s difficult emotionally for me to say goodbye to Cat and Bones. They’ve lived in my head for over a decade, and closing the chapter on them feels like bidding farewell to very old, very good friends. In addition to the emotional angle, there’s a financial one. Each new book in the Night Huntress series has a built-in fan base that nets me damn good money, and I like money. A lot. But not enough to milk my readers over a story I don’t believe in. As an author, I have no control over whether readers love my books, like them, feel ambivalent, or hate them, but I do have control over choosing to only write stories that I love. To me, that’s a far more important promise to keep.
I apologize for previously overestimating the total number of books in the Night Huntress series. It wasn’t my intention to mislead or disappoint readers. It was truly an honest mistake.
Does this mean you’ll never see Cat and Bones again after Up From The Grave? Well, not in a full novel with them as the main characters. They may show up as side characters in spin-off novels, as they did in First Drop of Crimson, Eternal Kiss of Darkness, Once Burned and Twice Tempted. I’m also not completely ruling out a future short story with them, but that’s a big maybe. It’s nothing I’m planning on at this time.
If you have other questions, feel free to ask them below. If you want to rant at me over my decision, you can, but it won’t change my mind. Also, emailing me story ideas won’t result in another Cat and Bones novel. This isn’t a case of writer’s block or me being out of ideas: I’m done with the story I set out to tell, which means Cat and Bones are at the place I always intended them to be. Any sadness I feel over that is overshadowed by my happiness at getting to take them there.
I hope readers enjoy the final leg of their journey, but whether you continue on to the end or you got off years ago, let me give a huge, heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined Cat and Bones along the way. I know for me, it’s been an amazing ride, and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to share it with you :).
I am actually in tears but smiling at the same time! (See what you do to us readers! lol) I want to say a huge THANK YOU to you for sharing Bones & Cat with us. I will reread the entire series many times I’m sure. (I’ve already been through them all twice!) And I will be a loyal reader no matter what you write!
I am too, I am not joking when I say that the tears were flowing as I read this. I have been a dedicated fan since the beginning and Cat and Bones have be a wonderful addition to my library. I will miss them terribly. It is heartbreaking when a series ends for me. It is as if I am truly losing a friend, or that they are moving far away with only limited contact( ie. rereads, which I do frequently). Jeaniene, It was such a pleasure meeting you in Boonsboro, You are a fantastic writer and I will always remain a dedicated reader of yours.
Although im very sad this is the last one, I understand and appreciate your reason. But i truely hope to see them again in novellas or other stories. Thank You for these books, I’m truely a fan of Cat/Bones.
I am a loyal fan as well and am saddened at the end of the series but I too will read on I have also read them over and over and have read the other as well Good Work keep us entertained…………
I am dyingggggggg
I understand completely but still – will be so so sad not to read more about those two again. They are only my favourite paranormal couple you see.
I’ve always loved Cat and Bones and I’m happy that Miss Frost decided to end the series in a way that makes the characters justice. And if in the future i miss them, i can always read the books agai =).
So, thank you to Jeanine Frost who gave to the readers a series of books worth reading and decided to do them justice.
This actually makes me feel like crying! I tried to stop reading telling myself it isn’t so, then I was like, well I want to know…still want to cry Cat and Bones are my favorite books… Congrats, though!
I’m sad to see the end of Cat & Bones, but if it’s the end of the plots you’ve got for them, then that’s where it ends. I look very forward to the book (I pre-ordered the first date I could), and I know that you’ll write many more books in the future that I’ll love just as much.
Wow! I will be sad to see them go but as long as we get to keep Vlad for a while I think we’ll survive!
Thank you for staying true to your story and not giving us crappy filler. Nothing irritates me more than paying good money for a book and then feeling like the author filled it with a bunch of junk to make more money.
Do we have an expected release date for Up From the Grave yet?
Up From The Grave releases January 28th.
I adore Cat and Bones, and am so pleased that you didn’t sell yourself or them short by doing a filler book. I would love to read 50 books about them, buit only if it meant something to you, because if it means nothing to you, then how can it it us readers. I have enjoyed evry step of the way with you Jeaniene. Looking forward to Up From The Grave, and more from Vlad too.
Thank you for sharing such a womderful story with. I am sad that it has come to and end but I know they will always be there for me to visit their world again.
I am so very very sad to know that Cat and Bones are ending…it’s heart breaking to me. I understand and respect your creative thought, so at least let me say THANK YOU for giving us Cat and Bones!!! I hope to see them in spin offs like you said and even hoping Ian gets to fall in love to!!! I will always treasure my collection and believe me I read the collection over and over and it never gets old!!! Thanks!
I don’t know what to think
This is my favorite series, and to think that the next book will be the last one is devastating. That being said, I’m glad there won’t be any filler plot points and that you’re sticking with your story and your characters. Thank you for your honesty, Mrs. Frost, and honestly, I like you even more as a writer now. I guess I’ll just have to enjoy the last Cat and Bones book and re-read them over and over again. Just.. thank you for creating them in the first place, and sharing it with us <3
Is it weird that I teared up just a little? lol… Well, I can absolutely understand you’re reasoning. I LOVE these books and these characters. If Bones could only be real… sigh… or Vlad… double sigh. Thank you for taking us on this awesome journey. I look forward to what remains, and whatever else you decide to come up with in the future.
I’m so glad you’re stopping when you feel it’s the right time to stop, rather than dragging it out because it’s safe or because you love the characters. I already love Vlad’s stories and I have no doubt your readers will also fall in love with the other stories you tell next. Now please excuse me while I run off to by that anthology that I somehow missed.
First of all, thank you for writing an amazing series and spin offs and introducing us to Cat and Bones. It is and will always be your creative right to finish your series as you see it. We, the reader are just along for the ride and what a ride it’s been. I for one am happy the series is ending as you want it to but sad that their story is over. but I’m sure it’s not the last we will see of them.
if people want to rant and rave about the series ending, let them. the readers who love the worlds you create and fall in love with characters too good to be true will continue to support and read your books and I am one of those readers. Can’t wait to read the final chapter in Cat and Bones’ story and seeing just how it all ends.
I’m very sad to see their story is coming to an end but like all great things they must come to an end and I look forward to reading more of your stories you are a great writer and one of my favorites hope to see more of your stories in the future xoxo
I’ve gotta say, this blog post made me tear up a little. Not for me, though, but because I can only imagine how hard it was for you to make the decision to end Cat and Bones earlier than intended. I absolutely love your books, and I look forward to reading the last Cat and Bones. At least I know to keep a box of tissues nearby for this one.
Can’t wait to see what else you have in store. If a book has your name on it, I’m sure to buy it.
WOW. I feel so sad. This news reminds me of being a teenager and LOTR ending. I have loved Cat & Bones. I have counted down the days until the next book. Thank for seven books. I don’t know what I’ll do without more Cat & Bones.
Ms. Frost as heartbroken as I am over this being the last Cat & bones book , and believe me Im devastated, I understand why you are ending it.. As long as you continue to write more about Vlad or Menchanise(I can never spell or pronounce his name) I will be more then happy!! I have loved and read your series forever and will continue to do so even after all is said and done. Please continue writing. Bones is my book husband and will always be!! I absolutely adore him!!! Thank you for the many hours of drooling,Laughing, screaming, jaw clenching, ciggerette smoking I don’t want it to end books!
I am extremely sad to hear that this is the last book but I can understand as well. I am a huge fan and will continue to re-read the Night Huntress books over and over. I do look forward to more spin-offs. It would be great for Ian to get his story. Thank you for all the wonderful books and I will continue to be a fan!
