Thank you, readers, for taking the time to leave your thoughts on my post about the end of Cat and Bones’s storyline. Overwhelmingly, your comments expressed support and understanding. Reading them felt like receiving a big hug through the internet, so as a thank you, below are some hugs from me to you! :).
Also, in response to the #1 question I was asked on the previous post, the answer is MAYBE on whether Ian will get a book :).
I would love to read a book about Ian =). He’s one of my favorites.
I LOVE Cat and Bones, I have re-read the books over and over and will definitely be sad when their story ends, however, I also really liked your story in Haunted by Your Touch and found myself wishing for more of a story there as well so i’m sure that I am going to like whatever you have coming up next. Best of luck to you! π
I would love anything ,ore about Ian, anything! π
Oh a book about Ian would be fantastic. I have often thought about what kind of storyline would be good for him. I picture someone who can be just as blunt and sexual as he is but yet still classy. It would be nice to see a book about Ian with a twist. Maybe he has already met his soulmate in the past but she was thought to be gone forever. I have another interesting storyline thought up but it would take up to much space. Love your books jeaniene! Your fabulous and so creative. I can read your books three and four times and still be drawn in like it’s the first time I’ve picked them up.
You absolutely have my love and support. Although I will miss C&B so very much, I understand the decision and look forward to other offerings from you that in a spin-off may include a glimpse here and there of our favorite vamp couple!
I hope to see you at a signing for UFTG! *hugs*
A book about Ian is my dream since he’s my favorite character (not so sure since I think I can’t pick just one favorite character from NH). Please (I’m kinda of begging you) do it!! π
Cat and Bones made me a fan of YOU as a writer. I love them and all of the offshoot books, and in fact, I am re-reading them again as we “speak”. So, keep writing whatever you want; I will keep reading whatever you churn out. And there is nothing worse than a series that just keeps going on and on and on and on…..when the party should have stopped a few novels ago. You’re doing the right thing. And I’m excited to see what the future holds for us as readers.
good luck in your new adventure no matter what they will be
I indeed love Cat and Bones and hate to see the series come to an end however I appreciate the respect you have for us, the readers and fans of this series, to not put “fillers” into Up from the Grave just to make the series longer. And I respect your decision as this is your story to tell not ours. I wish you all the best with future writing and I do hope to see Cat and Bones return (however in smaller roles) in other stories you so wonderfully share with us. And honestly we still get a taste of your writing (you are my favorite author) in the Night Prince books – which I hope you still conntinue with as I truly adore Vlad and I really love those books as well π
Again good luck Jeaniene on your new adventure(s)!!! Thank you for this series and all you have shared with us!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your books. Anything you write next will be FANTASTIC. But a Ian book would make a great book.
Put me down as a vote for an Ian book! Would LOVE to read that one!
Ian is my favorite. Your short novella home for the holidays was my favorite of the entire night hunter series. I hope Ian gets a feisty strong willed heroine if his maybe ever gets turned into a full blown yes.
Here is what i have to say. As much as i dont want see cat and bones end i am looking forward to any new ideas on books u have. So far i have love everything u written. So as long as there is a book for u out there i will read it. Thanks for what u have written so far.
Please…please let Ian have his own book. Yes. I am pleading… (although what does Vlad say about saying “please”-it doesn’t work on him…) But I will hope!
I really like Bones & Cat am very sorry that their story much end! I’ve read all Night Huntress Series 4 times so far. I think Bones & Cat would make kick butt parents. Thank you for your great books they are AMAZING!
I love the audio books can’t wait for the next one to come out – loved to see Cat & Bones story on the big screen π
Sorry I’m late to find this but I take it you are ending the Cat and Bone’s series. I will hate to see this series end as I love Cat and Bone’s. They have had some adventures.
Will a finale book be issued?
Love the stories, and waiting for the next book. I will admit I am sorry that Cat & Bones will be done, however I am sure you will find another story in your wonderful mind to entertain us with. I am also awaiting the next Vlad book. Perhaps a new character will evolve. Thank you again for entertaining us and sharing your stories with us.
I have loved Cat and Bones since the very beginning! I am so excited for this book. Although I am very sad at the ending of their series, I highly respect the fact that you are not a “filler” author. I am sure the book will be great and I am looking forward to reading it. I would rather have a strong story in a few books than a long drawn out filler story. Thank you for writing Cat and Bones!! I look forward to your new stories!
I have to say I love Ian. He may be an asshole but he is honest about it. He doesn’t pretend to be a good guy. He care about who he cares about and doesn’t give a crap about the rest. But if you are lucky enough to fall into his inter circle he will die for you. That is the kind of character I have always loved. I want Ian to get a book. It would be great to see someone come along and take on that ruthless man..
I would love Ian to get his own book. I think he has grown up a lot and I want him to get his happy ever after.
