Sorry for the time between posts. Finishing Up From The Grave (Cat and Bones book seven) has taken me longer than anticipated. So in lieu of coherent content, here are some downloadable wallpapers. Once again, these were put together by the lovely and talented Syd Gill. Pick whichever size fits best for you:
640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1280 x 1024
800 x 500 (widescreen)
1024 x 640 (widescreen)
1152 x 720 (widescreen)
1440 x 900 (widescreen)
And since I promised to post pre-order links once they were available, here they are: Amazon, B&N,BooksAMillion, Powells, Indiebound.
Up From The Grave releases on January 28th. And now, back to finishing it. Hope you’re having a great week!
Wow. I started Twice Tempted this morning and i couldn’t put it down. I’ll probably finish it by tomorrow. Thank you Jeaniene!
Beautiful! Can’t wait for the book, it’s been awhile without Cat and Bones! 🙂
Yay!! Can’t wait for this book! Super excited!! Thanks Jeanienne for sharing Cat and Bones and the entire Night Huntress World with us!
I can’t wait! I miss them so much! Thanks for sharing:)
Ty so much!!! Can’t wait for the new book. Cat & Bones are my model for a really goid book. They have to measure up. Lol
I cannot wait!! I have been dying for this book to come out! <3
So excited! Are there any news about the third book of Night Prince series? After that huge cliffhanger, I can’t wait anymore!
I love Cat & Bones…but after reading your new Night Prince series with Vlad, I would like more of that soon please!! Vlad is so steamy hot!
Yay! I need my Bones fix.
Very nice – thank you.
Are you going to pair with a bookstore again to do autographed copies? I don’t want to preorder yet if you are and if I can order an autographed copy
I pre-ordered mine! Can’t wait!!!!!
Whoo hoo!! Done! Thanks for the notice! Can’t wait until January — what a great way to start the New Year!!
Cue me jumping up and down!!! Can’t wait for some Cat and Bones 🙂 :).
Can I pre-order on Nook books?
It WILL be available for pre-order on Nook. B&N is just slower to post the links.
I just wanted to say: i Love all of your Books- especially the fourth One:)
It Is Not only your Stories that make the books so Adorable but also your lovely character which makes in my opinion so special
I am glad you share the wonderful stories of cat and Bones with is and hope they will Never end;)
I am so Sorry for my terrible english- maybe it is because i am from germany- so you See you have readers all over the World
Thank you very much for great books. And special thanks because you did not change your style which I like so much (as some other writers). And BTW I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina. See riders from all over the world are your fans.
Hello! I’m russian and I just love your books! You really do have fans all around the world. Thank you for such a beautiful world of supernaturals! Спасибо!
Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! Will it be Available on iBooks or ITunes ?
Yes, though they are a little slower to post preorder links.
So glad to see the new one will be out soon. I love the series and i am almost finished with the second round of reading them all again.
This is my favourite series ever, Cat & Bones, helped me escape my own realities for a time when I needed it, thank you jeaniene , I m literally busting waiting for cat & bones next instalment lol xxxxxx
Hi love your Cat & Bones series. How many books for Vlad there will be? Also will Ian have his own story?