I am sad, I love Cat and Bones. But I am glad you are staying true to your vision. Just don’t stop writing your work is so fun to read.
All I pray for is: A happily ever after.
I am sorry to see them go–but I also know when a story is done. It is done.
(I LOVE the spin-off series and hints they may show up from time to time–is fabulous)
Thank you for sharing this story.
It is sad–but also good–you have more stories to tell!
firstly, THANK YOU. ever so much.
yours was the first book of this genre that i ever read. Because of you and Cat and Bones, i met Curran and Kate then Raphael and Elena, and so many other characters that have become my companions and comfort for some time now.
so thank you for introducing me a whole new world of reading. thank you for standing your ground in order to stay true to Cat and Bones’ story.
It may be presumptuous of me to say so but, there’s this feeling of “i’ve come home” of sorts or just things really coming at full circle after having read this post
I finished a series not too long ago that should have ended two or three books before so I applaud you for staying true to the story and not giving us filler to string it along. I will miss Cat and Bones as I will miss Vlad when his story ends. When I find a great author with a great series I form a strong bond with the characters so it is like saying good by to friends. Thank you for being open and honest with your readers. I will pick up any book with you as the author because of your passion for your characters. I will wait impatiently for Up From The Grave and read it slowly to prolong the goodbye.
I have loved the series and will be sad to see it end. I’ve also appreciated the side stories, especially Vlad’s story. However, after reading Night’s Darkest Embrace, I’m kind of hoping to hang out with more fallen angels…maybe???
I started with Once Burned and Twice Tempted just this June. I have been devouring the Night Huntress novels since. I’m on Destined for an Early Grave. I love your writing style and story telling. You have quickly become among my favorite writers. I will read any story you put to paper (or ebook)! That is my promise. Just please keep writing.
I would much prefer a series end in a succinct manner than to have it go on pointlessly. Bravo to you and your publisher for realizing that there is an end (at least for us readers) to the story. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Cat & Bones’ story as well as the spin-off books for their world. I wish you luck in your future writing and I look forward to meeting new characters and worlds from you.
Thanks for sharing this with us, Jeaniene. I’m happy you’ve found the right ending for the series, even if it wasn’t what you’d originally planned. If it’s better for the story overall, I can’t be upset about that.
I hope you have a thousand new stories to explore, otherwise it won’t be the same not having something to obsess over. Good luck!
well thank for all the wonderful books you have written i have most of them was hopping one day you would put all the short storys into one book or each there own short book so i can put them up with the others , i have read each book atleast 5 time and they still keep me enjoying them each time . i cant wait to read this one when its out i plan on readong from book 1 all the way through all the ones i have and then read be able to read this one , i hope you will contue with the night huntress world and the ones with vlad .
Aw this is bittersweet! Cat and Bones are some of my favorite characters! Even though its ending I’m glad it’s ending the way that you intended. Thank you for telling us about the novella so we can pick it up. I would have had no idea there was an important arc in there!
Oh, man…I always knew someday I’d hold their final story in my hand, but I’m still not ready for it! Cat and Bones are family to me. Your writing has been one of the biggest joys in my reading life. But if their story’s wrapping up, I’ll savor every word. What matters to me if a happy ending for these two.
God bless you and your writing!
It’s great to go out with a bang. I love authors who decide to end the series when they know that they are writing something that is authentic to them. I have read novels where series just seem to drag and books are not as filling as the first five or six were. I enjoy your books and will continue to be a layal e reader I hope that you continue to write some of the spin of novels. Good luck on all aspects of your career.
I am probably going way against the grain here but I’d rather have never had Vlad and kept Cat & Bones. To me they are much more interesting characters than Vlad and Leila. Leila seems one-dimensional and flat to me while Vlad comes across as egocentric and very self-centered. But that’s just my opinion. I bought both books because they fit in the series but otherwise they are not books I would have bought and read.
then i would suggest to you to read them again and take a closer look this time. take the time to look behind the facades they both are presenting to the reality behind. vlad especially is a very complex complex character with much depth
You are a fantastic writer. I’m sorry to see the characters fade away, yet I’m glad you will still be working on new stuff.
Jeanine you are an awesome writer. Although I will be sad to see the end of Cat and Bones I’m eager to see what’s on the horizon for you. Hugs.
While one less book is saddening, I appreciate your choice to not fluff the books or bullshit the readers. A lot of authors choose otherwise and it never ends well and leaves a bad taste in the readers’ mouth. So thank you for not compromising the story.
Can you give us an idea on how many more night huntress world books there will be and when the next one is roughly going to be done/who’s it about?
The next Night Huntress World book will be Vlad and Leila #3, coming out sometime later next year. Also later next year is my foray into the New Adult market with a novel set in a completely different paranormal world.
I adore this series and it’s actually my all time favorite! I can reread it as many times as I want & not get tired of it.
That being said, I am in actual tears. It’s sad to know it’s ending sooner than expected but I completely understand the reasons why. I’m not ready, though. It’s bittersweet.
Thank you so much for giving us Cat & Bones! & for being so amazing!
I’m so sad to hear their story will be ending. I knew one day it would have to end but I never wanted it to. Bones and Cat have always been my favorite book couple and they always will be! Thank you for this awesome series and I’ll miss looking forward to another Cat and Bones book. Of course I’m ready to cry with so many others lol.
I love this series! I have reread each book 5 times and will continue to read them.PLEASE PLEASE do an Ian book that has him falling in love with a red headed woman named Lynn
Halfway To the Grave was my first adult paranormal romance story way back when (8th grade, im in college now), which i got through those mail in for 2 free books and then pay like 16.95 to get 3 more or something. It was my first foray into the genre that has been very kind to me and has always been my favorite. It made me learn that books could teach me the things that would be awkward to ask anyone else and where I could come to a set of mind. I always recommend Halfway to the Grace to friends who wish to read a good paranormal story because I cannot see how they would not make it their favorites too.
I am grateful for being blessed with coming to know this story and its many vivid characters. While I am devastated to see it go, it will always hold a soft spot for me. Thank you so much for telling the story in your head and for telling it so well. I hope that even crazier characters, twists in many a plot point, and witty dialog will come forthxD. Even though we have to say goodbye to Cat and Bones, I know it does mean saying goodbye to you, and that takes some of the sting from the slight heartbreak. Keep up what your doing, and remember that your fans who love you are going to stick by you no matter what your decisions are. Those who dont, well they dont really matter now do they? xD Now go on with the asskicking, you do it so well xP
i have loved cat and bones for years. im happy that there last book will end on a good note,(at lest i hope it is a good note). i look forward to reading Up From The Grave.
thank you for cat and bone, reading their books were something i looked forward to during a very dark time in my life. they made me laugh and smile when few things did. Thank you
Please do not feel bad about the early ending because when u really think it will be book 9 the half book which I loved was really a short novel so can be counted in with the big boys. You r the bomb and are correct in not fudging whoever does not like it just does not get that
Sad news, but I understand. Cat & Bones are 2 of my fav characters and I love to curl up and reread their stories. I have cried, yelled, laughed, and talked to them like they could actually hear me! What a great series. Thank you for sharing their stories with us!
I have so enjoyed the Cat an Bones books an I will so miss them. But I understand why you are doing this. I hope though we can look forward to more of Vlad an Lelia in the Future
Kinda like a trade off lol
Love your books I have looked forward to them an always had them on preorder so they would get here as soon as they could.