I love that you are true to their story and ultimately yourself. There is nothing more infuriating than seeing an author drag out a series for the sake of dragging it out. It ruins the magic of the world. Frankly (from my writerly perspective), those that drag out a “dead” series come off as if they are creatively lazy. So thank you for being honorable to your world, Cat and Bones, and in the end, us.
I look forward to seeing what else you work on in the future.
Well I’ve been wanting to read a book on Ian. Is it too preposterous to ask if I can be Ian’s better half? π π
I can’t wait for the new book. I love your books all of them I’ve read them more than once. I will like to know if you are going to continue more series of Vlad ? What about Ian , I will love to read a book about him too.
Even that I love Bones !
Love Ian wishing like a five year old wanting a bike for Christmas that he gets a book. He would need a house of cards type woman. He really would need a major twist. Love cat and bones glad you are not doing us fans like another author who fillered and killed my love for her series. Stay great and look forward to more of your works.
Hugs back atcha!
I have loved all your cat and bones books I will be sad to see the end of the series. I would like to know what you are going to replace them with? Will they be seen in other series as part of the story?
While i understand, i’m still really bummed. i love all of the characters from all of the books, and will miss them. perhaps we’ll see them in Vlad’s books:) *sends hugs back*
More Vlad and Spade please! π
My feelings. They are everywhere.
OH YEAH, b*tches. Ian is coming!
LOL! Thank you Adriana for making me laugh when Im feeling so sad. Soooo I completely understand and agree with your decision Jeaniene, but man am I sad and sorry to see it end. I feel like I need Ians book to get full emotional closure. With that being said, I’ll be your slave for life if you PLEASE give me Ians HEA! I THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THESE BOOKS. YOU ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE WRITERS AND I’LL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END.
I heard somewhere that if Ian got a book Justina would be the heroine! Is that true?
No, it’s not true. I’ve said before that Justina and Ian will NOT happen. He needs someone stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally. Ian would eat Justina alive. Literally :).
Thank god that would not be a very good match lol, i think it should be Gretchen hehehe
I have to say I am very sad to see the story of Cat and Bones come to an end. But as the saying goes “all good things comes to an end'”. They are one of my favorite vampire couples. With that said I am looking forward to anything you write. I have enjoyed every single book that I have read of yours and I have read them all. I also love your audio books. Tavia Gilbert does a wonderful job. She really brings the characters to life!!!! Your books keep me laughing hysterically and they are sexy as hell!!!! I would definitely love to see more of Vlad. I don’t know it is just something about him!!!!! I am not worried you will come up with something spectacular!!!!!
I agree with the series ending. it was great ride. But i would definately LOVE to see a TV SERIES!!!
You mentioned you had a new series in mind, will it be paranormal romance? I really enjoyed Nights Darkest Embrace – you are one of my “can do no wrong” authors so super excited to see what you have in mind!
Yes, it will be New Adult paranormal romance.
I am so unhappy you are quitting the Cat and Bones series they are my favorite. I don’t know if I will read others.
I really hope you write about other characters, because after I started reading your books it seems no other book is good enough. When you release a new book I can’t stop reading until I’ve finished. It takes two days top haha
thank you for the amazing time you’ve sponsor me.
Kisses from Brazil!
please, please, PLEASE!! write a book on Ian π
Me han encantado todos sus libros….Pero la verdad que me encataria leer en proximo libro …..saludos a usted π
I have only just recently discovered your stories, and I am eating them up. I swear I read four in four days! Phew!! Now I’m sorry to hear it’ll be the end soon for Cat and Bones.
IAN!!! IAN!!! IAN!!!!
I hope so.. That boy needs a serious challenge and a TON of love!!!!!
I’m just so relieved that you decided to stick with the integrity of the storyline. The Sookie Stackhouse series ended as such as disaster that I couldn’t even read the last few books, and that downhill turn supposedly coincided with the pressure on Harris from the publisher to keep Bill alive when she would have killed him off. So yes, end Cat and Bones now with integrity and all your fans intact. Bravo!
Kat and bones was my favorite. As for Ian, ooh lala! Would be good to hear about him and get his story. He cracks me up! Good luck in all your future storylines. I would like to hear about them!
Jeaniene ,
I am your greatest fun from Africa. I love. Your books! About Cat and Bones and their friends and family. I would love to read a story of Ian finding love with Justina. In my opinion they would make a lovely couple and a serious challenge to each other. I. Believe that there is more to Justinas blood line that. Attracted cats father in the first place to like her. Ian and Justinas storyline would be a wonderful remminder. That love can conqure all. Plus it might leave cat speachless as she comes to terms that Ian could be her step father. I cant wait to read your future books.. If they get made into series. I will be exited to watch as the characters i love become real on television. Thank you Justina your heroines and heros have taught me to love and be bold. To live life without regrets.