I meant to post this earlier in the week, but I am so close to finishing Up From The Grave, I kept putting it off, thinking one more day would be THE day. It’s not yet (three more scenes to write!) and now it’s Saturday, so here goes and pretend you read this last Monday.
Two of my friends (who are also regular critique partners, so if you like my books, they help make them better :)) have books that just came out. I was lucky enough to get early looks at both of these and I highly recommend them.
For many of you, all I need to say is that this is the next Kate and Curran book. For others who aren’t familiar, here is the back cover description:
Atlanta is a city plagued by magical problems. Kate Daniels will fight to solve them—no matter the cost.
Mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate, Curran, the Beast Lord, are struggling to solve a heartbreaking crisis. Unable to control their beasts, many of the Pack’s shapeshifting children fail to survive to adulthood. While there is a medicine that can help, the secret to its making is closely guarded by the European packs, and there’s little available in Atlanta.
Kate can’t bear to watch innocents suffer, but the solution she and Curran have found threatens to be even more painful. The European shapeshifters who once outmaneuvered the Beast Lord have asked him to arbitrate a dispute—and they’ll pay him in medicine. With the young people’s survival and the Pack’s future at stake, Kate and Curran know they must accept the offer—but they have little doubt that they’re heading straight into a trap…
Read Excerpt or order at Powell’s | Amazon | BooksAMillion | B & N | Indiebound
Next is…
In the description below, its likened to a blend of The Matrix and The Wizard of Oz. I’d also throw in Cowboys and Aliens to that mixture, with a dash of Wicked Lovely for the romantic elements.
Back cover description:
The Wasteland is a world beyond our own. It is a rough and ragged landscape under a two-moon sky, inhabited by monsters and creatures that could almost pass for human. Into this alternate world unwitting people are brought, from both past and present, for reasons none of them know.
Chloe Mattison goes to sleep, drunk and heartbroken, in Washington, D.C., and wakes up in the Wasteland. Chloe is welcomed by Jack and Kitty, brother and sister from a Wild West frontier town. “You’re one of us,” they tell her, yet neither Jack nor Kitty, nor any of their companions, know why they were chosen.
Two questions loom large in all of their minds: Why are we here? Is there a way out of this corrupt, demon-filled world? Equal parts The Matrix and The Wizard of Oz, The Arrivals is a page-turning adventure set in a world you will not soon forget.
Read an excerpt or order at Amazon, B&N, Indiebound, BooksAMillion, Powells.
That’s it from me until my own book is done! I will be celebrating with a giveaway, so check back soon for that :).
LOVE the Kate Daniels series and Magic Rises was another great addition. It was a great book got and finished Tuesday.
Q- When are you going to put up deleted scenes from the last few books? Something even small would be great! It’s been SO long since a Night Huntress book.
Magic Rises was so, so great!!!
Greetings Jeaniene,
I just finished “Magic Rises”. Whew, am I worn out. I laughed, cried, raged, laughed, cried, raged…well you get the picture.
So glad you and the Andrews are good friend :).
Hello Jeaniene,
Ilona Andrews is one of my favorite writers and gets the calendar bells and whistles when books release, just like you. 🙂
“Magic Rises” is an amazing read. It drop-kicked me in the stomach several times.. I loved it!
Kate and Curran have never been hotter and sexier! I believe we owe you some gratitude for getting that show on the road in “Magic Bleeds.”
Thank you! Thank you!
I am looking forward to the next Cat and Bones Lovefest! Talk about sexy!
Am a big fan of the Kate and Curran series — thanks for recommending it, Jeaniene! Really enjoyed this latest installment and looking forward to the next in the series. Just like I’m looking forward to the next Cat and Bones’ book!!! Thanks to all you wonderful authors who give us such wonderful characters and stories. Much appreciated!!!
I love Cat and Bones!!! I got all of your books and get bummed that when I escape into one of your books that I have to wait!
Thanks for my continued reading pleasure…keep writing!!
Thanks so much!
Loved all the Kate Daniels books, and actually got on to them because of an anthology that had a story in it by you, and incidentally had “Claire of Little Magic” in it, also. Then I was hooked. But recently realized how anti-religion the books are, so am sticking with your books from now on. They are very entertaining, however. Couldn’t put them down, and am sad I’ll have to pass on them for now on.
i luv all your books…can u post atleast a small snippet of cat and bones story? y dont u write a book about ian?
Please put up some more deleteed scenes….I’m starving for any tidbit to hold us over! You are awesome!
Thank you for posting the Melissa Marr book, I had no idea she had written it. I read Graveminder and really liked it.