I’m sad to hear it’s the end, but I’m also happy that you stayed true to yourself & the characters you so lovingly created! I’ll miss Cat & Bones, but can’t wait to read what you write next! (While also hoping for glimpses of Cat & Bones as you go along)
Thank you for being you & writing such great stories!
I felt like I was punched in the heart. But I understand and commend you for not writing filler. Cat & Bones feel like old (kinky, dangerous but kind) friends and I hope you’ve given them a peaceful happy ever after.
Thank you for every word you’ve written.
I am sad that Cat and Bones’ series will be ending, since they are a couple of my favorite characters. As a reader I have shared their emotions throughout their journey, felt like yelling at Cat about a decision or tell Bones he’s being an idiot. But at the same time, they deserve to have a happy, calm life with each other and their family after everything they have been through. I am glad that things will be ending organically, even though they will be greatly missed.
I’m sorry to hear this will be the last Cat and Bones book but I’m glad you decided to follow your original idea and write a story you’re happy with. Can wait to read the conclusion!! So far it’s been a fun ride!
I’m going to be sad to see their story come to an end, but damn, what a ride it’s been! I’ve read each book (including spin-offs), and enjoyed every journey, adventure, and triumph they have all gone through.
First, Jeaniene, I want to thank you for giving us characters that we could fall in love with. I hate to see it end but I know it had to. I will continue to read your work. You really know how to draw a person in and hold them there. Thanks again! Cat and Bones will be greatly missed.
I have enjoyed Cat and Bones very much and yes it will be sad to not see any more book of them after book 7 but I do agree with you that when you’re story is done then it is done and you shouldn’t add fillers just to make others happy. Anyway thanks for the Cat and Bones story I love them very much and re-read them over and over and over many many times.
I’m also hoping that one day my books will be on the book shelves next to authors like you.
Although I will be sad to say goodbye, I applaud your honesty. too many authors are willing to betray their fans for another paycheck. I will be eagerly awaiting this last book, and will be excited for your new direction whatever that may be.
I love Cat and Bones series, but I understand when a story comes to an end, it’s better to end it rather than trying to milk it for every penny you can get. I applaud your decision to do just that. Nothing irritates me more than reading a great series in the beginning and watching it slowly decline into a hot mess. I’m sure whatever else you write, it will be great!!!
I agree. I love cat and bones but I understand why! I look forward to up from the grave and any other books you write!!
Hey Jeaniene!
I absolutely love Cat and Bones and i will definitely shed tears when I read their last book. A few years ago I was at Borders and I hadn’t really read any paranormal romance novels, only a few that were so so, but I love paranormal books and of COURSE I love romance! (Who doesn’t right?):) but I wasn’t sure what to get. So after plopping down on the floor and picking up a bunch of different books and reading the back covers and a page or two, I picked up Halfway to the Grave and a few others. I read Halfway to the Grave first and I devoured it! It was amazing and I stayed up all night finishing it and then went back to Borders to get the others! I’ve lost plenty of nails and hair while waiting for the next books to come out, dying to know where Cat and Bones story would go next. Once Burned series is incredible! Cant wait for the next one! Secretly wishing Leila will do some Vlad-style torture to Cynthiana! I always had a secret crush on Mencheres, just loved his intentional aloofness so I was elated when he got his own story. And who could resist Spades and Denises chemistry? Surely not me!
Anywho, you’re a very talented writer and your characters and stories have a way of making you feel like you’re right there in the book, like you really know them which is why I will always read ANYTHING you write! Thanks for sharing your stories, talent and vast imagination with your fans! I look forward to reading much more from you!
Sad to hear your finishing this series but glad you have decided not to keep going when you have got Cat and Bones to where they need to be. Nothing worse than authors continuing a series that turns to shit because they are well sick of it.That said cant wait for last book and am looking for to another installment from Vlad..Thanks Jeaniene for letting us read your great books, very best wishes to you
I love Cat and Bones, and am very interested to see how their story ends. It’s important to know when to leave the party, and when the story is over, it’s over. Thanks for telling us, so we aren’t waiting forever for a book that will never come. You are a truly gifted storyteller, and the Vlad stories are very well written, but I am just not a fan of Vlad. Good Reads mentioned a new book from you in 2014 in the Realmwalker series. I look forward to reading anything you write!
I used to hate reading! But one day I found Halfway to the grave, thought I would see how it was… I have read every book in the series, spin offs and novellas. Thank you Jeaniene Frost for writing these awesome books.Cat and Bones were the best characters ever created!
I am sad to read you are ending the series short of 1 book..but I do understand your POV and I respect your honesty about what you have done. I will miss them as the main characters, but will enjoy them as cameos in other books. I would love to see another book of Mencheres..congrats on on this successful journey…
Love the series and support your decision. Thank you for sharing your thought process and amazing creativity.
It’s simple: when a story is over, It’s over. I would love and hate at the same time if you had chosen to write more books in this series. Love because I obviously love Cat and Bones; hate because I have a hard time accepting looooong series.
My only true concern now is Ian. He should have his own spin-off novel or at least a novella. Only one. Maybe two. I would accept even a trilogy. Hehe (just saying)
But whatever you choose to write next, I’ll read.
Thanks for giving us Cat, Bones and all these wonderful characters.
Thank you so much for sharing Cat and Bones with us. This is by far my favorite series and I have read and reread the stories, listened to them, and then read them again. I was wondering if you would ever consider doing a few stories from Bones’ POV from the books, maybe as an e-novella. There are several scenes I would love to know what he was thinking.
I am looking forward to the final installment.
Thank you for your very honest reasoning! I am one who will read what ever you put out. As much as I love Bones and Cat I can’t wait to see what you have in mind Leah and Vlad. If you have finished the story that you had planned for Cat and Bones then that’s what I want to read not filler!
Yay for no filler!
I completely support and respect your decision. You are an amazing writer and I will cherish UP FROM THE GRAVE that much more, knowing that it is a truly complete ending for Cat & Bones. <3
thank you for not taking advantage of us your loyal readers! I wont lie I will be sad to finish there story I may read only a chap ter a day to stretch it out. thank you for introducing cat bones vlad and there whole universe to my mind and soul! thank you !!!!! I will keep reading all your books to come keep giving me more of that spellbinding world and I will keep devouring it! I was super scared when I saw a link to this on facebook I thught you were just like im done I quit peace, so it just being the conclusion of a story is way better !!!!!
I read about everything I can get my hands on and Bones is one of the sexiest male characters – human or otherwise – that I’ve ever come across. Chapter 32 should have been printed on sheets of asbestos and my hat is off to you for bringing it to the rest of us.
If their story is over, then it should end and who would know better than its creator? Sad that Bones and Cat won’t be kicking ass and lighting up the cave anymore, but I have a feeling you’ve got something else in store that will wow us for the future. Thanks for an amazing series that I enjoy rereading over and over, not least for the funny parts!
Sad to see the series end but glad you did it while you still cared about them instead of continuing on and on and making us readers feel ripped off by a story that we loved becoming a story we don’t care about or hate. I applaud you for ending it when it was time!
I hate to see Cat and Bones go, as they are one of my favorite stories, but I’m glad to hear that the story will end on a strong note, rather than go down the drain. Plus, I can always re-listen to the books when I need my Bones and Cat fix :). You’re an amazing writer and I can’t wait for the last installment of the series and any other stories you decide to tell.
Firstly, thank you, thank you, thank you for Cat and Bones. I have read, re-read, and re-re-read this series, and I never get tired of it. I have enjoyed the NH World books just as much. I will miss these wonderful characters terribly when the series is over, but I applaud your decision to not milk them after their story has been told. I would much rather have a shorter series with real substance than a series that has been stretched so thin there is nothing left worth reading. You can never go wrong by taking the high road. Best of luck to you in your future writing endeavors — I look forward to reading them!
I would only be sad if you stopped writing all together. I can’t wait to see what you’ll write next
I can’t deny that I’m disappointed, but I feel it is up to the author to know when they’re finished with a series, and trying to force it is just asking for trouble. The results would most likely be a disappointment for you and for your fans. I’ll be happy to see Cat & Bones appear in spin off stories, similar to what Keri Arthur has done with her Riley Jenson. I’m sure you have lots more fun stories with other characters that we will love, and I’m looking forward to reading them. Thanks so much for a fantastic series, I’ve enjoyed the heck out of it.
I’m so sad that Cat and Bones story will end here!! The Night Huntress series is my first UF series and it’ll always have a special place in my heart! I completely agree with your decision though. It’s good that you’ve told the story you meant to tell from the beginning, that just speaks to your integrity as a writer. I’m so glad you didn’t feel the need to put in filler plot! I haven’t read the novella yet and I think like many readers I wish the major plot in the novella would’ve been in a full-length novel.
It’s a bittersweet feeling as a reader knowing Cat and Bones’ story will soon to be over. I can’t imagine how you feel after spending so much time with them in the past decade!
Good luck and I can’t wait to see what other stories you deign to tell us!
Q- Is Up from the Grave going to be any longer then your previous books?
Thanks for the great books, sorry to see them end :'(
Up From The Grave is about the same length as the other Cat and Bones books.
Thank you for Kitten & Bones & the whole crew. I am eternally grateful.
I am heartbroken that this will be the last full-length Cat and Bones novel, however, I just want to thank you for sharing their stories with us. I am a voracious reader but very few characters are as dear to me as Cat and Bones. As always, you are the best!
Really?! Wow. I was expecting, had though 1-2 more books, but I completely understand and respect her decision. For me and my favorite series, I would love for them to go on and on and on and on forever, that’s typically how you feel about a story you love to death, but I rather the authors for my favorite series write a complete ending without any filler stuff. I hate when authors write filler stuff just to get to the ending.
I rather Frost feel really good about how she wraps up Cat and Bones and it will be how she wants it wrapped up. I have felt last few books that it should be wrapped up, but in a good way and I hope I end up satisfied with the ending, b/c I enjoyed the ride. I remember Night Huntress my first Urban Fantasy Read and it will always have a special place in my heart. =)
I will be bummed not to have any new Cat and Bones stories but appreciate you not dragging out just to make a buck (or two :D)!!! But, please, let us keep “in touch” with Cat and Bones by weaving them into future stories — as you have in the past.
Thanks in advance for what I know is going to be a fabulous closing book and keep the paranormal romances coming!!!!
I love everything you write…especially Cat and Bones! I will truly miss them but I understand that the story is over. Hopefully though this isn’t the end of our journey with you and the other adventures that you have to tell!!!!
Peace and blessings
You can’t see me, but I’m blowing Raspberries. No, I understand, but will miss them terribly.
I would never rant as i have many stories in my head and I can totally see that they need their ending. I love the characters and will support whatever stories you write.
The Cat and Bones series have always been my favourite series ever since i started reading them a few years ago and it’s sad to see them go. I still haven’t quite found a series that grabs hold of me as hard as this one did. But i’m glad the series will be finishing as its always been intended and not drawn out and ruined as a lot of authors do.
Question: How many spin of books do you still intend to do? Which characters do you think you will be exploring more?
I’m not sure who the next Night Huntress World novel will feature. I have a few story contenders in my head. We’ll see who comes out on top :).
I’m sad Up From The Grave is the last but I’m glad the story ends well. Congratulations and thankyou for writing one of my favourite vamp stories ever. I’m looking forward to the last Vlad book and your future works and any little Cat and Bones sighting that might come up.
I completely agree with your reasoning and that you know what’s best for your characters, but I’m so sad i’m crying a little bit to know it’s ending. I don’t usually like spin-offs, but it seems like I’ll have to pick those up in hope of seeing one od my favorite couples ever again. I am already preparing for the rereads
Bones *shiver*. I’m sure I will love the final book even if I will only see Cat and Bones briefly afterwards.
I have all the Cat and Bones books, I also have your spin offs. I truly love your characters and writing. I will continue to follow you and I just live to enjoy the escapism you give me in your books. So, I don’t judge, I just am a happy reader, an avid fan of you Ms. Frost…so keep writing and I will follow you.
Teresa Bergan
It has been a great please to fall into your world and although the story has come to a close, I will forever go back to visit them time and again. Thank you for sharing your characters with us all.
THANK YOU for being honest about the series ending sooner than anticipated and for candidly explaining the reasons why. Closure on Cat and Bones will be bittersweet, but it would be no matter if it’s book 7, 9 or 100. NH is my favorite series ever! I love the spin offs too. I’m a fan of yours for life!
All good things must come to an end. Cat and Bones have been one of my favorites since I read the first book. I have enjoyed every story and I’m sure they go out with a bang. I’m sad but I understand. Thank you for all their stories and introduceing us to the Night Huntress world.
I am sad to hear the story is ending but glad you are happy with their journey. My biggest question is what’s next? New world or more crossovers. I would love to see an Ian book. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent and giving me some imaginary friends to play with for so long.
I am truly sad to hear this but I totally understand. You are a wonderful writer and I will ccontinue to read your books. That being said I do feel like I want to cry or go into some kind of mourning (weird I know) best of luck to your future story writing.
I understand your decision to do right by us the fans. You do us the honor of knowing we are intelligent readers and we know as you know when it’s time to bring the overall story to a final close. As a die hard fan of Cat and Bones thank you from the bottom of my heart in the fact that you as a writer introduced Cat and Bones to the reader world at large. I know when I turn that final page and close the cover I will be all misty eyed. I know they are characters in a book but damn if they don’t feel like your best friend that has rode off into the sunset. Blessed be and may the wind always be at your back.
You have to do what’s best for the characters & storyline; your fans are your fans, and we’ll read whatever magic you write! I’m just glad I found your stories. Cat & Bones are my favorite, and I’ve been through their series twice on audio and started a third time. I’ve never done that with any other audiobooks. But I’ve always believed it was better to go out on top. Just bring on the other stories percolating in your head!
I understand that Cat and Bones have crossed the finish line, but that doesn’t stop my heart from getting heavy. I loved them immensely and I’m going to miss them.
Though I do hope you come out with more books with equally lovable characters.
I love the Cat and Bones books and I’m sad to see them end but I’m glad you didn’t milk it. The series has been my favourite for a few years now so thankyou for your amazing writing and I can’t wait for your next books. Will the 7th book be longer than usual or did the plot points for book 8 fit well in the normal length? Also I was wondering and I don’t really expect an answer to these but I hope it’s ok to ask anyway =) Did you put Bone’s POV in after all? Will Vlad be in it? (I love him) and will we find out what Cat whispered to Bones in the 5th book after the scene where she accepted they would be separated by death one day? I’ve always wanted to know that. I wish you luck with your next series, thanks again.
Let me just say a big thank you for you’re books. They inspire and take you away at the greatest times.
Cat and Bones have been like therapy for me and I just love the series! Congratulations on your achievement, you should feel proud of yourself, they are amazing.
I’m not one for rereading books but in this case its a must. It’s a shame they have to end but it was inevitable, I’m just glad they had more than one story to tell
Thanks for the escapism!
I love Cat & Bones and I will miss the series but I totally respect your decision to complete the series. You are one of my top 3 favorite authors and I will look for mor more wonderful offerings from you.
I adore this series and am really looking forward to Up From The Grave. I’ll be really sad to see it end, however, I applaud your decision not to write a filler that I’ll have to pay for and would hate. This would not only tarnish the series but your reputation as an author in my eyes and I would refuse to spend a single cent or waste energy on further books.
I am really enjoying your work. You are an amazing writer and Night Huntress has been my favorite series. Cat and Bones really kick ass and so I’d rather see a proper end to their story as you see fit than endless drivel just to write additional books. I am looking forward to your future novels.
Cat and Bones changed my opinion on vampire novels.
Am I sad that the series is ending? Yes
Am I angry that the number of novels is at 7 not 8? No!
As an author, I fully understand your desire to honour your work and your characters within. I’d rather not bother reading on with a series that is just “padding out” to fill a contract or just to keep throwing titles. It would be dishonouring your legacy for Cat and Bones and dishonouring the Cat and Bones.
Just because the story ends doesn’t mean readers can not delight in re-reading the titles over and over again. I have reread the series more times than I can count.
Thank you for honouring your work and your reputation.
I applaud your integrity.
Hey Jeaniene,
I’m so sad that this will be the last Cat and Bones book, just like everyone else. However, a good writer plans ahead, has a storyline to follow and sticks to it. Which means you were right, (Kudos) as sad as we are to see them go (As long as the ending is great, [Which I’m sure it is] I’m sure we’ll be happy with many re-reads!). So thank you for such a great series, we look forward to all your future work, especially any about a certain sexy Romanian
Best wishes!!
It isn’t the length of the series that matters but the quality of the stories and you have delivered in that department time and time again.
Thank you for this. I am sure it was a difficult post to write. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
First, you’re a dreamboat. Second, you, Cat and Bones have added so so so much extra happiness in my life, it’s enough to make a unicorn sick. Third, you did not make a mistake with your novella. Never regret a single moment from this entire experience, it happened the way it was meant to. I respect and encourage your decision. I can’t thank you enough for the entire Night Huntress World. Forth, I CAN’T WAIT!
Aww…Cat and Bones forever I hate to see them go yet I know you will have other fun characters for us
Oh no… now I’n really sad. I was really looking forward to book 7, 8 and 9. Now with great sadness I still looking forward to the last Cat and bones. The to lovers I’ve been enjoying true sadness and great joy I cried when cat cried and so on.. Jeaniene Frost you have a Loyal reader forward, with what ever you decide on what you will write.
I love all your books and think they’re fantastic and the story has to end sometime at least as a reader and I can enjoy them again and again and as a hobby writer you definitely made the right decision I think thanks for the story and books xx
I am so glad that you are ending it your way and not having to deal with a publisher who is demanding more just because you are a best-seller. I’ve seen some horrid books come from great authors who didn’t keep the quality up while writing book after book. While I adore Cat & Bones, I’m excited to see what else will be coming up.
Thank you for letting us know what to expect. I think the biggest disappointment would be if that as we were reading book 7 & that we all were still thinking that there were 2 more books to come. I also want to really thank you for letting us know about Home for Holidays. As someone who doesn’t read novellas, I’ve already set it up on the calendar in November to remind me to look for it and make sure I make it the exception to the rule. The last thing I wanted to say was that I love your Dark Prince series. I hope that we will get many more of this series.
I undderstand, but I am still sad. I absolutly love your books have read them all and will read them again and again. Looking for more from you in the future.
First; Thank you, it is a very sad day to hear that the end of one of favorite series is ending, but I also understand your reason behind ending it, I will miss Cat and Bones and you are right it is like saying good by to old friends, but I also look forward to any thing else you will be writing in the future.
I’m really sad to know there won’t be a book 8 but I guess it’s better to stop at book 7 instead of filling the book up and have 2 books that might disappoint.
Glad you are stopping when you feel the time is right. One of my favorite series went on too long for financial reasons, and the author, unfortunately alienated a lot of the fan base (I didn’t even bother buying the last book- read the spoiler, said- yeah, it figures- never thought about it again. Too bad. I think its great you’re stopping now that you’ve told the stories you wanted, and I hope to see more from you in the future. It’s bee a GREAT run!
I am sad, but also happy. Happy that you told the “whole” story as you envisioned it. Sad that there will be no more Cat and Bones after this one. But as with all my favorites, I will go back and read them again and again. It is like visiting with old friends.
I wish you much luck with all your upcoming books. I will be waiting for the next Vlad and Leyla with much anticipation. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
I hope you let us know soon what other books/series you are thinking of.
Thank you for creating the Night Huntress novels. I have enjoyed them all immensely.
A loyal fan.
Thank you for giving us the grave series! I know in the 2 years I found this series I have become addicted to them & have enjoyed them all.
Thank you for writing them & I look forward to your next series!
You can make this up to us by writing a book with Ian as the hero. This can be your book 8 :-D. Book 9 can feature cat’s Mom as the heroine.
I am sad to see the end but happy to see you end it with your vision. I will revisit them from time to time. Thanks you for all your excellent work so far.
I’m so sad , jeaniene you are one one of my top 3 favorite authors of all time! And i love this series. I am so sad to read this but I respect your decision, after all your in the drivers seat, and with out u and your wonderful imagination we would have never had any cat and bones stories to fall in love with. Thank you for sharing with the world. The count down for Up from the Grave starts here!
I’m sad to have to say goodbye to Cat & Bones but it’s better for you to stop on your terms.
Thanks for the grand adventure.
It’s bittersweet news. As a reader, of course I wish Cat & Bones would never end. As a realist, I knew it would have to eventually. As many upthread have already said, had it not been for your great and amazing imagination, there would be no Cat & Bones, so for that I thank you. I look forward to all your new work and respect your decision to end the story your way. That’s true loyalty to both your readers and yourself and talent. You’re the best Jeaniene!!
So sad tha Cat and Bones will come to an end .. I love the series so much that I keep on repeating reading the books
. .. You’ve done a great job Jeaniene Frost !
I thank u for the cat and bones books and I am looking forward to reading their last book. Am sad to c them go as they are my favourite books out of all I read
My heart says “No” but brain is telling it to “shut it”. I have always thought it best that an author ends a story when they feel it needs to end. Its better for the author, story, and reader. I look forward to the last book (I will most likely cry) and can’t wait to see what else you are working on.
Can’t say I am not a little disappointed but that is life. I have very much enjoyed reading about Cat, Bones and all their friends. I look forward to reading new story lines that you will come up with. Very glad that I read the entire article above, for now I will read that novella, so not to be in the dark at the end. Thank you for the great reads thus far and looking forward to see where two of my favorite vamps end up.
Oh man! That is SUCH a bummer, can’t tell you how much I will miss them!!
Ahhhh damn…but…. you are so good at story telling I have no fear that you will continue to tantalize us with fantastic characters and delisiously twisitng plot lines – you are truly, truly talented. Please oh please always follow your heart – just don’t stop writing for us!
Oh, wait! Will there be another for Vlad and Leila? Please oh please..? They are just as much fun as Cat & her sweet Bones. Thanks love!
I am sorry to hear that cat and bones will be ending, I really like those two characters together. But I truly understand that if you feel that you have told their story so be it. But hopefully they will be included in other books.
I get it. I do. An thank you for knowing you’re done and not dragging Cat and Bones’ story out with filler. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed with your last book knowing you’ve already completed the arc you’ve always had in your head. I am so looking forward to reading it! I’ll miss the two of them but all good things must come to an end.
The Cat and Bones novels were great. I will miss hearing about them and its sad thinking their adventures ended, so i will make up more adventures for them in my head. Thank you for fleshing them out, more importantly, thank you for writing a great story. I expected a dry plot built around and ok romance story when i first picked it up and was thankfully surprised. You created your characters equally, giving them their own flavor ,and you made me see the world the live in without going anywhere. no dull skipovers, no raunchy sex for no other reason but its supposed to be in there somewhere. It was a good read and i am sad it go. Would have loved to heard Tate’s adventures… Still Thank You
It is simply a waste to stop the story line. I read many series that have evolved thoughout numerous books and can still conintue to grow. Whatever the reasons you may have, your followers needs and wishes should rate somewhere high on your ‘list’ of reasons (excuses) to continue the series or not. However I don’t really get the feeling our opinions mattered at all in your decision. It is your right to say only 7 books. However I feel it is selfish and a copout to say..well I finished what I started. OMG if everyone took that opinion, many great things would never be realized in the world.
Good luck on your new endeavors…as a silent protest I won’t be reading them!
Thank you for writing a truly awesome series. This series along with Patricia Brigg’ Mercedes, IMO are the best on the UF or PNR market. I too am disappointed to hear that this will be the last in the series. However, I wish you all the best and I look forward to reading whatever you write in the future. Arohanui (much love) from New Zealand
I love the world you’ve built around Cat & Bones and everything about their story. So sad to hear that the definite end is coming sooner than expected, but appreciate your honesty and being so up front about it. It’s your creative process and, while in an ideal situation, Cat & Bones would go on having forever adventures in new books that would magically appear on our Kindles as soon as we finish the prior one, I applaud you staying true to content that feels right to you as the creator behind it all. This is a series (and all of its existing and future spin off books) that I will come back to again and again to read. Am so bittersweet yet excited to read the last book and am just plain excited to see what you come up with next!
Soo sad although I do understand. I never wanted Cat and Bone’s story to end. This is my all-time favorite series. But it’s okay. I shall survive! Lol. Will the book still be released at the end of January 2014??
Rant! Rant! Rant! Okay, I’m done, lol. I am glad you didn’t just fill in, as I prefer you write the story as you see fit as opposed to a certain number of stories. I trust you to know what’s best for Cat and Bones. Not to say that I wouldn’t love to read another if you decide to write it but I leave that up to you. I came to the series about half way through but am an avid fan and recommend this series to everyone. Thanks for the writing it. Looking forward to Up From The Grave, the third in the Night Prince series and anything else you choose to write. Congrats on finishing UFTG.
First off, Thanks you for giving us an amazing series, it’s been such a great ride with Cat & Bones. Reading your post, your honesty is very much appreciated. Yes it’s sad that this is the end but you have definitely done right by us, the readers, concluding their story at where you first envisioned – there’s nothing worse than having something forcibly dragged out, unnaturally… though I personally would never protest against more Cat & Bones
Can not wait to read Up From the Grave!
It really is bitter sweet but Congrats for finishing this wonderful series, it’s truly been a pleasure. Look forward to reading whatever you chose to write next
Aww man, I would hate to say goodbye to them, though I can always re-read the series. I just want to thank you for writing this series, my personal favourite. It’s the kind of book that people really need to read it, at least once. Night Huntress series taught me a lot too! So really, thanks so much :’)
This was the best vampire series I read and believe me I read a lot of em… I loved all your books qnd a lot of my friends also agree with me…Will you be writing and side line books,, something for Ian …I love him he grew on me I think his got great potential maybe with cats mum seems like she can tame him lol…just an idea xxx
When the story is done, it’s done. I’m so glad you have the strength to stand by your vision and not ruin a series by dragging it out. We’ll cry, you’ll cry, but all good things do come to an end. Can’t wait to see what your imagination comes up with next.
Good for you for keeping your promise to yourself. I am truly looking forward to the final leg of Cat and Bones journey. As they say “All good things must come to an end”. This series has been a favorite of mine and I enjoy going back to re-read the first books in the series. You never disappoint so this should be a great ending.
I’m really sad, but it’s better to end it where it should. Not to mention we might see them again and that they are for me endlessly readable. But since you said it looked to take forever to end, I do hope it’s a long book!
But I SO didn’t think I could get so emotional about a series ending, so I guess congrats to you! ‘PS: It better be a hell of a last book. No pressure
Lol, no pressure at all! *grabs antacids*
Good Point Taco! J, if you read this, will this book be longer than the others? I know it has to go through edits and things can change, but I thought you might have a feel for the length. (Why did that sound perverted?)
I know it’s gonna be great! And hey wont! I totally have to grag my ass back to the forum and force myself to post haha.
*drag is even better
I just wana say thank u for the best and most loved characters!! I look foward to all ur future work. Big Hugs
nnoooo its ending
but it really was an amazing series. now we just need an Ian series
I honestly think it’s better for you to do what you feel is best Jeaniene! Sure, I’d love more Cat and Bones books, but I’ve always been a fan of quality over quantity myself!! Sometimes it works when there are lots of books in a series and sometimes not. As an aspiring author myself I totally get the need to tell the story in the way you feel is best.
Definitely looking forward to this finale! And more importantly, definitely looking forward to anything else you may write! You’ve got a lifelong fan in me!
I love Cat and Bones and all your books, so bring on more and more of your great work! I can’t wait!
Thanks for sharing your stories with us, regardless of how many pages they fill. I’ll keep buying anything you write, so thanks for being honest with us and writing solid plots for your characters instead of just filler.
Looking forward to your next adventure!
I may be repeating what everyone has said..I didn’t read other comments..but I love your books, i read them again and again, I am glad you didn’t do ” filler” books…I hope cat and bones appear in other stuff, and I actually LOVE novellas since I am a working mom of twin girls with little time to read sometimes. Your novella didn’t detract at all from your other work and I can read those stories again and again when I have only a little bit of free time. :). So you finished sooner…if anyone is upset about that they have issues :). Looking forward to whatever comes next and I will miss Cat and Bones. :). LOVED THEM
Well, I can’t say I’m not sad to see them go. It sucks that I wasn’t emotionally prepared for this, but I understand that it’s nobody’s fault. Never the less, I will treasure this book as I do all of them. Also, I know I’m grasping at straws here, but any chance of Ian continuing the series in one form or another? Or any character, really…
A loyal reader as always,
Amy xxx
I’m really sad! Thank you for giving us this series and look forward to reading the next.
I’m really sad because of the end. I fell in love with Night Huntress’s Series and no matter what will happen I will never say goodbay to Cat and Bones. I’ll read all of books again and again and I will never stop. I will never forget about Jeaniene Frost, Night Huntress books, Cat, Bones, rest of characteres and of the whole Night Huntress world <3
Loyal fan,
Julia <3
Are we soon to get info on the third book in the Night Prince series?
It would be so disappointing to see such an excellent series diluted by stretching it out too far. I’m disappointed to see that the series is coming to an end but so excited to see what you come up with next. Love Vlad’s books! Can’t wait for #3.
As a Cat and Bones fan I am sad that their story ends but as a reader I thank you for knowing when it is time to end it. I appreciate that you decided on integrity instead of extending their story and possibly losing readers. I will look forward to your spin offs you are a great author and other writers should learn from you. Thank you once again for sharing this wonderful world of yours and for staying true to your world building which to me is very important.
Then more friends can easily talk about this issue
I absolutely love Cat and Bones! I will miss their stories, and be a little sad that they will not have any more. But still a loyal fan. Love your books.
While I’m saddened to hear that there will be no more Cat and Bones books after Up From The Grave, I completely understand the reasons behind your decision. Thank you for being so up front with us about it, too! Some authors would probably not say anything and just leave their readers hanging. I’m going to miss Cat and Bones, and I hope they’ll drop in and visit more often than not in any spin off stories you write!
I love all your books. Will there be a story of Ian?
I will always love Cat and Bones. When I don’t feel well they’re right there with me to get me through; being sick or just sad. It really is like saying bye to good friends. But I support you in this. It is better to end than keep it going when it is at its end.
Truly,it is a paty that novel term between cat and bones…For me that would love to follow this novel of romence and advanture that I love somuch..You’re the best writer in the world ate my aspiration..:D
Thank you so much for Cat and Bones story! I love you and wish you the best with what ever stories you cone up with next!
As a reader against filler, I say…Kudos to you! Cat & Bones deserve a happy ending. I’m looking forward to reading “Up From the Grave.”
Previously you spoke of the possibility of a Ian centered story. Is that still a possibility?
It’s a “maybe” for an Ian book :).
It has always been a possibility and you have been very honest about that to which I know fans like me are grateful. At least this gives me time to brace myself for this being the end. I am sure I will adore it as I do all the other books. Nothing worse than reading from an author who is writing the story simply to fulfill a contract. Glad you were able to change yours. V””V
On the one hand I’m really sad that “Up from the grave” will be the last Cat and Bones book!! on the other hand the journey, on which you took the reader with you and Cat and Bones was amazing, funny and exciting and I loved all the books. So, I’m glad there will be no filler and I’m glad you could finish the series like you planned, although with a lower number of books! Can’t wait to read this final and the end you planned for them for so long! Thanks so much for many many hours of reading-fun!
I was just wondering if new projects might mean stories about Tate or Ian??? or even Dave maybe??
At this time, I don’t know who the next Night Huntress World book will be about. I have a few ideas, but nothing definite yet.
god ,I’m just in the fourth book ,but I totally fall in love with it .
its like Bones is the hero I’ve alwayd been in love with ,and Cat is the woman i’ve always wanted to be .
I’ll just read it all and do nothing ><
you're really great !!
It makes me sad that the series is over, but it makes sense to stop now instead of continuing to write a story that doesn’t need to be written any longer. At least we still have Vlad to keep us company for a year or two!
I’m brokenhearted at the thought of the series ending, but I would rather have quality over quantity. I do hope perhaps we get to see some of Bones’ past in some short stories, though. I also really, really, really hope Ian gets a book! okay, off to sob in a corner now…
Thank you for Cat and Bones. Whatever you choose to write I will purchase. You never disappoint and i’m always sorry to reach the end of one of your novels. God bless and all I ask is that you keep writing (after a short vacation that is)
I will savor every minute reading the last book.
I must say thans.
Thanks for all your work, thanks for hours of bliss, and thanks for being true to yourself and your readers.
You did good, and not beacause it was the easy thing, but because it was the right thing.
So again thank you!!
I will be sad to see their books ending and hope that we will see them again. However, you have just gotten a reader for life with your honesty. So thank you and happy writing!
Thank you so much for an explanation for ending the series. I admire you so much more for that. It is truly sad that Cat and Bones story is done. The fact that you chose to tel YOUR story as apposed to one you didn’t set at to tell is an amazing feat. You are a fantastic writer. Thank you so very much for giving me a world and people/creatures to fall madly in love with.
I love this series, and I thank you for doing right by your fans. I came across you when I bought Lynsay Sands’ Bite Before Christmas and Home for the Holidays was in there. I was fasinated and have been ever since – I now own all your books on my trusty Kindle. If there was one thing I could ask it would be to add more deleted scenes. It would hold us over, and I think we are all dying for a “bone”…..
I feel sad that story’s I love must come to an end but I thank you from my heart for you honesty and am behind you on this decision all the way, I do however look forward to reading other story’s you may publish, I have enjoyed the journey with you
Good luck love and laughter in all you do xxx
I think this is a great choice you made. I love this series but all good things must come to an end. I can’t wait to see what stories fill your had once Cat & Bones don’t occupy so much of your time. I smell a new series in the future one as awesome as this one.
I have read all your books i love how you tell the stories it is sad to think cat and bone’s story is over because i love reading bout them
I’d much rather you end them early then drag their story out without substance like some authors have. It makes it feel your more out for the money and stringing your readers along, not caring about the quality. I’ve loved your stories from the beginning and I look forward to reading any future novels, especially the Vlad spin off! LOL! It has to be the bad boy vibe for why I’ve been his fan since you first introduced him, or a combination of that with his loyalty; he’s very loyal to those who he considers friends.
If the story has come to an end that is it. I can’t wait to read it. Still i’m hoping for a Ian story, any story, he is fun and have potencial, please give him a second chance i love him for who he is.
And please keep writting you’re so good doesn’t matter the story. I love the characters but i also love the author. Btw: I’m pre ordering the last Cat & Bones! Xoxo
So going to miss Cat and Bones! sniff sniff…. but I understand that when a story line ends, it’s better to finish it than try to drag it out. I’m looking forward to your continued works and hoping for new Night Huntress Novels and Night Prince novels.
I’m sure Up from the Grave will be a big hit! Can’t wait for the release.
I read out loud to my husband. We’ve shared many adventures and made friends with lots of different characters through the years. Last May we said good-bye to Sookie Stackhouse and soon we’ll be saying farewell to Cat & Bones. However, like old friends we plan to revisit them occasionally. I read recently those who love to read live a thousand lives before they die and those who don’t only live one life. So glad I love to read. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your world, Jeaniene. I plan to read more of your books. We love the Vlad series, by the way. Take care.
Thank you. They (Cat and Bones) feel very much like old friends to me too, and though it is sad to see their final chapter, I do hope to have them in future stories. My favorite spin off you have given us was Eternal Kiss of Darkness. I pray that you will write more of Mencheres and Kira!
I love Cat and Bones, but for me it was love at first read when Vlad was introduced. I love the dark, solitary, brooding type and fell hard for his character and was so happy he got his own series. I can’t wait for another about Vlad.
I’m sad to know it’ll be the end, though thinking I might her of them later on in a short story or even maybe side character makes me feel a bit better. In any case I applaud your decision of ending it where it feels right instead of stretching it and make it mediocre.
This is one of the main reasons why I love your writing, you stay true.
Thanks you the joys and entertainment Cat and Bones brought us thru the years.
A big fan from Finland.
I never read books until my friend introduced me to your books, from the first book i was hooked and now im always pre ordering and have it on my calander when the books come out! It is sad that the story ends (I hope it’s a happy ending) but excited to read all the new books you’ll be writing ( i love vald so cant want for more stories) it’ll be great to see where Cat and Bones pop up again.
i do undertsand and i prefer a sries finished when it should than something witjout sense later ( and it’s not like you didn’t finish their story it just happen earlier but it’s complete)
so really don’t worry and i was really happy to make this journey with yu ( in english and in french so it will means still a few month before i comes to a real close)
I appreciate your honest and thoughtful posting on the status of these characters. I’ve enjoyed their stories and feel that although I will miss reading adventures where they are the main characters, you have created such a great dynamic about those two and their interactions with their friends and family, that it will be great to catch up with them where ever you place them. I enjoy the stories of Mencheres, Spade and Vlad and hope we do get one on Ian. Most of all, thank you for showing that you care for your readers as much as you do about your creation.
I have tears in my eyes because I love Cat an Bones so much, The night Huntress series may be my favorite series ever so It makes me so sad to say good bye, but THANK YOU for knowing when to put the pen down. There is nothing worse than reading a story about characters you once read and feeling disappointed. So many authors seem to just keep writing because they can and people will buy them. Thank you for your ethics. I can not wait to see the HEA that they have very much earned.
Thank you so much for Cat and Bones story and for being true to yourself and your readers. You’re a great writer! I look forward to all the new books that you’ll be writing.
I will always love Cat and Bones. The best part about books is you can go visit any time you miss them. I cant wait for the last book.
I won’t lie I am sad that Up From The Grave is the last of the Cat and Bones novels. I have come to truly love losing myself in their story and have looked forward to every new release. That being said I completely understand and respect your decision. I would much rather you give us and great least book then a bunch of books that you don’t believe in. I know Cat and Bones story is over but I know there must be new and exciting character in your head that you are just waiting to introduce us to. I am excited about Up From The Grave and any new books you come out with.
I loved Home for the Holidays. Ive played it over and over on audio. It also had my favorite Bad boy Ian as a major character. I am sad that Cat and Bones has come to an end but they too deserve a break from the constant drama in their lives. who knows? maybe one day you will write another book about them maybe even years from now. I hope this only opens up more doors for you to write about other characters and stories that will again take your readers to greater heights and hours of enjoyment. I respect and admire you more for being one of the few authors out there who write with heart and integrity. I am sick of authors who have sold themselves to greed and therefore their books no longer hold any substance to them. You are amazing and that’s why I buy your books!
Wow.. I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I’m sad and feel a little disappointed. The anticipation and joy when reading a Night-huntress novel is hard to put into words.. But, I expect that other fans know exactly what I’m talking about.
I have not read the anthology, so I guess I should start there. I was a little disappointed with Vlad’s books so I took a break…
It sounds like Cat and Bones are exactly where they are suppose to be. I will cherish the last book, like I did all the others. I will miss them.
Ms. Frost- My deepest gratitude for your amazing talent. I will definitely keep an eye out for your future writing.
Thank you.
I think you have to do what is right for you. Perhaps they will speak to you again at another point, without the pressure of feeling you ‘have’ to do something but how wonderful you’ve been able to write out your arc.
I’ll be reading what you do in future and hope you will give us more in this world. Maybe a book about Ian sometime, he does need a little redemption. :laughs:
Thank you for the series.
I LOVE Cat & Bones but hey they are your books!! I have read all of them as soon as they come out and have read your other 2 series! I pre-order and wait each day until they appear on my Kindle! Thank you so much for all the worlds you have brought into mine! With that said I sure hope Cat & Bones pops in on Vlad and the others, having them in the other series always brings a smile to my face!
Im so glad that you do this, not because i dont like the books but because i love them. Im tierd of series being dragged on without a point left to them. Thank you and i will look forward to your next story, live long and prosper….
Is saaad because this series introduce me to Paranormal Romance and I LOVE IT. But I am kind of happy that will end strong.
PLEASEEE Dd a “IAN” book, before Night Huntress – Complete World series- ENDs
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to Cat and Bones…”‘Ello Kitten”…still makes me sigh…I can hear it in my head.
I sincerely appreciate your explanation and I hope only the best for you in your future endeavors. I know I am looking forward to more Vlad stories…
I especially appreciate your not stretching the story inot another book with filler. That would deter so many readers from your fan-base and future stories. Thank you.
Thank you for Cat and Bones.
Lol I just found Cat & Bones, and have read all 6 books in a Lil over two weeks time. I hope there are more Vlad & Leila to come ,!?!?
Vlad and Leila will have a third book to end their series.
I think you made the right decision. Each of the books in the Cat and Bones series has been really great. I think if you dragged it out beyond what was in your head and heart it would have cheapened the experience. It’s very unusual to find a series in which there is no dud but you’ve pulled it off with Cat and Bones.
I love all your books- I’m on my 15th listen of the Once Burned/Twice Tempted audiobooks.
Noooo! This makes me so sad, even if I do understand the reasoning. I’m so not ready to give up on them yet. *Sigh* Does this mean you already have another kickass story percolating with another fabulous pair we’re going to love?
Can we hope that you’ll be doing a tour to send off Cat & Bones with? Say with a stop in Detroit. I’ll even take Cincinnati.
“Does this mean you already have another kickass story percolating with another fabulous pair we’re going to love?”
I have a new series debuting next year that’s unrelated to my Night Huntress universe, and of course, I hope readers will like it :).
Forgot to add, I don’t know yet if my publisher will be touring me, or if so, to what cities. They usually don’t tell me until about three months before release.
This series is one of my absolute favorites along with the author I will miss the series very much. But like all good things they must eventually come to an end.. But if the author is happy with the way her stories turned out then that’s the way things are supposed to be.
Wow. I hate to admit I was really pissed when I first read this news. not a J.Frost but at myself for bing so out of touch with the world that I thought the reason this sucker-punched me. then being angry is useless so i just got really sad. I’ve learned to rely on Cat & Bones books over the years. whenever I get so down with books i can’t quit get into. Night huntress is really one of those series that doesnt have to end for me. any filler story will be read with as much enthusiasm as everything else but I appreciate this announcement and though sad I am also thankful that you won’t be forcing your self to write something just to ‘milk’ the series for all it’s worth and without your 100%. And now instead of passively waiting for the next book, it’s suddenly very exciting and dramatic and more anticipating as it will alsobe the last one. In a single announcement blog you gave me what i’ve been sorely missing thepast couple of months while desperately seeking other books that will pumped up my blood.
As others have pointed out, Cat &Bones won’t be gone forever. you won’t be ending it in a final way that we can’t imagine them living their lives somewhere I am sure and there are still all the previous books to re-read and revisit for us sorry readers with so much time in our hands.(^-^) The new series sounds exciting too. Thank you Jeaniene for years of uncomplicated fun.
Firstly, I’m sad to hear that this next book will be a final book for Cat and Bones. I came into their story late in the game but instantly fell in love with them and all their family and friends. I’ve laughed at them (sometimes with them ;), cried with them and had my heart broken then mended with them. So I know it’s been a good ride. However, I am also grateful to you for not writing simple filler books/stories about these characters who’ve we have joined the worlds of. It keeps them special and their stories so much more enthralling.
Additionally, I am glad to know Vlad and Lelia will get one more book. I fell in love with Vlad the first time he antagonized Bones and the addition of Lelia has only made him more lovable. Thank you and I look forward to these endings with bitter sweet excitement.
I felt the same way! How could I have missed this information?!! Now I have to make some readjustments. I thought I had more time before there would be no more Cat & Bones books.
I would rather this than filler books, though. I hate when publishers push authors to write more when the story is done. Kudos to Jeaniene for telling their story and giving them a HEA.
I love Cat and Bones and hate to see them end. Hopefully they will make appearances in other books from time to time. I will reread the series from time to time because it was such a great story. Please keep writing! I await the next great book from you:)